From a skim, there are many claims here which I agree / sympathise with.
That said, I also want to make sure this piece stands up to the epistemic "sniff" test. The gist of the piece seems to operate around Simulacrum Levels 2 / 3 ["Choose what to say based on what your statement will cause other people to do or believe" / "Say things that signal membership to your ingroup."].[1]
From a quick epistemic spot check of just the intro, I'd say that half the claims are accurate on SL1. My guess is this is pretty standard for a l...
I think this is similar to the governance arrangement in Northern Ireland that ended the troubles (for the most part). Both sides need to share power in order to govern. If one side is perceived to go too far then the other can resign from government, effectively vetoing the other.
Also, for those eligible to work in the UK, consider applying to work in the taskforce here (Deadline tomorrow!)
I stumbled upon this post <3 years later and - wow, seems like we're very close to some fire alarms!
Expert Opinion
Would Hinton and Bengio tick this box?
... (read more)