Thank you for the advise. I'll switch my writing style to be more objective & I'll try to remember to avoid ineffective pandering/creative styles. I'll continue linking at the end of posts when necessary, but I'll try to make sure my initial post provides value to readers.
Thanks for including the link. I'll read through these and use the posts to further my understanding of the community.
Thank you for this comment. I view writing through a marketing context, but I didn't realize that the people on Lesswrong are this motivated by intellectual stimulation/learning. In retrospect it seems obvious, but nonetheless I'm glad to have learned from my mistakes. I'll prioritize using curiosity & supplying new information from now on with more concise references to contexts/background information from now on. And I'll avoid the kind of emotionally targeted tone/structure that I used in my first post.
Thanks for the advice. I want to learn how to make better posts in the future so I'll try to figure out how to improve.
Should I not have began by talking about background information & explaining my beliefs?
- Should I have the audience had contextual awareness and gone right into talking about solutions?
Or was the problem more along the lines of writing quality, tone, or style?
- What type of post do you like reading?
- Would it be alright if I asked for an example so that I could read it?
Also you're right. Looking back that...
I'm a 20 year old who perceives myself as the kind of young founder you're probably talking to in this post. And I've noticed a lot of older guys have similar sentiments to you about younger guys and the perspective often annoys me. I do everything I can to learn from other people, but in the context of giving and receiving advice I believe that a lot of information is typically not considered. For example, you talk about a lot of mistakes younger people make that could be easily avoided if they had the older generation's wisdom, but as conveyed by this po...
I don’t believe burnout is real. I have theories on why people think it’s real
More interesting would be to hear why you don’t think it’s real. (“Why do people think it’s real” is the easiest thing in the world to answer: “Because they have experienced it”, of course. Additional theorizing is then needed to explain why the obvious conclusion should not be drawn from those experiences.)
Thanks for making a well-thought out comment. It's really helpful for me to have an outside perspective from another intelligent mind.
I'm hoping to learn more from you, so I'm going to descend into a way of writing that assumes we have a lot of the same beliefs/understandings about the world. So if it gets confusing, I apologize for not being able to communicate myself more clearly.
Your 1st point:
This is an interesting perspective shift. The concept that by endeavoring to help people understand suffering, I would be causing suffering itself, since I'd be c...
The post is targeted towards the subset of the EA/LW community that is concerned about AI extinction
Ultimately, I think I had a misunderstanding of the audience that would end up reading my post, and I'm still largely ignorant of the psychological nuances of the average LW reader.
Like you implied, I did have a narrow audience in mind, and I assumed that LW's algorithim would function more like popular social media algorithms and only show the post to the subset of the population I was aiming to speak to. I also made the assumption that implications of my p...
Thanks for commenting.
I didn't include the contents in the link because I thought it would make the post too long and I thought it had a different main idea, so I figured it would be better if I made two separate posts. I can't because of the automatic rate-restriction, but maybe maybe it would've been a better post if I included the contents of the linked doc in the post itself.
I'm realizing that I'm packing an unusually large amount of information within a single post, and I only attempt to fill gaps in information with links & footnotes that w...
Oh. I linked the wrong thing. I would down vote this too. Sorry about setting an expectation and then not fulfilling it.
Edit: I fixed the link at the end of the post.
It sucks that I have to wait a week before posting anything again though because I made a simple mistake. I guess I'll just have to hope I don't mess up again in the future.
I'm new to LW. Why was this post downvoted? How can I make better posts in the future?
Correct. It lacks tactical practicality right now, but I think that from a macro-directional perspective, it's sensible to align all of my current actions to that end goal. And I believe there is a huge demand among business minded intellectuals and ambitious people for a community like this to be created.
AI isn't really new technology though, right? Do you have evidence of alarmists around AI in the past?
And do you have anecdotes of intelligent/rational people being alarmist about a technology that turned out to be false?
I think these pieces of evidence/anecdotes would strengthen your argument.
What is your estimated timeline for humanity's extinction if it continues on its current path?
What information are you using for the foundation of your beliefs around the progress of science & technology?
How do you think competent people can solve this problem within their own fields of expertise?
For example, the EA community is a small & effective community like you've referenced for commonplace charity/altruism practices.
How could we solve the median researcher problem & improve the efficacy & reputation of altruism as a whole?
Personally, I suggest taking a marketing approach. If we endeavor to understand important similarities between "median researchers", so that we can talk to them in the language they want to hear, we may be a...
Thanks for the advise. I see how the linked posts are a lot more specific than the one I made. I'll try making some posts confined to specific domains of psychology, maybe in a very detailed & rational structure. Then maybe I can link to those posts in a larger post where I use those understandings/pieces of information to make a claim about a vehicle for using the information for practical change in the real world. I'm not sure I'm capable of giving up on macro-directional efforts like attempts to improve humanity as a whole, but I'll try and change the way I structure writings to be self-contained and linked externally for supplemental information as opposed to the entire post being dependent on a linked doc.