Oh, sorry.
I think that other people think: BPD and ASD are independent, orthogonal mental afflictions. The autism spectrum reaches from zero to +100%.
But I think they share a remarkable resemblance in that they are the opposites in deviation from the norm. The autism emotionally unstable spectrum reaches from "emotionally unstable" to "emotionally unresponsive". Or -100% to +100%
Better? (This editor is impossible for me.)
socially hyper-sensitive - socially hypo-sensitive
hyper-emotional - hypo-emotional
hyper-neurotic - hypo-neurotic
interest in people - interest in things
focus on feelings - focus on facts
mostly females - mostly males
wants to express subjective feelings - wants to arrange, order world to objective criteria (What does the person want to bring to the outside?)
Overall I see an over emphasis on the observable empirical disabilities, consequences and a lack of understanding the motivation, mediating cause. Because psychology depends on self-reporting, there is a strong perception bias that is not accounted for but answers are reported as fact.
Other non-primate animal doing similar: Alex the gray parrot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_(parrot) He also made his own terms as "cork nut" for almond.
"Styling" I will (and can) make the edits.
"parody" I call it a polemic analogy.
"seems, if not in conflict with" I think you noticed that there is no contradiction, but I agree that I need to clarify. Faced with a massive lack of information and the task to predict the future it is clear that it would be pure luck to make the best decision. Operating with that mindset might even be hindering.
" I must seek C*(A+B) at a lower cost." I was trying to get into what to choose / look for in a finite set with competition. A B C ... are terms of criteria that I esti
...Thank you for commenting.
"is offputting enough" That would be a sensibility of yours and not a rational argument.
"implication that young women are not competent, and the generalization overall, and the unstated implication that HR has anywhere near the power that you ascribe to it" I made no such statements. "Many" is not the same as "all". I include employees of headhunting companies as HR workers and these do have power when it comes to early screening including the assessment of qualification. I had plenty such talks where I could not even make the ot
...I came across this:
The New Dawn of AI: Federated Learning
" This [edge] update is then averaged with other user updates to improve the shared model."
I do not know how that is meant but when I hear the word "average" my alarms always sound.
Instead of a shared NN each device should get multiple slightly different NNs/weights and report back which set was worst/unfit and which best/fittest.
Each set/model is a hypothesis and the test in the world is a evolutionary/democratic falsification.
Those mutants who fail to satisfy the most customers are dropped.
When it comes to intelligence, rationality, depression, autism the evolutionary selection aspect is interesting, because we all know that the mentioned mental properties are lowering your chances to raise many children today.
Too much good quickly turns bad.
As we know and you mentioned, humans do learn from small data. We start with priors that are hopefully not too strong and go through the known processes of scientific discovery. NN do not have that meta process or any introspection (yet).
"You cannot solve this problem by minimizing your error over historical data. Insofar as big data minimizes an algorithm's error over historical results ... Big data compensates for weak priors by minimizing an algorithm's error over historical results. Insofar as this is true, big data cannot reason about...
Because the SIMD approach is bad for 2D on 2D matrix multiplication NVIDIA has introduced:
Tensor Cores in the Volta architecture.
Article about it:
Or when you attended a gathering/event then read about it and think that that was an entirely different event.
"newspaper from ten years ago, ... what happened in the topic afterwards and then judge how informative the article was"
As a German you will know the saying: "Nichts ist so alt wie die Zeitung von gestern." -> "Nothing is as old as yesterdays paper."
N.N. Taleb calls it noise.
At fist it is either wrong or without consequence or propaganda, then it is outdated. A historian will find 99% of all "news" to be little more as an "interesting time piece" at best representative for the thinking and style of the era.
"only a minority of people use a bicycle for anything other than recreation"
I guess my upbringing and surrounding is special (densely populated area in north Europe), but I know plenty of people who move in no other way (shopping, vacation, commute, everything). Before the gasoline motor scooter became wide spread, and poisoned the air in Asia, people used bikes all the time.
Please elaborate on why you think the bicycle "merely offer convenience or entertainment". I understand that people did not understand it's potential and thought of it as a toy for crazy people, but wasn't the same true for the gasoline-automobile? To me the bicycle is of great importance, not just/only for leisure, sport. I understand that the bicycle's value depends on the distance, flatness, wind, road quality traveled, but compared to a horse (that most did not have) it is so much better.
The entire SIMD vector approach is good for many dot products but it is not the same as a systolic array for rank two on rank two multiplication.
If the job would be to multiply two 1024x1024 matrices then a systolic array of 256x256 MACs would be a good choice. It would work four times on 256x1024 by 1024x256 matrices for 1024+256 steps.
To me there is a difference between the hardware for 1xN by Nx1 and MxN by NxM (with N > M > 1). Although any matrix operation is many 1xN by Nx1 dot products, doing them independently would be inefficient.
"If you do a matrix multiplication the obvious way, this results in dot products of rows and columns (one for each element of the resulting matrix). So it seems to me that improving matrix to matrix multiplication performance comes from improving the performance of dot products."
True, but not individual dot products, but the collective of very many dot products. Obviously you do not do it the obvious way as you would have to load the same data over and over again.
An example of a systolic algorithm might be designed for matrix multiplication. One matrix is fed in a row at a time from the top of the array and is passed down the array, the other matrix is fed in a column at a time from the left hand side of the array and passes from left to right. Dummy values are then passed in until each processor has seen one whole row and one whole column. At this point, the result of the multiplication is stored in the array and can now be output a row or a column at a time, flowing down or across the array.
True, I had not claimed that all criteria could or have been met. Because of the noise and the heat I just the other day replaced the inductive load in some of my very old but still fully functioning kitchen counter lights, with modern switching current regulators. The 50 Hz produce a 100 Hz tone that had been bothering me for decades. But even some of those can be heard by some people. (Not me I am deaf to anything >10kHz)
It is a compromise in an area of sensory overlap but the human senses are not equally sensitive to all frequencies. Your hearing is way better at 3kHz. At your age you will still remember CRT monitors that would operate at 60 Hz at max resolution, bad but they did get used.
Why 50/60Hz? It has to be too low to be heard, to high to be seen, high enough for transformation, low enough for low induction losses, low enough for simple rotating machines. Trains can not use 50/60 so they went with 1/3 (16+2/3 Hz or 20 Hz)
Grid frequency is controlled to +-150mHz if that fails private customers might get disconnected/dropped.
The time derivative of the grid frequency is a measure of the relative power mismatch.
I observe a radicalization that is driven by what I call the concept of "counter crazy". It let to Trump but I have been aware of it for longer on the left. The idea is that by being more radical in the way, that you think the world needs to be, you could achieve that. It is compounded by the tribalism and identity culture.
The idea of "you can not speak on this because you are not a woman / ..." is recent to me. But has been expressed by the most intelligent female I know. It is a scary idea.
The idea of cushioning life is a g...
I found this recent Dilbert cartoon to be a good summery of the issue with being smart in a complex random world:
Straw_Vulcan is an example of an attack of two of the three types of thinkers on another.
The moral-thinkers try to show their superiority. In Star Trek this is ever present. In all the stories morality and principles always win over rational compromise. The captains usually favor the best possible short term outcome over risk minimization and the long term. As it is fiction this always works out.
The three thinking types as formalized/categorized (to my knowledge) by Rao Venkatesh of ribbonfarm.
Thank you, I should have thought of it in that (Time complexity) context. Time complexity is not just about how long it takes but also about the nature of the problem. Chess is neither P nor NP, but the question of complexity is certainly related.
Maybe my question is: Why can there be a Heuristic that does fairly well and is nowhere near exponential? Even a count of the pieces left on the board usually says something that only a full search can prove.
Then you are wrong because since the search usually does not reach the chess mate state, there is always a scoring heuristic replacing the further exploration search at some dept.
I know and had read chessprogramming prior to your post, you are wrong to assume that I am a total idiot just because I got myself confused.
Ok, let's go with chess. For that game there is an optimal balance between the tree search and the evaluation function. The search is exploratory. The evaluation is a score.
The evaluation can obviously predict the search to some degree. Humans are very bad at searching, still some can win against computers.
The search is decompressing the information to something more easily evaluated by a computer. A human can do it with much less expansion. Just a matter of Hardware or is it because the information was there all along and just needed a "smarter" analysis?
This reminds me of another issue. If you do make informed complicated decisions, the basis of these decisions might change over time. I struggle with that problem professionally. As an engineer I have to make complicated compromises/decisions. The trouble is that the situation changes all the time. The requirements and the means change. Without tracking why I made decisions there is no way to tell if those decisions still hold, because I do not even remember myself. The project becomes a zombie even before there are true legacy and hand-over issues. Usuall...
In reality there are smart penguins and dumb penguins and penguin news papers. The professional penguins will tell other penguins how great it has been going so they can get out before the ledge breaks of and they all fall into the water.
To realize those booked earnings you have to sell without causing the crash, so you have to setup potential buyers first. That is why I consider articles about investing into something in major papers the last warning before the crash. When I read that the only smart thing to do, is to invest into ... I know not too.
I think Liron only meant the times of growth with those 10%. Looking at the recent stock market you will clearly find growth that is much higher than the long term rate and higher than economy + inflation + "risk free return". In the last 10 years the annual rate was indeed 10.5% pa
Right, one could expand the clause indefinitely, that is kind of what I meant by "can only find what you are looking for". But that only means it is hard, not that it is bad to think that way.
I do neither think of it as logic nor as causal diagrams nor Bayesian nor Markov diagrams but simply as sets of some member type that may have any number of features/properties/attributes that make them a member of some subset.
When I wrote "A AND B" I wanted you to understand it as a dual logic clause, but only for simplicity.
The way I really think...
" Does anyone know of any similar experiments that have been run? "
I can say with certainty that it has been done on a small scale, because I once saw a German TV documentary for which they had also gotten a small group (6-10) of both males and females and gotten them tested and then shown them the pictures of the others. Later they also gave them some facts, showed videos and asked them again.
The outcome was that there was a clear correlation between the guesses and the IQ-Test results and it got better the more information people had.
But the p...
I made up this story:
In a company there have been head injuries, so they brought in a medical student to investigate/research.
The researcher gathered all employees blood pressure, gender, age, and eye sight data.
The result was that mostly men were affected, with all other factors being what you would expect given the employees.
The company was forced by the insurance company to make helmets mandatory for all men due to their gender being a risk factor.
Because the engineers were all men they were over proportionally affected and did not like to wear the helm...
"cases of autism that are caused entirely or mostly by normal genetics are associated with unusually low IQ (80% confidence) "
Only the research correlating genes and IQ-test results are objective.
All correlations between IQ and DIAGNOSED autism are skewed. People who are smart and have good enough speech skills, and thus are not too affected can hide their level of autism. People who are functional will not be diagnosed.
Lets assume, that autism is not an on/off deal but gradual and that there is a positive correlation with general intelligence, then the statistic will not include people who are below a high level of autism because they compensate.
"autistic people ... generally have very low intelligence. One study ... autistic people had an IQ ..."
Unless you positively define intelligence as measured by some IQ-Test, I oppose that statement.
The entire discussion around intelligence would profit, if people would stop casually equating the two.
One is a test that have seen different ones of and some where out right bad others flawed, the other is a concept that can be described, but is much more often used than understood by the public.
Examples: There is no evidence for the existence of human races. There is no evidence for biological differences between the sexes.
I will trust a person that states: "I think the sky is brown." more than a person that counters with: "The sky is certainly not brown, it is gray, because we have not seen it."