All of Winter Ku's Comments + Replies

Do you mind elaborating on how you reconcile your model with the 1st CDC link you list in your research? "In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures" And my interpretation of the 2nd JHI link is that since cardboard is perhaps closest to wood/paper, then the persistence is about 1-4 days, which seems to indicate a relatively low risk (at least compared to other surfaces). I think taking your advice is reasonable because it only increases safety; I just wanted to better understand what we think the risk level is.

1. I don't particularly trust the CDC on this 2. The CDC is talking specifically about infection from China (I assume this was written when CoV was more contained), and I agree that typical transit time from China is long enough to let the virus die. I'm specifically concerned about the delivery person and the dude at the Amazon warehouse who packed the box.