First order linear equations

Written by Jaime Sevilla Molina last updated

A first order lineal equation has the form where and are continuous functionsfrom an interval to the real line.

is called the inhomogeneity of the problem, and the equation where is called the associated homogeneous equation.

A solution of a first order linear equation is a function from to the real line such that the equation is satisfied at all times. We will denote the set of solutions of an equation with inhomogeneity as , and the solutions of the associated homogeneous system as .

Properties of the space of solutions

is a vector space; that is, it satifies the principle of superposition: linear combinations of solutions are solutions.

is an affine_space parallel to . That is, it satifies that the difference of any two solutions are in , and any element in plus other element in is an element from .

First order linear equations of constant coefficients

One special kind of linear equations are those in which the coefficients and are constant numbers Such linear equations are always resoluble.

To solve them, we first have to solve the associated homogeneous equation .

This has as a solution the functions for constant and .

We can find a concrete solution of the inhomogeneous equation using variation of coefficients. We consider as a candidate to a solution the function , for a solution of the homogeneous system such as .

Then if we plug into the equation we find that Since , , thus Therefore we can integrate and we arrive to: By the affinity of , we can parametrize it by for constant.