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paulfchristianoThis page lists researchers in AI alignment.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky (founder, MIRI)
- Nick Bostrom (founder, FHI)
- 3q (MIRI; parametric polymorphism, the Procrastination Paradox, and numerous other developments in Vingean reflection.)
- Orthonormal (MIRI; modal agents)
- StuartArmstrong (FHI; Utility indifference)
- Paulfchristiano (independent, lives in Berkeley, approval-directed agents, previously proposed a formalization of indirect normativity)
- StuartRussell (UC Berkeley; author of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach; previously published on theories of reflective optimality; currently interested in inverse reinforcement learning.)
- Jessicat (MIRI, reflective oracles)
- Andrew Critch (MIRI)
- ScottGarabant (MIRI, logical probabilities)
- So8res (previously MIRI researcher, now Executive Director at MIRI)