All of Slapstick's Comments + Replies


Thanks! No pressure to respond

I don't understand why you think suffering is primary outside of particular brain/mind wiring. I hope I'm misunderstanding you. That seems wildly unlikely to me, and like a very negative view of the world.

Basically I think within the space of all possible varieties and extents of conscious experience, suffering starts to become less and less Commensurable with positive experience the further you go towards the extremes.

If option (A) is to experience the worst possible suffering for 100 years, prior to experiencing the grea... (read more)

2Seth Herd
I'd also choose to not exist over the worst suffering for a hundred years - IF I was in my current brain-state. I'd be so insane as to be not-me after just a few minutes or hours if my synapses worked normally and my brain tried to adapt to that state. If I were forced to retain sanity and my character, it would be a harder choice if N got to be more than a hundred times longer. Regardless, this intuition is just that. It doesn't show that there's something fundamentally more important about suffering than pleasure. Just that we're better at imagining strong suffering than strong pleasure. Which is natural given the evolutionary incentives to focus us on pain. I definitely didn't mean to dismiss negative utilitarianism because some of the individuals who believe it seem damaged. I'm skeptical of it because it makes no sense to me, and discussions with NU people don't help. The most rational among them slide back to negatively-balanced utilitarianism when they're pressed on details - the FAQ I was pointed to actually does this, written by one of the pillars of the movement. (Negatively balanced means that pleasure does balance pain, but in a very unequal ratio. I think this is right, given our current brain states of representing pleasure much less vividly than pain). Yes, I'm suggesting that neither you nor I can really imagine prolonged elevated pleasure states. Our current brain setup just doesn't allow for them, again for evolutionary reasons. So in sum, I still think pleasure and pain balance out when it comes to decision-making, and it's just our current evolutionary wiring that makes suffering seem so much bigger than joy.

I appreciate the thoughtful response and that you seem to take the ideas seriously.

That is a fundamental aspect of how experience works now. That's also a result of evolution wiring us to pay more attention to bad things than good things.

I do think it's a fundamental aspect of how experience works, independently of how our brains are disposed to thinking about it, however I definitely think it's possible to prophylactically shield or consciousness against the depths of suffering by modifying the substrate. I can't tell whether we're disagreeing or not.... (read more)

2Seth Herd
Thanks. I am indeed taking the ideas seriously. This is getting more complex, and I'm running out of time. So I'll be really brief here and ask for clarification: I don't understand why you think suffering is primary outside of particular brain/mind wiring. I hope I'm misunderstanding you. That seems wildly unlikely to me, and like a very negative view of the world. So, clarify that? Your intuition that no amount of pleasure might make up for suffering is the view of negative utilitarians. I've spent some time engaging with that worldview and the people who hold it. I think it's deeply, fundamentally mistaken. It appears to be held by people who have suffered much more than they've enjoyed life. Their logic doesn't hold up to me. If you think an entity disliking its experience (life) is worth avoiding, it seems like the simple inverse (enjoying life, pleasure) is logically worth seeking. The two cancel in decision-making terms. So yes, I do think suffering seems primary to you based on your own intuitions and your own (very common) human anxiety, and the cold logic doesn't follow that inution. Yes, I'm definitely saying that your brain can be modified so that you experience more pleasure than suffering. To me it seems that thinking otherwise is to believe that your brain isn't the whole of your experience. It is substance dualism, which has very little support in terms of either good arguments or good proponents. We are our brains, or rather the pattern within them. Change that pattern and we change our experience. This has been demonstrated a million times with brain injuries, drugs, and other brain changes. If dualism is true, the world is a massive conspiracy to make us think otherwise. If that's the case, none of this matters, so we should assume and act as though materialism is true and we are our brains. If that's the case, we can modify our experience as we like, given sufficient technology. AGI will very likely supply sufficient technology.
Answer by Slapstick10

We're in a Pascal’s mugging situation, but from a negative point of view, where the trade-off is between potential infinite years of suffering and suicide in order to avoid them for sure.

In the past I've struggled deeply with this thought process and I have reasoned my way out of that conclusion. It's not necessarily a more hopeful conclusion but it takes away the idea that I need to make a decision, which I find very comforting.

Ultimately it comes down to the illusory nature of identity.

A super powerful entity would have the power to create bespoke con... (read more)

I don't totally understand, could you go into more detail? I don't see why my future self should be any different from my current self. Even if the sensation of individuality is produced by the brain, I still feel it's real.

Does this assume there is some symmetry between the unimaginably bad outcomes and the unimaginably good outcomes?

It seems very clear to me that the worst outcomes are just so much more negative than the best outcomes are positive. I think that is just a fundamental aspect of how experience works.

2Seth Herd
Yes, and: 1. even if that's true, the odds difference more than makes up for it The odds of a lot of people being tortured for eternity seems really small. The threat in a conflict with a compassionate AI is the only scenario I can think of where an AGI would do that. How likely is that? One in a million? A billion? And even in that case, is it going to really do it to a large number of people for a very long time? (That would imply that the threat failed, AND it won the conflict anyway, AND it's going to follow through on the threat even though it no longer matters (but this isn't probably important for overall odds so let's not get hung up on this. The point is it's a very specific scenario with low total odds). The ratio between how good the best experiences are and how bad the worst pain is are maybe ten or a hundred times. Even people who've reported very bad pain that makes them want to die have been able to endure it for a long time. Similarly with the worst depressions. So if we compare one in a million time one hundred (the worst estimates), we get one in ten thousand compated to maybe 50% of very very good long term outcomes. Expected pleasure is five thousand times (!) larger than expected suffering. This is roughly a product of the fact that intelligent beings tend to want pleasure for themselves and each other. We're trying to make aligned AGI. We're not sure to succeed, but screwing it up so badly that we all get tortured is really unlikely. The few really bad sadists in the world aren't going to get much say at all. So the odds are on are side, even though success is far from certain. Failure is much more likely to result in oblivion than torture. A good future is a "broad attractor" and a bad future is not. 1. it doesn't need to stay that way. That is a fundamental aspect of how experience works now. That's also a result of evolution wiring us to pay more attention to bad things than good things. That doesn't need to stay how experience work

Would you be able to specify a scenario in which the general term for love would lead to dysfunction?

I think generally if people want to signal how they feel about someone they're typically able to do so.

A lot of dysfunction is caused by people being intentionally ambiguous about the extent and quality and conditions of their feelings. In that way people may hide behind the ambiguity of the word love. Communication helps but I'm not sure if the imprecise nature of the word love is a significant barrier to communication.

"I loved her so much! How dare she dump me and start ignoring me! Now I will commit violence as revenge." In this line of reasoning we have selfish desires masquerading as a virtue. The thing I label love is a complex of desire, attachment, and (limited) altruism. If I lump them all together as love, I can more easily convince myself that my desire and attachment are actually virtuous. Thus I can convince myself that my feeling of anger is righteous rather than petty. Thus I am more likely to act upon that anger and lash out with violence, on a small or large scale. I believe that this kind of thing happens a lot in romantic relationships. People mistake their selfish desires for virtues. And I believe that this is party because of the muddled concept of love and our cultural glorification of it.

Have you ever used Obsidian? Sounds similar to the method you're describing. If so, what do you think of it? Especially with respect to your preferred workflow?

Obsidian is similar in that it uses folders of Markdown files. However... * If you want version control, which I think you should, you'll need to set up the same git + syncthing system on your Obsidian vault, which negates any advantages regarding easier syncing. * I prefer the interface of some other Markdown editors. * I don't like how Obsidian discourages people from dealing with the filesystem directly. * It's not open source. It's not a bad piece of software, relatively speaking. Some people like it; if you don't care about version control, then maybe you'd like it. It does have some fancy overview tools and it works on phones better.

On the lab grown meat section

For those who are instead principled libertarians who genuinely wouldn’t turn this around on a moment’s notice, well, I am sorry that others have ruined this and so many other principled stands.

I am not sure if I understand what is meant by this, but I'm interpreting it to imply that principled libertarians should be against a ban on meat derived from animals.

I think anyone claiming that ought to also provide a justification as to why non-human animals shouldn't be afforded some basic negative rights within libertarian prin... (read more)

I agree: appealing to libertarianism shouldn't automatically win someone the argument on whether it's okay to still have factory farms. The fact that Zvi thought he provided enough of a pointer to an argument there feels weird, in my opinion. That said, maybe he was mostly focused on wanting to highlight that a large subset of people who are strongly against this ban (and may use libertarian arguments to argue for their position) are only against bans when it suits their agenda. So, maybe the point was in a way more about specific people's hypocrisy in how they argue than the question of concern for animals. Either way, I continue to appreciate all these newsletters and I admit that the opinionated tone often makes them more interesting/fun to read in cases where it's not triggering me on issues that I see differently.

It's my understanding that the controversy is mostly manufactured by industries with large financial interests in selling foods with added sodium. They pay for misleading/inaccurate studies to be done in order to introduce uncertainty and doubt. Whereas it's my understanding there is a near consensus towards low sodium amongst scientists without direct/indirect industry ties.

I do think there are probably some cases where increasing salt beyond natural levels can be the healthier thing to do given specific health concerns.


That one sounds good!

It wouldn't work for me personally because I have a pathological relationship with refined sugar so the only equilibrium which works for me is cutting it out entirely (which has been successful and rewarding though initially very difficult).


I'm in a similar situation. I have very little self control with sweets/candy if I have them available. I can far more easily stop myself from buying them in the first place. If I allow myself to buy a bag of candy I've already lost and I will consume all of it in a matter of hours/days.

Oh that's a good one! I mostly follow that one already although I do find value in some unsweetened teas and smoothies. I find personally that the immediate trade-offs to consuming alcohol are enough to ensure I only really drink when it's actually aligned with my interests.

Although I do have a rule for alcohol which is "don't consume any alcohol unless people who you're currently being social with are already drinking," I'm not sure exactly how much that rule has helped me because I've followed it all my life and I don't really like alcohol that much, but... (read more)


Very interesting post! I enjoyed it! Just had some thoughts about the poly section.

If you are polyamorous, and you meet someone plausibly 25% better, or even someone 0% better (I mean the person you are with is pretty good, no?) you are honor bound to try and make it happen.

I'm not sure why you'd be honour bound to make that work. Maybe the phrasing is just being hyperbolic but I don't think refraining from pursuing a romantic relationship damages your poly honour.

Most people are not hyper-skilled in anything. Certainly they are not hyper-skilled in

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If you only eat potatoes you wouldn't die from lack of sodium, the average person would probably become healthier only eating potatoes, it's been done, though I'm not endorsing that. Potatoes and water already have sodium in them, maybe not quite at the ideal ratio per average calorie but it's pretty close or maybe in that range depending on the person.

We certainly need some sodium/salt but I think the extent to which most people crave salt is a result of miscalibration due to overexposure and adaptations which aren't aligned with our current environment.

I... (read more)

But then why do medicine portals advise us to be wary of risks associated with too low sodium? It's claimed to cause insulin resistance, a higher risk of heart disease, hyponatremia, and whatnot. People with any-cause hyponatremia can cure their symptoms with more salt. These people here[1] claim that it's probably not good for healthy people to artificially (i.e. against their natural desire) restrict their sodium. After reading these claims, what's the main good side of reducing sodium intake to pretty low?  1. ^

I agree that seed oils should be avoided yes. I am skeptical of explanations pointing to some element particular to seed oils that is the main source of obesity and health problems, and I'd be worried this might lead people to be less concerned about consuming other unhealthy things.

I'm unsure exactly what points you're making.

I'm saying the idea that it's healthiest to avoid virtually any refined oil is mainstream nutritional understanding. Do you dispute this? I'm not making a point about which refined oils/fats are better than others. I haven't seen anything that has convinced me mainstream nutrition is wrong about that, but I don't think its particularly important when they can all be avoided.

Typical doctors are not particularly reliable nutritional authorities. They have almost no nutrition training.

MacDonalds fries are clearly v... (read more)

I am confused by this sort of reasoning. As far as I'm aware, mainstream nutritional science/understanding already points towards avoiding refined oils (and refined sugars).

There's already explainations for why cutting out refined oil is be beneficial.

There are already reasonable explainations for why all of those diets might be reported to work, at least in the short term.

I knew that those wise and good benefactors of humanity would turn out to have been warning us of the dangers of polyunsaturated fats all along. They might want to mention it to people like my father, who, on the advice of his doctor, has been pretty much only eating polyunsaturated fats these last twenty years, for the good of his heart. Or perhaps to McDonalds, who on the basis of a consumer-led campaign changed their famously good beef-dripping fried chips to vegetable-oil fried chips, coincidentally at about the time obesity and various other nasty diseases with no known cause really became fashionable in America.
1Joel Burget
You're right, my original wording was too strong. I edited it to say that it agrees with so many diets instead of explains why they work.

I would consider most bread sold in stores to be processed or ultra processed and I think that's a pretty standard view but it's true there might be some confusion.

Or take traditional soy sauce or cheese or beer or cured meats

I would consider all of those to be processed and unhealthy and I think thats a pretty standard view, but fair enough if there's some confusion around those things.

So as a natural category "ultra processed" is mostly hogwash.

I guess my view is that it's mostly not hogwash?

The least healthy things are clearly and broadly much more processed than the healthiest things.

I typically consume my greens with ground flax seeds in a smoothie.

I feel very confident that adding refined oil to vegetables shouldn't be considered healthy, in the sense that the opportunity cost of 1 Tablespoon of olive oil is 120 calories, which is over a pound of spinach for example. Certainly it's difficult to eat that much spinach and it's probably unwise, but I just say that to illustrate that you can get a lot more nutrition from 120 calories than the oil will be adding, even if it makes the greens more bioavailable.

That said "healthy" is a complicated concept. If adding some oil to greens helps something eat greens they otherwise wouldn't eat for example, that's great.

Raw spinach in particular also has high levels of oxalic acid, which can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, and cause kidney stones when binding with calcium. Processing it by cooking can reduce its concentration and impact significantly without reducing other nutrients in the spinach as much. Grinding and blending foods is itself processing. I don't know what impact it has on nutrition, but mechanically speaking, you can imagine digestion proceeding differently depending on how much of it has already been done. You do need a certain amount of macronutrients each day, and some from fat. You also don't necessarily want to overindulge on every micronutrient. If we're putting a number of olives in our salad equivalent to the amount of olive oil we'd otherwise use, we'll say 100 4g olives, that we've lowered the sodium from by some means to keep that reasonable ... that's 72% of recommended daily value of our iron and 32% of our calcium. We just mentioned that spinach + calcium can be a problem; and the pound of spinach itself contains 67% of iron and 45% of our calcium.  ... That's also 460 calories worth of olives. I'm not sure if we've balanced our salad optimally here. Admittedly, if I'm throwing this many olives in with this much spinach in the first place, I'm probably going to cook the spinach, throw in some pesto and grains or grain products, and then I've just added more olive oil back in again ... ;) And yeah, greens with oil might taste better or be easier to eat than greens just with fatty additions like nuts, seeds, meat, or eggs. 

I am perhaps not speaking as precisely as I should be. I appreciate your comments.

I believe it's correct to say that if you consider all of the food/energy we consumed in the past 50+ million years, it's virtually all plants.

The past 2-2.5 million years had us introducing more animal products to greater or lesser extents. Some were able to subsist on mostly animal products. Some consumed them very rarely.

In that sense it is a relatively recent introduction. My main point is that given our evolutionary history, the idea that plants would be healthier for us... (read more)

I would consider adding salt to something to be making that thing less healthy. If adding salt is essential to making something edible, I think it would be healthier to opt for something that doesn't require added salt. That's speaking generally though, someone might not be getting enough sodium, but typically there is adequate sodium in a diet of whole foods.

We often combine foods to make nutrients more accessible, like adding oil to greens with fat-soluble vitamins.

I would disagree that adding refined oil to greens would be healthy overall.

Not sure h... (read more)

  I'd say it's too strong a claim that adding salt makes things less healthy. Remember that humans, eating generally mostly plants but some meat as well, developed rather strong craving for sodium salt, just like most herbivorous mammals. If you eat enough meat (not boiled) you don't need more sodium, if you eat a little meat or a lot but boiled, it's probably better to add some. If you eat only potatoes, you'll die without added salt (just kidding, who eats only potatoes).
We're talking about a tablespoon of (olive, traditionally) oil and vinegar mixed for a serving of simple sharp vinaigrette salad dressing, yeah. From a flavor perspective, generally it's hard for the vinegar to stick to the leaves without the oil. If you aren't comfortable with adding a refined oil, adding unrefined fats like nuts and seeds, eggs or meat, should have some similar benefits in making the vitamins more nutritionally available, and also have the benefit of the nutrients of the nuts, seeds, eggs or meat, yes. Often these are added to salad anyway. You probably don't want to add additional greens with the caloric content of oil to a salad; the difference in caloric density means that 1 tablespoon of oil translates to 2 pounds of lettuce (more than 2 heads), and you're already eating probably as many greens as you can stomach! Edit: I should also acknowledge that less processed (cold pressed, extra virgin, and so forth) olive oil has had fewer nutrients destroyed; and may be the best choice for salad dressing. But we do need to be careful about thinking processing only destroys nutrients - cooking, again for example, often destroys some nutrients and opens others up to accessibility.

I think we're pretty confident that refined oils are unhealthy (especially in larger quantities) , I believe there's just controversy about the magnitude of explanatory power given to seed oils.

There's some simple processes that make it easier/possible to digest whole foods that would otherwise be difficult/impossible to healthily digest, but I don't really think there's meaningful confusion as to whether that's being referred to by the term processed foods.

Could you offer some examples of healthy foods /better for us foods that are processed such that there would be meaningful confusion surrounding the idea of it being healthy to avoid processed foods, according to how that term is typically used?

I can think of some, but definitely not anything of enough consequence to help me to understand why people here seem so critical of the concept of reducing processed foods as a health guideline.

Sure. One such example would be traditional bread. It is made from grain that is ground, mechanically separated, biotechnologically treated with a highly modified yeast, mechanically treated again and thermally treated. So it is one of the most processed foods we have, but is typically not included as "ultra-processed". Or take traditional soy sauce or cheese or beer or cured meats (that are probably actually quite bad) or tofu... So as a natural category "ultra processed" is mostly hogwash. Either you stick with raw foods from the environment we adapted to, which will allow you to feed a couple million people at best or you need to explain WHICH processing is bad and preferably why. All non traditional processing is of course a heuristic you can use, but it certainly not satisfactory as a theory/explanation. Also some traditional processes are probably pretty unhealthy. Like cured meats, alcoholic fermentation, high heat singeing and smoking depending on the exact process come to mind
I don't have a strong opinion because I think there's huge uncertainty in what is healthy. But for instance, my intuition is that a plant-based meat that had very similar nutritional characteristics as animal meat would be about as healthy (or unhealthy) as the meat itself. The plant-based meat would be ultra-processed. But one could think of the animal meat as being ultra-processed plants, so I guess one could think that that is the reason that animal meat is unhealthy?

I had just searched on google about ways to make olives edible and got some mixed results. The point I was trying to make was that the way that olives are typically processed to make them edible results in a product that isn't particularly healthy at least relatively speaking, due to having isolated chemical(s) added to it in its processing.

The main thing I'm trying to say is that eating an isolated component of something we're best adapted to eat, and/or adding isolated/refined components to that food, will generally make that food less healthy than it wo... (read more)

Hmm, while I don't think olives in general are unhealthy in the slightest (you can overload on salt if you focus on them too much because they are brined, but that's reasonable to expect), there is definitely a meaningful distinction between the two types of processing we're referencing. Nixtamalization isn't isolating a part of something, it's rendering nutrients already in the corn more available. Fermenting olives isn't isolating anything, (though extracting olive oil is), it's removing substances that make the olive inedible. Same for removing tannins from acorns. Cooking is in main part rendering substances more digestible. We often combine foods to make nutrients more accessible, like adding oil to greens with fat-soluble vitamins. I do think there's a useful intuition that leaving out part of an edible food is less advantageous than just eating the whole thing, because we definitely do want to get sufficient nutrients, and if we're being sated without enough of the ones we can't generate we'll have problems. This intuition doesn't happen to capture my specific known difficulty with an industrially processed additive, though, which is a mild allergy to a contaminant on a particular preservative that's commonly industrially produced via a specific strain of mold. (Being citric acid, there's no plausible mechanism by which I could be allergic to the substance itself, especially considering I have no issues whatsoever with citrus fruits.) In this case there's rarely a 'whole food' to replace - it's just a preservative.

I don't know enough to dispute the ratios of animal products eaten by people in the paleolithic era, but it's still certainly true that throughout our evolutionary history plants made up the vast majority of our diets. The introduction of animal products representing a significant part of our diet is relatively recent thing.

The fact that fairly recently in our evolutionary history humans adapted to be able to exploit the energy and nutrition content of animal products well enough to get past reproductive age, is by no means overwhelming evidence that satur... (read more)

If some some pre-modern hominids ate high animal diets, and some populations of humans did, and that continued through history, I wouldn't call that relatively recent. I'm not the same person making the claim that there is overwhelming evidence that saturated fats can't possibly be bad for you. I'm making a much more restricted claim.

A cooked food could technically be called a processed food but I don't think that adds much meaningful confusion. I would say the same about soaking something in water.

Olives can be made edible by soaking them in water. If they're made edible by soaking in a salty brine (an isolated component that can be found in whole foods in more suitable quantities) then they're generally less healthy.

Local populations might adapt by finding things that can be heavily processed into edible foods which can allow them to survive, but these foods aren't necessarily ones which would be considered healthy in a wider context.

Aside from the rare naturally edible-when-ripe cultivar, olives are (mostly) made edible by fermenting and curing them. With salt, yes. And lye, often. Even olives fermented in water are then cured in brine. What saltless olives are you interacting with? Edit: Also, cooking is very much processing food. It has all the mechanisms to change things and generate relevant pollutants. It changes substances drastically, and different substances differently drastically. Cooking with fire will create smoke, etc. Cooking with overheated teflon cookware will kill your birds. Mechanisms are important. And, yes, soaking food in water, particularly for the specific purpose of cultivating micro-organisms to destroy the bad stuff in the food and generate good stuff instead, is some intense, microscopic-level processing.

It seems pretty straightforward to me but maybe I'm missing something in what you're saying or thinking about it differently.

Our bodies evolved to digest and utilize foods consisting of certain combinations/ratios of component parts.

Processed food typically refers to food that has been changed to have certain parts taken out of it, and/or isolated parts of other foods added to it (or more complex versions of that). Digesting sugar has very different impacts depending on what it's digested alongside with. Generally the more processed something is, the more ... (read more)

If this is the main reason why we should avoid ultra-processed food, then of course we'll have to avoid seed oils at any cost, as those are both ultra-processed and rather new, certainly not what we were evolved to breathe in at sea level.
I think your intuitions are generally correct, and as I say, it's usually a good heuristic to avoid overly processed food. In the absence of other evidence, if you're in a food market where everything is edible, you should probably opt for the less processed option. I also don't disagree with it playing a role in national health guidelines. But it's a very imprecise heuristic, and I think LessWrong-ers with aspirations to understand the world more accurately should feel a bit uncomfortable with it, especially when benign and beneficial processes are lumped together with those with much clearer mechanisms for harm. 
People have been breathing a lot of smoke in the last million years or so, so one might think that we would have evolved to tolerate it, but it's still really bad for us. Though there are certainly lots of ways to go wrong deviating from what we are adapted to, our current unnatural environment is far better for our life expectancy than the natural one. As pointed out in other comments, some food processing can be better for us.
Mostly because humans evolved to eat processed food. Cooking is an ancient art, from notably before our current species; food is often heavily processed to make it edible (don't skip over what it takes to eat the fruit of the olive); and local populations do adapt to available food supply.

How can saturated fats, the main ingredients in breast milk and animal products, be bad for humans (an apex predator)? Was eating animals really giving our hunter gatherer ancestors heart attacks left and right?

I think there's a few issues with this reasoning.

For one thing, evolution wasn't really optimizing for the health of people around the age where people usually start having heart attacks. There wasn't a lot of selection pressure to make tradeoffs ensuring the health of people 20+ years after sexual maturity.

Another point is that animal sources of... (read more)

AFAIK, analysis of paleolithic diets is that there were a range of things depending on availability and some groups were indeed pretty high on animal protein. We don't have differential analysis of the resulting health, but I just wanted to point out that the trope of 'trad diets were low protein' is not super well supported. Trad diets were mostly lower fat does have some support, as raising very fatty, sedentary animals is more recent, and accelerated a bunch in the last hundred years. Although the connection between higher fat diets and negative health outcomes is then another inferential step that hasn't been strongly supported and is, AFAIK, somewhat genetically mediated (some people/groups do much better on high fat diets than others in terms of blood lipid profiles).

I'm not sure I understand why the experience you're describing gives an update towards these seed oil theories when it seems generally consistent with already understood health and nutrition knowledge.

Is it particularly surprising that someone experiences some health problems after switching from a diet low in refined/processed ingredients to one high in those ingredients, while also undergoing the stress of being drafted into the military? (I would be very stressed though I shouldn't assume)

Standard nutrition might be insufficient to explain the extent an... (read more)

I am sceptical about the role of alcohol you describe and dynamics around it as a form of lie detector, but I know there's a range of social dynamics I haven't necessarily been exposed to in my culture.

I have been in various groups that heavily drink on occasion, but I've never seen any evidence of people being viewed as having something to hide were they not to drink.

I think alcohol might make people more honest but I think it's usually things they already wanted to divulge but for lack of some courage or sense of emotional intimacy that alcohol can provi... (read more)

high-trust friend groups

I'm having a hard time imagining a scenario in which I would find this valuable in my friend groups. If I were ever unsure whether I could trust the word of a friend on an important matter, I'd think that would represent deeper issues than a mere lack of information a scan of their brain could provide. Perhaps I'm nieve or particular in some way in how I filter people.

Do you have examples for how this would aid friendships? Or the other domains you mentioned?

I could see it being very valuable but I also find the idea very frightening, and I am not someone who lies.


The traditional technology used for similar purposes in some cultures is alcohol. The idea is that as alcohol impairs thinking, it impairs the ability to lie convincingly even more. Especially considering that even if one drunk person lies successfully to another drunk person, the next day the other person can reflect on the parts they remember with a sober mind.

Thus, alcohol is an imperfect lie detector with a few harmful side effects; and in cultures where it is popular, groups of friends do this together, and conspicuously avoiding it will provide evide... (read more)

Every subculture I've participated in has lowkey bad actors. The harms this causes are underrated imo.

And it says something about EITHER the unreliability of intuitions beyond run-of-the-mill situations, or about the insane variance in utility functions across people (and likely time)

I don't think it's really all that complicated, I suspect that you haven't experienced a certain extent of negative valence which would be sufficient to update you towards understanding how bad suffering can get.

It would be like if you've never smelled anything worse than a fart, and you're trying to gauge the mass of value of positive smells against the mass of value of ne... (read more)

Yeah, I think I'm bowing out at this point.  I don't disagree that my suffering has been pretty minor in the scheme of things, but that's kind of my whole point: everyone's range of experiences is unique and incommunicable.  Or at least mine is.  

I think one reason I don't like that sort of thing is there's more ambiguity in "what it took to win the game"

It's hard to know whether an artificial advantage is proportional to the skill gap. If I win, I won't know the extent to which I should attribute that win to good play (that I ought to be proud of, and that will impress others), VS attributing the win to a potentially greater than 1/N chance of winning(that I came by artificially).

If the greater skill is the absolute advantage that leads me to a win , I will discount the achievement on account of h... (read more)

Interesting. It is an abstract hypothetical, but I do think it's useful, and it reveals something about how far apart we are in our intuitions/priors.

I wouldn't choose to live a year in the worst possible hell for 1000 years in the greatest possible heaven. I don't think I would even take the deal in exchange for an infinite amount of time in the greatest possible heaven.

I would conclude that the experience of certain kinds of suffering reveals something significant about the nature of consciousness that can't be easily inferred, if it can be inferred at a... (read more)

Indeed!  And it says something about EITHER the unreliability of intuitions beyond run-of-the-mill situations, or about the insane variance in utility functions across people (and likely time).  Or both.  Really makes for an uncertain basis of any sort of reasoning or decision-making. Wait, what?  My guess is exactly the opposite - something like a logistic curve (X being the valence of experience, Y being the valuation), so there's a huge difference toward the middle or when changing sign, but only minor changes in value toward the tails.  Once again, intuitions are a sketchy thing.   In fact, I should acknowledge that I'm well beyond intuition here - I just don't HAVE intuitions at this level of abstraction.  This is my attempt to reconcile my very sparse and untrustworthy intuition samples with some intellectual preferences for regularity.  My intuitions are compatible with my belief in declining marginal value, but don't really specify the rest of the shape.  It could easily be closer to a pure logarithm - X axis from 0 (absolute worst possible experience) to infinity (progressively better experiences with no upper limit), with simple declining marginal value.

Would you spend a year in the worst possible hell in exchange for a year in the greatest possible heaven?

I think so. I can’t really extrapolate such extremes, but it sounds preferable to two years of undistinguished existence. I’m more confident that I’d spend a year as a bottom-5% happy human in order to get a year in the top-5%. I think, but it’s difficult to really predict, that I’d prefer the variance over two years at the median. None of these are actual choices, of course. So I’m skeptical of using these guesses for anything important.

I think this is a good summary of a lot of the arguments for increased population, even if my view is different.

I think most of the benefits you're describing flow from a very tiny fraction of all humans.

Given the returns to specialization, traditionally populations must grow in order to support the efforts of that tiny fraction. However it's not necessarily the case that in the coming years increasing population is the only way to increase the amount of specialized individuals producing massive value.

Automation will make it easier to specialize.

The rate of suicide is really quite low. You ARE being offered the choice between an unknown length of continued experiences, and cessation of such.

I think the expected value of the rest of my life is positive (I am currently pretty happy), especially considering impacts external to my own consciousness. If that stops being the case, I have the option.

There's also strong evolutionary reasons to expect suicide rates to not properly reflect the balance of qualia.

As embedded agents, our views are contingent on our experiences, and there is no single tru

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Sure, much as there are strong cultural/signaling reasons to expect people to overestimate pain and underestimate pleasure values.  I mean, none of this is in the territory, it's all filtered through brains, in different and unmeasurable ways. Not difficult.  Impossible and meaningless to extrapolate or aggregate.  I suspect this is the crux of my disagreement with most utilitarian-like frameworks.

Thanks for answering. I would personally expect this intuition and introspection to be sensitive to contingent factors like the range of experiences you've had, would you agree?

Personally my view leans more in the other direction, although it's possible I'm losing something in misunderstanding the complexity variable.

If my life experience leads me the view that 'suffering is worse than wellbeing is good', and your life experiences lend towards the opposite view, should those two data points be given equal weight? I personally would give more weight to acco... (read more)

I mean, at it's root, value is personal and incomparable.  There's no basis for claiming any given valuation applies outside the evaluator's belief/preference set.  As embedded agents, our views are contingent on our experiences, and there is no single truth to this question.  That said, my beliefs resonate much more strongly with me than your description, so if you insist on having a single unified view, I'm going to weight mine higher. That said, there is some (weak) evidence that those who claim suffering is more bad than joy/hope is good are confused about their weightings, as applied to themselves.  The rate of suicide is really quite low.  You ARE being offered the choice between an unknown length of continued experiences, and cessation of such.  
Mostly intuition and introspection of complex positives I've experienced (joy, satisfaction, optimism) being far more durable than the simple positives and negatives, and even the "complex" negatives of depression and worry tend not to make overall life negative value.

I think I agree with this, but I also think it's really important to avoid making too many assumptions about what people believe when they say they're religious or practice religion . People often use similar language and labels to signify a very broad range of beliefs and views.

Answer by Slapstick10

I have a very religious background but currently I'm not sure whether you would consider me religious. (Also to be clear I watched most of the video but I don't know much about him otherwise)

I think when hearing people share about personal things in the category of religion, it's important to try to be careful when pattern matching or when making assumptions about what beliefs people hold. People can use very similar words to refer to vastly different metaphysical beliefs. Two people could also have very similar metaphysical priors, and one might use more ... (read more)

I don't think the title of this post is consistent with your self professed epistemic status, or the general claims you make.

You seem to be stating that in your (non expert) opinion, some EA's are overconfident in the probabilities they'd assign to shrimp having the capacity to experience qualia?

If we assumed that's correct, that doesn't imply that it's okay to eat shrimp. It just means there's more uncertainty.

I don't think the thermometer is suffering.

I think it's not necessarily easy to know when something is suffering from the outside, but I still think it's the best standard.

most multicellular animals clearly have, but still we don't give them the right to copyright

I possibly should have clarified I'm moreso talking about the standard for moral consideration, I think if we ever created an AI entity capable of making art that also has the capacity for qualia states, I don't think copyright rights will be relevant anymore.

We raise and kill certain animal

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I'm proposing a society in which living things, or sufficiently detailed emulations of them, and especially sapient ones, have preferred moral and legal status. I'm reasonably confident that for something complex and mobile with senses, Darwinian evolution will generally produce mechanisms that act like pain and suffering, for pretty obvious reasons. So I'm proposing a definition of 'suffering' rooted in evolutionary theory, and only applicable to living things, or emulations/systems sufficintly closely derived from them. If you emulate such a system, I'm proposing that we worry about its suffering to the extent that it's a sufficiently detailed emulation still functioning in its naturally-evolved design. For example I'm suggesting that a current-scale LLM doing next-token generation of the pleadings of a torture victim not be counted as suffering for legal/moral purposes: IMO the inner emulation of a human it's running isn't (pretty clearly based on parameter count to, say, synapse count) a sufficiently close simulation of a biological organism that we should consider it's behavior as 'suffering': for example, no simulations of pain centers are included. Increase the accuracy of simulation sufficiently, and there comes a point (details TBD by a society where this matters) where that ceases to be true. So, if someone wants a particular policy enacted, and uses sufficient computational resources to simulate 10^12 separate and distinct sapient kittens-girls who have all been edited so that they will suffer greatly if this policy isn't enacted, we shouldn't encourage that sort of moral blackmail or ballot-stuffing. I don't think they should be able to win the vote or utilitarian decision-making balance just by custom-making a lot of new voters/citizens: it's a clear instability in anything resembling a democracy or that uses utilitarian ethics. I might even go so far as to suggest that that Darwinian evolution cannot have happened 'in silico', or at least that if it d

But very few people seem to go along the principle of "granting privileges to humans is fine, actually".

Because you're using "it's fine to arbitrarily prioritize humans morally" as the justification for this privilege. At least that's how I'm understanding you.

If you told me it's okay to smash a statue in the shape of a human, because "it's okay to arbitrarily grant humans the privilege of not being smashed, on account of their essence of humanness, and although this statue has some human qualities, it's okay to smash it because it doesn't have the esse... (read more)

I think it's fine for now absent a more precise definition of what we consider human-like values and worth, which we obviously do not understand well enough to narrow down. I think the category is somewhat broader than humans, but I'm not sure I can give a better feel for it than "I'll know it when I see it", and that very ignorance to me seems an excellent reason to not start gallivanting with creating other potentially sentient entities of questionable moral worth. Not many of them, and usually they indeed end up in jail or on the gallows because of their antisocial tendencies.

We shouldn't create it, and if we do, we should end it's existence. Or reprogram it if possible. I don't think any of those things are inconsistent with centering moral consideration around the capacity to experience suffering and wellbeing.

What is 'suffering'? If I paint the phrases "too hot' and 'too cold' at either end of the thermometer that's part of a thermostat's feedback loop, is it 'suffering' when the temperature isn't at it's desired optimum? It fights back if you leave the window open, and has O(1 bit-worth) of intelligence. What properties of a physical system should entitle it to moral worth, such that it not getting its way will be called suffering? Capacity for a biological process that appears functionally equivalent to human suffering is something that most multicellular animals clearly have, but still we don't give them the right to copyright, or most other human rights in our current legal system. We raise and kill certain animals for their meat, in large numbers: we just require that this is done without unnecessary cruelty. We have rules about minimum animal pen sizes, for example: not very generous ones. My proposal is that it should be a combination of a) being the outcome of Darwinian evolution that makes not getting your preferences into 'suffering', and b) the capacity for sufficient intelligence (over some threshold) that entitles you to related full legal rights. This is a moral proposal. I don't believe in moral absolutism, or that 'suffering' has an unambiguous mathematically definable 'true name'. I see this as a suggestion for a way of structuring a society, so I'm looking for criticisms like "that guiding principle would likely produce these effects on a society using it, which feels undesirable to me because…"

Well, the distinction never mattered until now, so we can't really say what have we been doing. Now it matters how we interpret our previous intent, because these two things have suddenly become distinct

Even if we assume that this is some privilege granted to humans because they're human, it doesn't make sense to debate whether a human-like process should be granted the same privilege on account of the similar process. Humans would be granted the privilege because they have an interest in what the privilege grants. An algorithmic process doesn't necessa... (read more)

Well, yes, that's kind of my point. But very few people seem to go along the principle of "granting privileges to humans is fine, actually". I disagree, I can imagine entities who experience such states and that I still cannot possibly coexist with. And if it's me or them, I'd rather me survive.

AIs have some property that is "human-like", therefore, they must be treated exactly as humans

Humans aren't permitted to make inspired art because they're human, we've just decided not to consider art as plagiarized beyond a certain threshold of abstraction and inspiration.

The argument isn't that the AI is sufficiently "human-like", it's just that the process by which AI makes art is considered sufficiently similar to a process we already consider permissible.

I disagree that arbitrary moral consideration is okay, but I just don't think that issue is really that relevant here.

Well, the distinction never mattered until now, so we can't really say what have we been doing. Now it matters how we interpret our previous intent, because these two things have suddenly become distinct. What moral consideration isn't on some level arbitrary? Why is this or that value a better inherent indicator of worth than just being human at all? I think even if your goal is to just understand better and formalize human moral intuitions, then obviously something like "intelligence" simply doesn't cut it.
Someone creates an utility monster AI that suffers if it can't disassemble the Earth. Should we care? Or just end its misery?

I would love to see some sort of integration of the system, or similar features

All else equal, a unit of animal suffering should be accorded the same moral weight as an equivalent unit of human suffering. (i.e. equal consideration for equal interests)


When trying to model your disagreement with Martin and his position, I think the best sort of analogy I can think of is that of tobacco companies employing 'fear, uncertainty, and doubt' tactics in order to prevent people from seriously considering quitting smoking.

Smokers experience cognitive dissonance when they have strong desires to smoke, coupled with knowledge that smoking is likely not in their best interest. They can supress this cognitive dissonance by changing their behaviour and quitting smoking, or by finding something that introduces sufficien... (read more)


This seems like an inside view of the feelings that lead to using arguments as soldiers. The motivation is sympathetic and the reasoning is solid enough to weather low-effort attacks, but at the end of the day it is treating arguments as means to ends rather than attempts to discover ground level truth. And Effective Altruism and LessWrong have defined themselves as places where we operate on the object level and evaluate each argument on its own merit, not as a pawn in a war.  

The systems can tolerate a certain amount of failure (which is good, becau... (read more)

Interesting topic

I think that unless we can find a specific causal relationship implying that the capacity to form social bonds increases overall well-being capacity, we should assume that attaching special importance to this capacity is merely a product of human bias.

Humans typically assign an animal's capacity for wellbeing and meaningful experience based on a perceived overlap, or shared experience. As though humans are this circle in a Ven diagram, and the extent to which our circle overlaps with an iguana's circle is the extent to which that iguana ha... (read more)

I would be surprised if iguanas find things meaningful that humans don't find meaningful, but maybe they desire some things pretty alien to us. I'm also not sure they find anything meaningful at all, but that depends on how we define meaningfulness. Still, I think focusing on meaningfulness is also too limited. Iguanas find things important to them, meaningful or not. Desires, motivation, pleasure and suffering all assign some kind of importance to things. In my view, either 1. capacity for welfare is something we can measure and compare based on cognitive effects, like effects on attention, in which case it would be surprising if other verteberates, say, had tiny capacities for welfare relative to humans, or 2. interpersonal utility comparisons can't be grounded, so there aren't any grounds to say iguanas have lower (or higher) capacities for welfare than humans, assuming they have any at all.
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