All of Rafael Wambier Dos Santos's Comments + Replies

This is a very important post to read concerning Bitcoin "billionaires", from one of the guys who helped code its software:

Not as rich as you think… -

It goes like this: 

People assume that the people who worked on Bitcoin in the early years are fabulously wealthy.

That’s a bad assumption, for lots of reasons:

I see some problems with the said "5 of the 9 features" when employed for a different generations, 20 years apart. The concepts there are not fixed but change constantly and that may alter the final result as, for instance, something that would be considered a "sleep problem" today would not be considered a sleep problem back then.

Some examples, as I find it easier to explain what I'm talking about using those:

"depressive mood" - The nineties were the age of grunge music. Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam "sad phase",... (read more)