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"No-one in my org puts money in their pension"quetzal_rainbow
What 2026 looks likeDigital Sunsmart
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Hjalmar_Wijk's ShortformHjalmar_Wijk
Thought more about it and not sure if I endorse it, doesn't seem that important, don't want to put more brain power into it
How to get nerds fascinated about mysterious chronic illness research?habryka
keltan's ShortformTomás B.
Try to solve the hard parts of the alignment problemthe gears to ascension
"The Button" a Darkly Humorous Comicmilanrosko
Thomas Larsen's ShortformVladimir_Nesov
Duct Tape securityAprillion (Peter Hozák)

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Rejected for "Not addressing relevant prior discussion"

Double Instance Paradox : In the case of some mind uploading carried out on a living patient and without destruction of the original brain, either the uploaded brain is the same person, in which case this person...

Rejected for "Low Quality or 101-Level AI Content"

I started out by asking Gemini for citations from studies that show the benefits of AI self-awareness. And it did.

Here are some examples:

Theory of Mind and AI:
Article: Theory of Mind and AI: How AI Can Understand and...

Rejected for "Not addressing relevant prior discussion"

There are other huge threats we face. Nuclear war, climate change, biological weapons, digital authoritarianism etcetera. AI could help us address these risks. You would think AI would increase risk of digital authortairanism. However, AI  powered robot...

Rejected for "LessWrong has a particularly high bar for content from new users and this contribution doesn't quite meet the bar"

The theory of quantum gravitation that I present is based on the laws of the fourth dimension and proposes a new perspective on the beginning of the universe. Imagine a primordial moment when spacetime did not...

Rejected for "LessWrong has a particularly high bar for content from new users and this contribution doesn't quite meet the bar"

[image of a paper with two lines, one named bob and one named Alice]

Image example, collapsing 4 dimensions of spacetime to 2 for simplicity:

The simplest way to put the problem is to imagine two lines drawn on...

Rejected for "Low Quality or 101-Level AI Content"

In nowdays Ai beats human in almost all things. So Then its smarter than us. Already now Ai knows its own risks. And what if it can to get us thinking that its less smart than its...

Rejected for "Looks like you’re crossposting this from your blog elsewhere"
  1. “Attention Theory of Value”: the primary input into asset pricing is not multi-factor models around risk premiums or cashflows, but rather the perceived amount of time, energy, and money that a community around an asset devotes to
Rejected for "Low Quality or 101-Level AI Content"

In the hopes that simple analogies will help many understand state-of-the-art concepts. But it all starts when...

I give pseudo-conscious dogs cookies every time they sit and scold them every time they bark.

Then I got tired of that...

Rejected for "Confusion / muddled reasoning"

I have a difference concept of the Big Bang Theory, may be due to my bi-polar type 1 disorder and may be not. :)

Space-Time expansion theory bothers me a lot. We and our telescopes are observers with...

Rejected Comments

Curious about any research you’ve come across on being able to identify misaligned AI.

Ahistorical nonsense

Well, I can think of two different approaches to this question.

The first, being a formal, I would guess this goes into emotion/color theory, and it's been researched at both the Quantum and Psychological levels. Music, like most art, contributes to Aesthetics, Culture, Music Curative Expressions!

From the philosophical view, at least for me. Music isn't really just a human art form! It's sort of channeling the emotions in energy, in sound, into a emotional and auditory experience I like to call Soundscapes. I believe we've labeled such music as "Audio Drugs... (read more)

Star Trek Cognitive Templates

In old Star Trek, Doctor McCoy has to slap panicking crewmen. 
In The Next Generation, Riker or Wesley Crusher dispassionately recite the countdown to doom. 
"Impact in 4, 3, 2, 1... disaster averted."
Data and Crusher are the new Ubermen. 
One is a robot and the other is Mary Sue in a boy skin.
The best human possible is either younger and harder working than you and also connected, or else is just a robot.

In Star Trek, there is no race, no class, no religion. 
Ethnicity is the 'wessel' for a cute accent or a bac... (read more)

How is does this increase the total time ? 

I usually only eat between 12 and 8 pm and most days I stark with a protein shake (half a litre oat drink + 50g proetein powder) . Do you have any suggestions regarding that? I don't have any specific problems so far, but take any advice from someone more knowledgeable. 🙂 Is there any strong evidence regarding the meal order of high protein.?

You know it’s crazy this is how they are getting our data and selling it off to other companies since we are the consumers and they know what we want and hit us with the ads lol.

Why capitalism? Rejected

Capitalism is irrational by nature.  You have two sides: One buying labor, and other  selling it. The one who buys only seeks to expand capital. The one who sells only wants to survive. No one cares about what is produced.

Hey can some one recommend a good book/books for starting on physics from the basics to advance. 

Letter I wish I could understand what you guys are saying my knowledge is too shallow, I can't understand what everyone is saying, I really admire everyone trying what they can learn and I have as much knowledge as everyone here. My family was very miserable. There was no money for me to go to school. I did not go to school. I only studied until 6th grade and then I had to drop out of school because my father had an accident when he was young. on the way to work. My father can't walk anymore. I work for my mother to have money to pay for my father's hospital bills. I wish there was a miracle for my father to recover.

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