All of void's Comments + Replies


Observe advocates. An idea only with stupid advocates probably is stupid itself. If you notice someone smart applauding it, look closer. In not popular ideas with few adherents it's probably best to examine the inventor. Don't look to supposed experts as you have no way of evaluating their knowledge.

There is nothing arrogant about trying to avoid perma-death.
IAWYC (and upvoted because I don't think it deserves to be that low), but 1) you're being too optimistic about the cheapest way to save lives through charity (according to GiveWell, that's the Anti Malaria Foundation at $1600 per life), 2) the life expectancy at 23 years doesn't equal the life expectancy at birth minus 23 years (life expectancy at birth takes into account that some people die before the age of 23, and you already know she's not one of them), and 3) valuing someone's life according to how much money the average person in their country makes over their lifetime sounds somewhat fucked up to me.
  1. If the story is true, she's at least exceptional in knowing how to ask and what to ask for. I expect her to be top-10% by my ranking.

  2. It's not disgusting that she's begging for a chance at life. I'd do the same, even knowing that I was effectively asking people to spend less on Kenyans. Perhaps you mean it's disgusting that her asking might work?

  3. Imputing racism is overdone. Even if you want to slap some sense into people, please don't go there (yes, you said "even if", but you also chose Kenya).

  4. "bitch". I don't care, but you already sufficiently signaled that you care very much that others don't agree with you.

I believe that I would enjoy living in a world where more assholes were as honest about their priorities as you, sir or ma'am. I think the rest of us would get a lot more done. (Of course the real problem here is your ill-gotten hope that justice exists outside either literature or state-subsidized vengeance. But it's easier to convince someone they've been honest in a socially inappropriate fashion than it is to convince them their worldview is flawed and naîve.)
This point (or similar ones) has been covered before, I believe. (Effective charity is a really big thing around here!)

Conditional on cryonics being successful, the present life expectancy is not that relevant in determining lifetime productivity...


There are nicer ways to put this sentiment. You ignored them in favor of sounding like a jerk. Downvoted.