All of Trent's Comments + Replies

I'm going to go ahead and offer a differing opinion regarding Christianity. o_o; First of all, much of the "God is vile and insane" protest can be mitigated by remembering that, if the Christian God exists, then this life is a tiny piece of our entire existence, and that death is far from the worst possible outcome. If you try to justify the Christian God's ethics based on conclusions you've reached by disbelieving in Him, your premises are contradictory. And second, God has indicated many times that He does not change. (Yes, a few of those were not from God directly, but it doesn't matter). So I don't know why a brief stint on Earth would change His mind, particularly about morality, since He's supposed to be infinitely just... I just... no, I really am curious now. This doctrine seems to be all sorts of self-contradictory. In which church did you grow up?