All of rpauli's Comments + Replies


I composed this specifically for LessWrong - so how can this be spam ?

That is really unfair. Perhaps I should have spoken more directly to the use of rhetoric, but in the field of global warming, the big discussion now is rhetoric and the denial of reason.

I will say that my writing is passionate, direct, but not spam. Perhaps you need another category for rejecting an uncomfortable comment.

                       Richard Pauli
The problem with the comment was not that it was uncomfortable. It was that it was basically a rant and a bunch of links to sites about your particular political affiliation, which was not the topic of this post. Even a discussion about how the global warming debate has devolved into mere rhetoric would be only tangentially related to this post and likely would have been voted down for being off-topic.
2Eliezer Yudkowsky
This comment on global warming was outright banned for being completely off-topic.