They don't have actual housing.
There are three rooms and one open space to put beds / storage in.
80%+ of beds are air mattresses people bought at Target.
Living at the office means you have to sign up at a nearby gym if you wish to shower.
It also means no privacy.
The showers in the nearest gym occasionally turn to cold water. (about 1 in 15 times)
The nearest gym is ~7 mins away walking and costs $130 for three months membership.
There are no housing costs.
Lights typically go off at 11 pm - 12 am
Residents have to wash dishes and take out the trash, and genera...
I don't really think of my identity when I do things. I don't notice it at all.
I just assume I'm always in a calm analytic mode of thinking, even when I subconsciously know that's not the case.
Others view my identity with disgust and immediately dismiss what I have to say. I'm not really sure anything would help bring my point across correctly.
There will always be people who don't have time for you and aren't in a learning mindset, or just don't see you as anything other than an antagonist when you start trying to have a real conversation or suggest new th...
My standard way of dealing with internet names is to just ignore them completely because they don't provide much evidence/usefulness (unless I want to reference the person) and I want to read the comment anyway. I guess I thought LWers would either not notice my name at all or see it, be a little more suspicious, and read anyway. (not immediately downvote or tell me my name sucks and I should change it)
AFAICT, you're looking at posts anyway, so good/bad natured names shouldn't matter, only good/bad natured writing.
I've had an identical project for a few months now.
A spreadsheet (under Edward) for ingredients and supplements for my shake which is missing potassium and fiber. (which are provided for with KCl salt and oats) RDAs are also not fixed for 1.5x caloric intake.
This is designed with weightlifting, preparation time, mobility, and close to 3000 cals/day in mind.
Overall cost is $3.84/day/person.
Tastes like thicker strawberry milk.
Updated spreadsheet with price distribution and complete RDAs (except phosphorous/pantathenic acid). $4.36/day/person
I expect the pric...
minimalist, 17, white, male, autodidact, atheist, libertarian, california, hacker, studying computer science, reading sequences, intellectual upbringing, 1 year bayesian rationalist, motivation deficient, focusing on skills, was creating something similar to bayesian rationality before conversion, have read hpmor (not intro to lw), interested in contributing to ai research in the future
I'm sure you're aware at this point, but with that description you blend into the wallpaper.
Thank you for creating a comment to link "stereotypical Less Wrong reader". If only you were a couple of years older.
Since you're 17, have you looked into the week-long summer camp?
Possible things to consider are:
It's assumed that you go to App Academy with the interest of getting a high paying job without paying too much for that opportunity, and being very confident of your success.
It's also assumed you want to be able to program, and would imagine it to be fun in the future, if it is not already.
Humans acclimate to conditions relatively quickly.
It's relatively easy to improve your living conditions with earplugs, night eyewear, and a mattress cover.
Having people around you to debug when you are too exhausted to is a significant boon for progression in programming skill.
That said, it's understandable if your values differ.