All of Paul W's Comments + Replies

Are you saying that holistic/higher-level approaches can be useful because they are very likely to be more computationally efficient/actually fit inside human brains/ do not require as much data ? 
Is that the main point, or did I miss something ?

Holistic means studying at every level. I think that mech interp is very useful for some things, and stuff like what I am pursuing (GenAI Ethology) is very useful for other things. If there is emergence, it means that we can't study the model at only one level of abstraction, we need to do it at multiple level and combine insight to be able to remotely understand and control what's happening. Additionally, I think that there is still other levels (and in between levels) of abstraction that should be pursued (like the footnote on glitch interp, and things like developmental interp but at the behavior level)

Hello !
These ideas seem interesting, but there's something that disturbs me: in the coin flip example, how is 3 fundamentally different from 1000 ? The way I see it, the only mathematical difference is that your "bounds" (whatever that means) are simply much worse in the case with 3 coins. Of course, I think I understand why humans/agents would want to say "the case with 3 flips is different from that with 1000", but the mathematics seem similar to me.
Am I missing something ?

That's correct, the difference is just much worse bounds, so for 3 there only exists a natural latent to within a much worse approximation.

Is the field advanced enough that it would be feasible to have a guaranteed no-zero-day evaluation and deployment codebase that is competitive with a regular codebase?

As far as I know (I'm not an expert), such absolute guarantees are too hard right now, especially if the AI you're trying to verify is arbitrarily complex. However, the training process ought to yield an AI with specific properties. I'm not entirely sure I got what you meant by "a guaranteed no-zero-day evaluation and deployment codebase". Would you mind explaining more ?

"Or is the clai

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2Fabien Roger
I was thinking that the formal guarantees would be about state evaluations (i.e. state -> badness bounds) - which would require sth like "showing there is no zero-day" (since "a code-base with a zero-day" might be catastrophically bad if no constraints are put on actions). Thanks for pointing out they can be about action (i.e. (state, action) -> badness bounds), which seem intuitively easier to get good bounds for (you don't need to show there are no zero-days, just that the currently considered action is extremely unlikely to exploit a potential zero-day). I'd be curious to know what kind of formal process could prove that (codebase, codebase-interaction) pairs are provably not-bad (with high probability, and with a false positive rate low enough if you trained an AI to minimize it). My guess is that there is nothing like that on the horizon (that could become competitive at all), but I could be wrong. ("let you see what program is running" was an example of a very minimal safety guarantee I would like to have, not a representative safety guarantee. My point is that I'd be surprised if people got even such a simple and easy safety guarantee anytime soon, using formal methods to check AI actions that actually do useful stuff.)

I believe that the current trends for formal verification, say, of traditional programs or small neural networks, are more about conservative overapproximations (called abstract interpretations). You might want to have a look at this: 
To be more precise, it appears that so-called "incomplete formal methods" ( in the survey I linked) are more computationally efficient, even though they can produce false negatives.
Does that answer your question ?

2Fabien Roger
Not entirely. This makes me slightly more hopeful that we can have formal guarantees of computer systems, but is the field advanced enough that it would be feasible to have a guaranteed no-zero-day evaluation and deployment codebase that is competitive with a regular codebase? (Given a budget of 1 LHC for both the codebase inefficiency tax + the time to build the formal guarantees for the codebase.) (And computer systems are easy mode, I don't even know how you would start to build guarantees like "if you say X, then it's proven that it doesn't persuade humans of things in ways they would not have approved of beforehand.")