All of Scott78704's Comments + Replies

Yeah. Real brain rape starts with the Black Knife Kiss* and goes downhill from there.

*No, you don't want to know.

Third option would include drug addiction.

Are addicts generally glad to be addicts?

Except for the God grant me part, yeah.

What does 'sheer dumb luck' mean?

Conflating people with politicians is an egregious category error.

Loehr talks about Real Self and Performer Self, that the goal in performance state is high positive energy, whereas in recovery mode one should, for example, acknowledge hunger and eat, acknowledge thirst and sleep, acknowledge exhaustion and nap....

I like this. It's true that performing (not just socially; also music or sports) usually involves an unsustainable level of effort - reserves are tapped. Also, * hunger : eat * exhaustion : nap * thirst : ? :)

Squatting heavy once a week will make you stronger than almost everyone at almost everything, younger, healthier, leaner, smarter*, richer, prettier; takes about fifteen minutes. How does that compare to your current exercise regimen?



Your second link is broken, even for people access; worse, it doesn't give the citation. I think that this (ungated, alt) is the study.
I was already persuaded by the evidence that strength / weight training is a more time efficient and effective route to overall fitness and health than extensive cardio but I'm not familiar with the specific arguments in favour of squats. The first link doesn't seem to highlight squats specifically and I didn't read the second yet (behind a required registration). Are you saying that heavy squats specifically are dramatically more effective than other approaches? I haven't had a regular exercise regimen for a while but I'm just starting to try and get back into strength training, mainly focused on body weight exercises as I don't like gyms and I can do them easily at home.
this is very weird to read on this forum, but yes, it's a good idea.