
The symmetric groups

For every positive integer there is a group , the symmetric group of order , defined as the group of all permutations (bijections) (or any other set with elements). The symmetric groups play a central role in group theory: for example, a group action of a group on a set with elements is the same as a homomorphism .

Up to conjugacy, a permutation is determined by its cycle type.

The dihedral groups

The dihedral groups are the collections of symmetries of an -sided regular polygon. It has a presentation , where represents rotation by degrees, and represents reflection.

For , the dihedral groups are non-commutative.

The general linear groups

For every field and positive integer there is a group , the general linear group of order over . Concretely, this is the group of all invertible matrices with entries in ; more abstractly, this is the automorphism group of a vector space of dimension over .

If is algebraically closed, then up to conjugacy, a matrix is determined by its Jordan normal form.
