All of sithlord's Comments + Replies

you have forgot the most important part:

which is supported by modern string theory ( a well kept secret among the experts)

What do you consider the strongest evidence / reason to believe?

A nice read, however it does not present a valid argument, is his time over because his daughter is better at chess then him? This is the beginning of something, not an end.

I didn't read it as an argument so much as an emotionally compelling anecdote that excellently conveys this realization:

To Policymakers: "Just think of the way in which we humans have acted towards animals, and how animals act towards lesser animals, now think of how a powerful AI with superior intellect might act towards us, unless we create them in such a way that they will treat us well, and even help us."


Source: Me

Is it only open to students? I am finished with my degree and got a job, but would like to participate, is this possible?

Unfortunately, this contest is only open to students. I may host a larger distillation contest in the future, but this one was designed to increase outreach to university students since contests including professionals may be too intimidating. Thank you for your interest, though!