Bayes' rule: Proportional form

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I think this should be "left-side beam of red as having...", or for symmetry with the blue beam description, "left-side red beam as having..."

Nope. We're comparing relative likelihoods of 100% with 20%. We're only interested in the proportion of probabilities here so the factor is 5.

Shouldn't it be "four times as likely", and the end result be "twenty five times as likely"? (20% and 80% is the same as (1:4), not (1:5), or am I missing something?)

Does anyone know of a solution to the famous Monte Hall problem using the prior odds X likelihood ratio = posterior odds approach?

Yes, but why is it useful? Why should the reader keep going?

Confused about the role this clause is playing. What does "which" refer to --

the proportional form of Bayes's Rule?

the whole rest of the sentence?

Is this sentence supposed to have a part saying, "and if we set the left-side red beam... starting intensity of .25 and a multiplying lens of 3..." ?