This distinction is blurry. Which side do boycotts fall on?
I think that parenting skills are a good example of such situation
I have taken the survey.
Then living in a wilderness and cutting trees would be much better. Or some kinds of manual work where you can see the fruits of your labor, e.g. gardening. I believe that activities like these would be better suited for connecting mental and physical parts of a person.
Strongly disagree with 2) and 3). I think you mean them as a proxy for 'become more social, make more connections, find ways to fit in a local culture', but quality of connections usually matters more than quantity. But in many circles that are likely to matter for a typical LWer 3) is likely to be useless and likely benefits of 2) are achievable without drinking or with a very modest drinking.
Would this description pass an ideological Turing test?
Lee Sedol isn't at the top of Go ratings. How would Ke Jie fare against AlphaGo? A match against the best human player would be a better test of AlphaGo capabilities.
External HDD
What kind of threats?
Happiness is not for appreciation of goodness of events, at least, that's not what evolution intended it to be for. It's for rewarding your actions to motivate you to do them as well as rewarding other people for their actions that are good for you. If neither you did anything to do it, neither you can pinpoint an actual person who did it and whose action you want to celebrate, it's no surprise that you do not feel happiness about that thing.
What research are you refering to? Please cite it.
Are there any science fiction novels that take this approach?
Another possibility: the first group of people have more free time than the latter and spending some free time together is quite important for building friendships.
I think that it is likely that pre-WWI drug usage levels survived during 1920s-1940s in certain subcultures, such as. jazz scene, who influenced beatniks, who, among others, were among those who formed the zeitgeist of 1960s and drug culture. Up until that point, postmodernists cannot be said to have any influence, because most works of philosophers most often associated with postmodernism (Baudrillard, Lyotard, Derrida)came only in late 1960s and 1970s. Many 1960s hippies became influential members of society, university professors, and I think that was w...
Widespread popularity of drugs predates WWI, let alone postmodernism, which became popular (outside architecture) only after 1960s (mostly in 1970s).
Isn't this backwards? Shouldn't you first find a goal, and only then decide that this is something that you want to protect?
Most colonized places were net money-losers for the colonizer for most of their history
But then why did people keep conquering and colonizing new lands?
More importantly, there are a few "control-group" countries which were not colonized while their neighbors were, like Siam (modern Thailand) and Ethiopia, and they don't seem better off than their neighbors.
There is also Japan, which was better off than its neighbors. In 1905 Japan was strong enough to win a war against Russia.
The whole point of MIRI is to create an organization of a type that doesn't currently exist, focused on much longer term goals. If you measure organizations on the basis of how many publications they make, you're going to get a lot of low-quality publications. Citations are only slightly better, especially if you're focused on ignored areas of research.
Just because MIRI researchers' incentives aren't distorted by "publish or perish" culture, it doesn't mean they aren't distorted by other things, especially those that are associated with lack of feedback and accountability.
Interesting. In addition to that, how much of this lack of desires is sociological and related to self-perception? I mean, these elders probably perceive themselves as a periphery of society, as someone whose time has already passed, who shouldn't have any more ambitions. Will aging societies make businesses and entertainers cater more and more towards seniors (e.g. like this), thus making them feel as the central part of society that everyone else revolves around?
That depends on what you consider to be the main purpose of a sports team - winning matches or providing entertainment and selling tickets to their games.
Would you call a cutter a violent person? You wouldn't.
I think that if someone who is completely unfamiliar with Yvain's writings saw your post, she/he would likely be scared of a wall of links. If you want your list to be useful, you should provide a recommended reading order for new readers. I've upvoted you, but at the moment the list is ordered randomly.
What criteria have you used to decide which posts are the most important?
Is it possible to tame an octopus? Could humanity over several generations tame octopuses and breed them into work animals?
Most of them are pretty darn short-lived, despite their intelliigence...
Hacker News has higher concentration of entrepreneurs than Reddit.
Has anyone already tried Windows 10? What are your impressions?
Acknowledges that in a group context, actions have a utility in of themselves (signalling) separate from the utility of the resulting scenarios.
Why do people even signal anything? To get something for themselves from others. Why would signaling be outside the scope of consequentialism.
Is there any scientific backing for ASMR?
Or you can use Venn diagram
Keenly waiting for your posts!
My opponent must be secretly a shill, no wonder my arguments failed to sway his opinion. And I have no obligation to waste my time listening to shills and arguing with them.
Admit it, this whole post is a secret ploy to get more people to register to Omnilibrium :)
Remember, however, that this isn't any kind of progress thread. Nor is it any kind of proposal thread. This thread is solely for people to talk about the awesome things they have done. Not "will do". Not "are working on". Have already done.
Incest is probably only slightly less despised than pedophilia
Not true at all. Nobody takes up a pitchfork when they hear about incest.
You talk about boys as if ugly duckling type fantasies weren't popular among shy schoolgirls as well. Why wouldn't you want to be approached by the kind of people who didn't like you before? It feels good to be validated
LessWrong offshoot for political discussion.
What's next for Greece and the rest of EU? What are your predictions?
If you are interested in something specific, search by topic, not by user.
What are your predictions concerning Greece debt crisis?
Youtube ads are very annoying. If someone's first acquaintance with existential risk was through youtube ads, he would get a very bad first impression.
But can it always be better?
Dammit. This quote makes me feel even more of a pawn in the grand scheme of things.
Sounds similar to paradox of voting.
Search for adult swimming lessons. Everyone there will be as embarrassed as you are. Or try to find swimming lessons out of town, then you won't accidentally meet people who know you.