All of Tom Gardiner's Comments + Replies

Don't get me wrong, there are some really useful tips here that illustrate why this list is much better than ones with equivalent 'click-baitey' titles.

But this list shouldn't have been 100 tips long. There are so many times I read a tip and thought either

  1. What does that even mean?
  2. Hm, I just can't convince myself this applies to a clear majority of individuals.

Few examples...

  1. "Bored people are boring" --> nope; there are several other tips in this list that essentially contradict this message. I.e. those of the ilk, "if you're bored, do x" 
  2. "DO NOT TA
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"Cooking pollutes the air" means exactly what it says. Enjoy cooking, sure. And open the window to renew the air in the room.