All of Puxi Deek's Comments + Replies

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(User banned for a year. Am choosing to leave content up for transparency about mod action in this thread in particular, though have deleted some of the account's low-quality comments on other posts.)

The biggest difficulty with rally sims is that you don't know whether you are going uphill or downhill. In circuit racing, it's pretty much flat, or you can memorize the course very easily, and they loop around. So you don't have much problem with just visual input. The incline information isn't something that you can easily express easily with visual information alone, that's why you need an actual sim rig that helps with the G force a bit to give you additional information. The only other way to get it right is to repeat the same course, which defeats the whole purpose of talking about incline information since you just improve through practice and repetition.

Them leaving out the exact details of what went on with their groups make the whole discussion sketchy. Maybe they just want to keep the conversation to themselves. If that's the case, why are they posting on LW?

OK I admit that's a bit too absolute. I wasn't using the word science to distinguish stuff that don't follow the scientific method. I'm not sure what to call those. Maybe just human knowledge? I was mainly trying to distinguish pure knowledge that isn't used to make something tangible vs the method of using those knowledge/science to achieve/make something.

I agree that the author seems to be quite knowledgeable in the subject he has written. He might have a history background. I'm not very familiar with Chinese history myself other than popular stories that most people have heard. He basically gave an overall view of the Chinese belief system and how it has evolved in different periods of Chinese history and their roles in those societies, mostly regarding how people of different status use them differently. He didn't really mention the schools of thought other than Confucianism in passing. He's clearly focu... (read more)

About the English translation, I am sorry that this is limited to my English level can not express the meaning I want to express in Chinese. And for Chinese people also to look up the meaning of these words ......... writing the article is my way of categorizing the flow of information, so it probably seems very confusing. But since I posted it here, I will change or explain the terms, thank you. In fact, I am not very good at mysticism and I am not a scholar specializing in this area, but I can write about church culture related knowledge ...... This article is just the tip of my information flow, I am more good at aerospace science or philosophical discussions, but I can't write about it in easy to understand English for now. I'm Chinese, but researching Chinese history related is just one of my interests when I'm bored. If you get a chance, you might see me writing about convolutional neural networks, military ships, pure mathematical science, or the different problems brought by language sorting and language families and history later. I will revise the article based on feedback, but due to my English language skills, I will choose to remove the English version or just write down the general version of this article. For the problem of some meaningless words, I can only repeat the above explanation for this is my information flow categorization, which is one of my habits, I will remove these meaningless texts afterwards, thank you for your feedback.
MIRI and CFAR are non-profits, they need to approach fundraising and talent-seeking differently than universities or for-profit corporations. In addition, neither of them is pure research institution. MIRI's mission includes making people who work on AI, or make important decisions about AI, aware of the risks involved. CFAR's mission includes teaching of rationality techniques. Both of them require communication with public. This doesn't explain all the differences, but at least some of them.

The English translation is extremely bad if you are talking about the authenticity of the content being translated. The Chinese version contain terms that most Chinese wouldn't even know and have to look up, let alone written in pinyin form that has no corresponding English translations. The English version was too disjointed for me to understand anything.

It seems like the author is using terms that specialized anthropologists might use; is that impression wrong, e.g. it's just unnecessarily obscure words? I get this; I got a small amount of value from it, but had the sense that there's more value to be gotten. My impression is that this person has actually done a fair amount of research, and I think LW should be open to people who have surprising new information. I agree the net quality of the post is low, but there's potential there; whereas a well-written but boring, trite post IMO is worthless and has no potential to be worthful, and often gets like 10 or 20 upvotes, and that's really really stupid.

It would help if they actually listed and gave examples of exactly what kind of mental manipulation they were doing to people other than telling them to take drugs. These comments seem to dance around the exactly details of what happened and only talk about the group dynamics between people as a result of these mysterious actions/events.

Progress means expanding the collective knowledge on know-hows. Before you didn't know how to make something, now you know how to make something based on years of research that build on existing knowledge. In academia, there is a distinct separation of science and applied science. Progress is a combination of those two. Math is pure science; a lot of it isn't really directly applicable in the real world. As other fields expand similarly, those knowledge get borrowed in their applied science department. The applied science is always built on top of science.... (read more)

Plenty of advances in knowledge have nothing to do with science and applied science out of academia. The notion that "Without science we would have nothing" sounds like propaganda out of some academic departments that overrates their importance.