William Gasarch

BS SUNY Stonybrook in Math in 1980. PhD Harvard in CS 1985, have been at Univ of MD at College Park, CS Dept, ever since. I work on Complexity theory and Ramsey Theory. I mentor many HS and ugrad students on projects.

Wikitag Contributions


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I have incorporated your comments and also ack you. Thanks!

How would you describe the core ideas of IDA? I will incorporate your answer into the review and hence make it more accurate!  I will also incorporate the reason why we can't try it out yet.

I have incorporated the comments of gym into my review.

Interesting that the format gives a (in this case incorrect) indicator of the type of article it is.

In the early days of word processors the fear was that first drafts would be typed and look like they were far more done than they were, resulting in worse final drafts. I don't think this happened- in fact the opposite has happened- people can just keep on polishing and polishing. 

The review is a latex file and I posted the link to the pdf file that was generated.

Is there an easy way to make it so that its not a link?

Thanks! I will incorporate your comments into the review!