Mechanical Turk (example)

Written by Eliezer Yudkowsky last updated

In 1836, there was a sensation called the Mechanical Turk, allegedly a chess-playing automaton. Edgar Allen Poe, who was also an amateur magician, wrote an essay arguing that the Turk must contain a human operator hidden in the apparatus (which it did). Besides analyzing the Turk's outward appearance to locate the hidden compartment, Poe carefully argued as to why no arrangement of wheels and gears could ever play chess in the first place, explicitly comparing the Turk to "the calculating machine of Mr. Babbage":

Arithmetical or algebraical calculations are, from their very nature, fixed and determinate. Certain data being given, certain results necessarily and inevitably follow [...] But the case is widely different with the Chess-Player. With him there is no determinate progression. No one move in chess necessarily follows upon any one other. From no particular disposition of the men at one period of a game can we predicate their disposition at a different period [...] Now even granting that the movements of the Automaton Chess-Player were in themselves determinate, they would be necessarily interrupted and disarranged by the indeterminate will of his antagonist. There is then no analogy whatever between the operations of the Chess-Player, and those of the calculating machine of Mr. Babbage [...] It is quite certain that the operations of the Automaton are regulated by mind, and by nothing else. Indeed this matter is susceptible of a mathematical demonstration, a priori.

(In other words: In an algebraical problem, each step follows with the previous step of necessity, and therefore can be represented by the determinate motions of wheels and gears as in Charles Babbage's proposed computing engine. In chess, the player's move and opponent's move don't follow with necessity from the board position, and therefore can't be represented by deterministic gears.)

This is an amazingly sophisticated remark, considering the era. It even puts a finger on the part of chess that is computationally difficult, the combinatorial explosion of possible moves. And it is still entirely wrong.

Even if you know an unbounded solution to chess, you might still be 47 years away from a bounded solution. But if you can't state a program that solves the problem in principle, you are in some sense confused about the nature of the cognitive work needed to solve the problem. If you can't even solve a problem given infinite computing power, you definitely can't solve it using bounded computing power. (Imagine Poe trying to write a chess-playing program before he'd had the insight about search trees.)

For more on this point, see "Methodology of unbounded analysis".