My theory is that the women in this case are committing a Typical Psyche Fallacy. The women I ask about this are not even remotely close to being a representative sample of all women. They're the kind of women whom a shy and somewhat geeky guy knows and talks about psychology with. Likewise, the type of women who publish strong opinions about this on the Internet aren't close to a representative sample. They're well-educated women who have strong opinions about gender issues and post about them on blogs.
This might apply to all "writer phenotypes" in general. Perhaps there are other romanticized ideas about human nature that stem from a bias of this sort?
The average size has been going down but the variation has also increased a lot (probably because humans can use culture to stratify by cognitive/physical phenotype). Lord Byron's skull was 2200g (which is downright unwieldy) and he was neurologically atypical. His daughter was more stable (the second X chromosome can offset deleterious stuff in the patrilineal one), but also wrote the first computer program in 1842. There is probably a correlation:
Family History of Psychiatric Disorders Shapes Intellectual Interests (Jan 2012)
...Students interested in p
A video about EO Wilson and group selection