Ukraine/Russia Conflict (2022)

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Calling this war a "Conflict" plays into Russia propaganda, which insists that what is happening is "Special Military Operation".

Let's be better than this

Mod comment: on one hand, I think it's good/reasonable to notice when language is playing into the frame of a political fight, that sometimes you can't help but take a side to some degree, and that there are real stakes to political conflict. [edit to add]. I don't mean to weigh in one-way-or-another on the object level of this comment.

But I also get some vibe of... you taking for granted that we're supposed to be taking a side in a conflict, or that thinking in terms of what side we're on. And this is really not what LessWrong is about, and if you are looking at political language through this lens you're probably going to violate some subtle norms we have.

This is your first LW comment and you may not be familiar with our political norms, but if you're planning to stick around, definitely read through the LessWrong Political Prerequisites sequence, and I'd prefer you only really engage here if you expect to also engage in topics other than this particular one.

(this is not meant to be much commentary about this comment, just a note for how I hope you'll direct your attention in future comments)

While I agree that political stuff should mostly be avoided, I also believe that we are here to model reality. And thus calling it a war accurately describes what is going on, independently of who you want to win, so I do think this is a fairly safe change.

Yes, politics should mostly be avoided. But this is more in the domain of moral/opinionated politics, rather than what is actually going on. Accuracy is a strength here, and so long as we avoid talking about what political/moral outcomes you want, then I do think it's fairly safe to edit political areas.

Nod, I wasn't really meaning to express an opinion on the object-level topic, but as I review user's first comments, if I notice them pointed in a direction that seems like it might be a cultural mismatch for the site, I try to make a note of it. (Previously we did this more via PMs, but lately we've been trying to shift to do more moderation-comments in public)