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Yudkowsky' Lesswrong Posts NOT INCLUDED in RAZ: Rationality From AI to Zombies


add: Some of the lasts posts are missing. Were not included when I create this .epub

This file include ALL Yudkowsky’s posts from Lesswrong. This means it contains RAZ. I have a handcrafted .epub with all his posts that are not in RAZ. I will find it and post it here. Stay tuned.

Yes, it’s posible to do the same with other authors.

iBooks and Marvin apps (iOS).

The epub version doesn’t work. The file contain errors.

Could someone convert it to epub, please?

Nice work, Quaerendo!

We need an open forum to post questions, ask for advice and other minor things. An open thread doesn’t feel enough for me.

This is not an intuitive explanation. Yudkowsky or Connor Moreton explanations are more intuitive.

Both Lesswrong and Lesserwrong lack an open forum to ask questions. I’ve always felt this is a big limitation since both sites only allow posting essays and links to essays.

A simple forum or subforum which allowed asking questions or posts simple thoughts will improve the overall dynamic.

And no, a weekly ‘open thread‘ is not enough. It is only a little parchment.

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