All of simbyotic's Comments + Replies

Thanks for the feedback, but how can a piece of writing be informative without it being persuasive?

Thanks! This seems interesting.

I linked it above.

Already read it :) If you liked Henrich you will probably enjoy Kevin Laland's newest which gives a better picture of how humans evolved the capacities that Henrich talks about, and the extent to which some of those capacities are present in other animals as well.

This is literally the most useful thread there could possibly be for me because there are times I think "I would really like to learn about X" but don't know what the names for X in an academic setting.

So, top of my mind:

  • Neuroscience of art & art appreciation
  • Evolutionary basis for storytelling
  • Something about disorders like Cotard's and what they mean for our understanding of consciousness

Is this a monthly thread btw? If not, it should!

Henrich's The Secret of our Success isn't exactly about storytelling, but it provides a good enough understanding of human evolution that it would feel surprising to me if humans didn't tell stories.
A slightly broader keyword would be 'neuroaesthetics.' I haven't done an exhaustive literature search, but one book I'm going through right now is Brian Boyd's On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction.
That isn't a decision that has to be made at this point in time. If the thread is well received it makes sense to renew it regularly.

Holy mother of god how did I not think of this.

Figures my first comment would be about this topic as I am currently planning to write a book on how to use SRS to increase learning efficiency (directed at college students)

I have some questions about your use of Anki to learn mathematics because I started using Anki when I was studying Physics and was never able to use it successfully for the purpose of learning math-heavy subjects:

1 - You say that you use Anki so that it is easier to read a textbook so I was wondering whether you think Anki has helped you retain that knowledge in the long term or whethe... (read more)

0Arthur Milchior
A first deck is shared on I may want to edit it more before uploading it on Ankiweb servers. But I'm confident that this deck have high quality compared to what is currently on ankiweb.
I don't have a ton of math cards, but I have a few, plus I've used anki alongside a few other textbooks (as well as for learning programming languages, which is against the grain of common advice), and I've been using anki effectively for about three years now (I used it ineffectively for several months before that - I think the learning curve of making good cards about the right things is one of the hardest parts of anki). I think long term retention of these texts is one of the biggest advantages it has. I tend to go through phases of caring and not caring about topics, and with anki I've been able to ignore a text for months and then jump back in pretty quickly (where before I would have had to start mostly over, even if I could move through the old material much faster than before).
0Arthur Milchior
1- I hope it to works for long term memory. But I have been using Anki for 6 months now. Therefore, I can not say anything about remembering things for years. I can however, that it certainly helps remembering some things during a few months. It implies that it helps going through the book, even if it takes months to read an entire books. Because if I recall the n first chapter, it becomes really easyer to read chapter n+1. 2- It is really too soon for me to answer that. I can try to keep you updated in a few years :p I did not finish the deck of any text book yet since I began using Anki. Because I have 3 new cards by days, and hundreds of cards for some books. However, all decks are of the form «math::book». Hence I simultaneously see cards from a lot of different decks. I don't have any trouble with context, but it may be because I always write down all hypothesis. Therefore I always have all context in my cards. And if I think I have not enough context, I edit the card to add the missing information. (For example, I currently read a book about group theory and a book about semigroup theory. After a few days, I understood I always must explicitely state whether a morphism is a morphism of group or a morphism of semigroup in order to have all context. Thus I edited 20 or 30 cards. And all was ok after that) 3-I will do it once I finished the deck at least one. I don't want to do it before that, because I can't know whether all cards are correct and makes sens until I tested myself all cards.