"It's what everyone does" and "It's what we always do" are meaningful evidence that a given Leakage is more likely to be the bearable kind
Sounds more like evidence for cheap alpha to me, but I don't work in the field so I'll trust you on this one.
The title is a tad sensationalist and not very specific, which is fine I think, had you provided evidence.
While I have no reason to distrust you, it normalizes bad conversational culture.
Strong downvote for style, upvote for content.
I reflected a bit and I think there isn't one. So it wasn't about the english after all :D. For me it's in two (somewhat intersecting) dichotomies:
I enjoyed this a lot.
The interactions seem very kind/patient (I'm looking for a word with more nuance, but English isn't exactly my strong suit) , in a good way. The humor is also great, reminds me of someone, maybe Scott? Unsure.
From your link: "A general lack of educational opportunities in poor Arab countries can also add to these facts. Research for the Arab League region estimates that about 100 million people ? almost one in three - struggle to read and write." I'm at best unsure how much cultute is the Problem. Even if "not reading" was a cutural pillar for arabs, that can be changed without subverting everything else.
I'm conflicted.
Upvoted because I strongly agree, downvoted because it would've been fine as a comment and appears to me as too much drama as a post (in its current form). You do seem to acknowledge that in the end? Perhaps I would've appreciated it more if you focused on this:
The word epistemic is not just a verbal tic you can throw in front of anything to indicate approval of your internet cult. It means something.
as a refresher of sorts, used Yudkowsky comment as an example and kept it shorter.
There is Boxing/MMA or even Softair, depending in the Social Outlet required. What's the added benfit that trumps an (from my perspective negative) increased normalisation of real world violence?
The example must violate some assumptions behind the theory, but I'm not sure what.
Possibly because there is a harder limit on humans than on AI? Humans don't replicate very well.
On a second thought, I don't think comparative holds if demand is exhausted. Comparative Advantage(at least the Ricardo version i know of) only focuses on the maximum amount of goods, not if they're actually needed. If there was more demand for paperclips/staples than there is Production by AI(s), Humans would focus on staples and AI (more) on paperclips.
Concerning the Sequences:
I believe the main thing they lack is structure. They address lots of topics from lots of angles and I don't see the "map", I often fail to see them in context. Introducing a tree structure[1] would not only help to orient yourself while reading, but could also make maintaining easier. A (non restricting) progression system with prerequesits could also be implemented for better guidance. However, I am very aware of the time cost and very unsure of the efficiency.
eg. epistemic/operative could be the first layer categorie
I'm a student, I'm poor, take 50$. ^^