The empty set is the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set

Written by Patrick Stevens last updated


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    Here we give three proofs that the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set is the empty set itself.

  • Here, we will prove that the only set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set is the empty set itself. This will tell us that defining the empty set by this universal property is actually a coherent thing to do, because it's not ambiguous as a definition.

    There are three ways to prove this fact: one way looks at the objects themselves, one way takes a more maps-oriented approach, and one way is sort of a mixture of the two. All of the proofs are enlightening in different ways.

    Recall first that the universal property of the empty set is as follows:

    The empty set is the unique set such that for every set , there is a unique function from to . (To bring this property in line with our usual definition, we denote that unique set by the symbol .)

    The "objects" way

    Suppose we have a set which is not empty. Then it has an element, say. Now, consider maps from to .

    We will show that there cannot be a unique function from to . Indeed, suppose . Then or . But we can now define a new function which is given by setting to be the other one of or to , and by letting for all .

    This shows that the universal property of the empty set fails for : we have shown that there is no unique function from to the specific set .

    The "maps" ways

    We'll approach this in a slightly sneaky way: we will show that if two sets have the universal property, then there is a bijection between them. [1] Once we have this fact, we're instantly done: the only set which bijects with is itself.

    Suppose we have two sets, and , both of which have the universal property of the empty set. Then, in particular (using the UP of ) there is a unique map , and (using the UP of ) there is a unique map . Also there is a unique map . [2]

    The maps and are inverse to each other. Indeed, if we do and then , we obtain a map from (being the domain of ) to (being the image of ); but we know there's a unique map , so we must have the composition being equal to .

    We've checked half of " and are inverse"; we still need to check that is equal to the identity on . This follows by identical reasoning: there is a unique map by the fact that satisfies the universal property [3], but is a map from to , so it must be .

    So and are bijections from and respectively.

    The mixture

    This time, let us suppose is a set which satisfies the universal property of the empty set. Then, in particular, there is a (unique) map .

    If we pick any element , what is ? It has to be a member of the empty set , because that's the codomain of . But there aren't any members of the empty set!

    So there is no such after all, and so can't actually satisfy the universal property after all: we have found a set for which there is no map (and hence certainly no unique map) from to .

    This method was a bit of a mixture of the two ways: it shows that a certain map can't exist if we specify a certain object.

    1. ^︎

      The most useful way to think of "bijection" in this context is "function with an inverse".

    2. ^︎

      We use "id" for "identity", because as well as being the empty function, it happens to be the identity on .

    3. ^︎

      And we know that this map is the identity, because there's always an identity function from any set to itself.


    The most useful way to think of "bijection" in this context is "function with an inverse".


    We use "id" for "identity", because as well as being the empty function, it happens to be the identity on .


    And we know that this map is the identity, because there's always an identity function from any set to itself.