Happy Death Spirals, indeed.
No comments on the religious, social and cultural biases that caused a group of extremists to hijack passenger planes and kill as many people as they could.
That reveals a bias in itself, actually. (So much for the scientific method, eh?)
(Hint: They didn't hate us just because we're rich and happy and decadent, or because the last of the Ottoman Empire collapsed during WWI. They don't even hate us because of Western foreign policy.)
Culturally and socially, the world is still a dangerous place. There are still people ...
TGGP: Yes. That is my real name. First Anglicized in nearly it's present form in 1715 at Three Forts in NY state (Bonnesteel). I understand that a small museum stands there, now. The etymology is from north of the Caucus Mountains prior to the 1400's; later "Germanicized" to Bohnenstielen and then Anglicized five years after the Paletine Immigration. ...learning the true meaning of the name requires learning about ancient Teutonic and Indo-European linguistics, archecology, the Human Genome Project ...and certain specialties in ancient history.... (read more)