All of PhilipKolbo's Comments + Replies

Building/Making objects for my pockets, artistry, and everyday life makes me happy.

For example, I recently created an earplug carrying case out of a contact lens case. I cut up, sanded, engraved, and painted the case. It is now a matte black, small, and efficient container, replacing the oversized and ugly case the earplugs came with. Every time I pull it out of my pocket before I play drums it makes me smile.

Has anyone customized or made anything that makes them very happy?

Also, I love SquirrelInHell's #LessWrongMoreNice, so I'm putting it here.

Most of my work is virtual (as I sometimes say: "when they turn off the electric power, my whole life's work will be lost"), so I also feel great whenever I do something in the "real space".

Yea, punk is a inspiration to me as well. You can see that with Omar.

Hello LessWrong community,

I came to this site after having read Harper's Magazine article "Come With Us If You Want To Live" by LW member @swfrank (@vernvernvern and I have this in common!). I am 21 years old, and am a percussionist living in Omaha Nebraska.

The first rational thought I can recall occurred in Kearney, NE. I was about 8 years old, I was walking across a soccer pitch on my way home from school. I was singing a modern christian worship song, looking into the sky. As I stared into space, I realized how meaningless my words were. I wa... (read more)

I can relate to having musicians in my list of intellectual inspirations. Greg Graffin of Bad Religion was certainly an influence in mmy developing aspirations to rationality.