Knowledge is great: I suspect we can agree there. Sadly, though, we can't guarantee ourselves infinite time in which to learn everything eventually, and in the meantime, there are plenty of situations where having irrelevant knowledge instead of more instrumentally useful knowledge can be decidedly suboptimal. Therefore, there's good reason to work out what facts we'll need to deploy and give special priority to learning those facts. There's nothing intrinsically more interesting or valuable about the knowledge that the capital of the United States is Washington, D.C. than there is about the knowledge that the capital of Bali is Denpasar, but unless you live or spend a lot of time in Indonesia, the latter knowledge will be less likely to come up.
It seems the same is true of procedural knowledge (with the quirk that it's easier to deliberately put yourself in situations where you use whatever procedural knowledge you have than it is to arrange to need to know the capital of Bali.) If your procedural knowledge is useful, and also difficult to obtain or unpopular to practice or both, you might even turn it into a career (or save money that you would have spent hiring people who have).
Rationality is sort of the ur-procedure, but after a certain point - the point where you're no longer buying into supernaturalist superstition, begging for a Darwin Award, or falling for cheap scams - its marginal practical value diminishes. Practicing rationality as an art is fun and there's some chance it'll yield a high return, but evolution (genetic and memetic) didn't do that bad of a job on us: we enter adulthood with an arsenal of heuristics that are mostly good enough. A little patching of the worst leaks, some bailing of bilge that got in early on, and you have a serviceable brain-yacht. (Sound of metaphor straining.)
So when you want to spend time on learning or honing a skill, it makes sense to choose skills with a high return on investment, be it in terms of fun, resources, the goodwill of others, insurance against emergency, or other valuable results. Note that if you learned a skill, used it to learn a non-customized fact, and do not anticipate using the skill again, it's not the skill that was useful; the skill was just a sine qua non for the useful fact, and others don't have to duplicate the research process to benefit. A skill that yielded one (or more) customized facts - i.e., facts about yourself, that you can't go on to share straight up with other people - might be a useful skill in this way, however.
For practical daily purposes, what is your most valuable skill (or what most valuable skill are you trying to attain now)? Post it in the comments, along with what makes your skill valuable, tips for picking it up, and what made you first investigate it.
PlaidX: halfway through primary school i said "alright, that's enough of that"
PlaidX: and everyone was like "but you HAVE to go to school!"
PlaidX: and i was like make me and they said I GUESS YOU DON'T, THEN...
PlaidX: it was amazing how easy it was, in the end
kim: was it
kim: i remember having to do a lot of stupid correspondance school crap
kim: and then some alternative high school where you only had to go ten hours a week and it was self-paced
kim: until I finally just hit 17 and got my GED
PlaidX: the truth of the matter is, the educational system does not have a lot of leverage
PlaidX: the worst they can do to you is expel you, and that's... not particularly threatening, if your goal is to not go to school
PlaidX: this will go on your permanent record young man!!!
kim: can't the state put you in foster care if you aren't getting an education, though?
PlaidX: i guess, in theory?
PlaidX: i've never heard of that actually happening
kim: i wish my mom wouuld have been less paranoid about that, it would've saved me a lot of trouble
PlaidX: you were what, 13 or so?
kim: well
kim: let's see.. 12 when I refused to go to middle school any longer, then we tried enrollment in a private high school when I was 13
kim: and that lasted for... two months? three?
PlaidX: and your house wasn't full of black mould or anything
kim: not that we knew of
PlaidX: i don't really see CPS coming in and dragging you away for not doing your schoolwork
kim: the important thing is that my mom thought they would
kim: and I didn't want anyone to think I was shirking away from schoolwork, anyway. I never had a problem with that
kim: just all the people that happened to be at the school
PlaidX: again though, what would your mom actually have done if you simply refused to do the schoolwork? thrown you out?
kim: hmm, I dunno
kim: maybe put me in a mental institution
PlaidX: to save you from being put in a foster home.
kim: no, because if I'd have refused to do any schoolwork, clearly my emotional disturbance was to the point where I could try to kill myself again
kim: I don't know
kim: reasonably, nothing, but it would've strained our relationship to say the least
PlaidX: i'm not suggesting you have to be a dick about these things, just calmly explain why schoolwork is a load of rubbish and then when they try to get you to compromise, say no, and then they give up.
I tried that, and they did, in fact, make me. They were bigger than me, and they were willing to literally pick me up and carry me to the school. Furthermore, I had to see psychiatrists and take antidepressant medication that, at the time, I didn't want. (Incidentally, my father told me that a friend of his, who he referred t... (read more)