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A group is a pair where is a set and is a binary operation (of type ) subject to the four group axioms. Groups are algebraic structures. We write for the application of to , which must be defined. It is common to abbreviate as when can be inferred from context. The group axioms (which govern the behavior of ) are as follows.

  1. Closure: For all in , is defined and in . We abbreviate as .
  2. Associativity: for all .
  3. Identity: There is an element such that for all .
  4. Inverses: For each in , there is an element such that .

1) The axiom of closure says that , i.e. that combining two elements of using yields another element of . In other words, is closed under .

2) The axiom of associativity says that is an associative operation, which justifies omitting parenthesis when describing the application of to multiple arguments: We can write and and so on as simply , because the order of application doesn't make a difference.

3) The axiom of identity says that there is some element in that treats like an element that says "do nothing": If you apply to and , then simply returns . The identity is unique: Given two elements and that satisfy axiom 2, we have Thus, we can speak of "the identity" of . This justifies the use of in the axiom of inversion: axioms 1 through 3 ensure that exists and is unique, so we can reference it in axiom 4.

is often written or , because is often treated as an analog of multiplication on the set , and is the multiplicative identity. (Sometimes, e.g. in the case of rings, is treated as an analog of addition, in which case the identity is often written or .)

4) The axiom of inverses says that for every element in , there is some other element that treats like the opposite of , in the sense that and vice versa. The inverse of is usually written , or sometimes in cases where is analogous to addition.

Equivalently, a group is a monoid which satisfies "every element has an inverse".

Equivalently, a group is a category with exactly one object, which satisfies "every arrow has an inverse"; the arrows are viewed as elements of the group.


The most familiar example of a group is perhaps , the integers under addition. To see that it satisfies the group axioms, note that:

  1. (a) is a set, and (b) is a function of type
  2. Every element has an inverse , because .

For more examples, see the examples page.


Given a group , we say " forms a group under ." is called the underlying set of , and is called the group operation.

is usually abbreviated .

is generally allowed to substitute for when discussing the group. For example, we say that the elements are "in ," and sometimes write "" or talk about the "elements of ."

The order of a group, written , is the size of its underlying set: If has nine elements, then and we say that has order nine.


Groups are a ubiquitous and useful algebraic structure. They seem to sit at a sweet spot with axioms that are restrictive enough to make groups easy to reason about and work with, but permissive enough that relevant group structure arises in many domains of math and physics. For a discussion of group theory and its various applications, refer to the group theory page.

A group is a monoid with inverses, and an associative loop. For more on how groups relate to other algebraic structures, refer to the tree of algebraic structures.