This post slightly improves on the impossibility results in my last post and A paradox for tiny probabilities and enormous values. This is very similar to those arguments but with minor technical differences. I may refer people here if we're discussing details of the argument against unbounded utilities, but for more interesting discussion you should check out those other writeups.
Summarizing the key differences from my last post:
- I replace the dominance principle with .
- Assuming unbounded positive and negative utilities, I remove the assumption of Intermediate Mixtures.
Weakening dominance
We'll represent preferences by a relation over probability distributions over some implicit space of outcomes (and we'll identify outcomes with the constant probability distribution). Define to mean ( and not ).
We'll show that it's impossible for to satisfy four properties: unbounded utilities, intermediate mixtures, very weak dominance, and transitivity.
The properties
Unbounded utilities: there is an infinite sequence of outcomes each "more than twice as good"[1] as the last. More formally, there exists an outcome such that:
- for every
That is: is not as good as a chance of , which is not as good as a chance of , which is not as good as a chance of ...
Intermediate mixtures: If and ,[2] then .
That is: a chance of a good outcome is strictly worse than a sure thing.[3]
Weak lottery-lottery dominance: Let , and be sequences of lotteries, and be a sequence of probabilities summing to 1. If for all , then .
Transitivity: if and , then .[4]
Inconsistency proof
Consider the lottery , where each outcome is as likely as the one before. Intuitively this sum is "more infinite" than the usual St Petersburg lottery and this will be important for our proof.
By weak dominance we can replace by without making the lottery any better. Thus:
We can rewrite this new lottery as a mixture:
We can apply bounded utilities to each parenthesized expression. Combining with weak dominance, we obtain:
Write for the right hand side of this inequality.
Now note that , despite the fact that . If we knew , then intermediate mixtures would imply that , contradicting .
So all that remains is to show that . This will involve a bit of annoying arithmetic but it should feel pretty obvious given that all the outcomes in seems much better than .
Combining with weak dominance and we get:
Then we write the right hand side as a mixture and apply unbounded utilities and weak dominance:
Leveraging negative utilities
To rule out unbounded utilities, we've made two substantive consistency assumptions: intermediate mixtures and weak lottery-lottery dominance. The assumption of intermediate mixtures is necessary: we could satisfy the other properties by simply being indifferent between all lotteries with infinite expectations.
But if we can have unboundedly good or unboundedly bad outcomes, then we can obtain a contradiction even without infinite mixtures. That is, we will show that there is no relation satisfying transitivity, symmetric unbounded utilities, and weak outcome-lottery dominance.
I think that almost anyone who accepts unbounded utilities (in the informal sense) should accept symmetric unbounded utilities, so I think they probably need to reject weak outcome-lottery dominance (or stop defining preferences over arbitrary probability distributions). I find this pretty damning, but maybe others are more comfortable with it.
The properties
Transitivity. If and , then .
Symmetric unbounded utilities: There is a pair of outcomes (i.e. it's not the case that all pairs of outcomes are either incomparable or equal). Moreover:
- For any[5] pair of outcomes , there is outcome such that .
- For any pair of outcomes there is an outcome such that .
In words: no matter how much better is than , there's always an that's 2x "further away" from on the other side. By that we mean that a risk of moving from to can offset a chance of moving from to . And no matter how bad an outcome is, there's always an that's 2x "further away" from on the other side.
Weak outcome-lottery dominance: Let be an outcome, let be a sequence of lotteries, and let be a sequence of probabilities summing to 1. If for all , then . Similarly, if for all , then .
Inconsistency proof
Define a sequence of outcomes as follows:
- Pick arbitrarily.
- Take to be the "reflection" of across as defined in symmetric unbounded utilities.
- Take to be the reflection of across .
- Take to be the reflection of across .
- Take to be the reflection of across .
- And so on.
Now define the lottery
We can write as the mixture:
By Unbounded Utilities each of these terms is . So by weak dominance,
But we can also write as the mixture:
By Unbounded Utilities each of these terms is . So by weak dominance, .
Now we have . By transitivity, , contradicting .
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Of course the same argument would work if we replaced "good" with "bad."
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Note that we only actually need to apply this principle for and so a reader squeamish about very small probabilities need not be concerned. By making the argument with different numbers we could probably just fix .
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Despite appearing innocuous, this might be more "controversial" than very weak dominance. Many theories say that if is infinitely good, then it doesn't matter whether I achieve with 100% probability or 50% probability (or 1% probability or 0.000001% probability...) I find this sufficiently unappealing to reject such theories out of hand, but each reader must pick their own poison.
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I'm pretty sure this isn't necessary for the proof, since we only use it as a convenience for short manipulations rather than to establish very long chains. That said, it makes the proof easier and it's a pretty mild assumption.
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We don't really need this universal quantifier---it would be enough to define a single chain of escalating and alternative outcomes. But the quantitative properties we need out of the chain are somewhat arbitrary, so it seemed clearer to state an axiom capturing why unbounded utilities allow us to construct a particular kind of chain, rather than to directly posit a chain. That said, it results in a stronger assumption---for example it may be that there is an outcome which can offset any negative outcome, while still having a chain of increasingly large finite outcomes.
I think that weak outcome-lottery dominance is inconsistent with transitivity + unbounded utilities in both directions (or unbounded utilities in one direction + the sure thing principle), rather than merely producing strange results. Though we could summarize "violates weak outcome-lottery dominance" as a strange result.
Violating weak outcome-lottery dominance means that a mix of gambles, each strictly better than a particular outcome X, can fail to be at least as good as X. If you give up on this property, or on transitivity, then even if you are assigning numbers you call "utilities" to actions I don't think it's reasonable to call them utilities in the decision-theoretic sense, and I'm comfortable saying that your procedure should no longer be described as "expected utility maximization."
So I'd conclude that there simply don't exist any preferences represented by unbounded utility functions (over the space of all lotteries), and that there is no patch to the notion of utility maximization that fixes this problem without giving up on some defining feature of EU maximization.
There may nevertheless be theories that are well-described as maximizing an unbounded utility function in some more limited situations. And there may well be preferences over a domain other than lotteries which are described intuitively by an unbounded utility function. (Though note that if you are only considering lotteries over a finite space then your utility function is necessarily bounded.) And although it seems somewhat less likely it could also be that in retrospect I will feel I was wrong about the defining features of EU maximization, and mixing together positive lotteries to get a negative lottery is actually consistent with its spirit.
I think it's also worth observing that although St Petersburg cases are famously paradox-riddled, these cases seem overwhelmingly important on a conventional utilitarian view even before we consider any exotic hypotheses. Indeed, I personally became unhappy with unbounded utilities not because of impossibility results but because I tried to answer questions like "How valuable is it to accelerate technological progress?" or "How bad is it if unaligned AI takes over the world?" and immediately found that EU maximization with anything like "utility linear in population size" seemed to be unworkable in practice. I could find no sort of common-sensical regularization that let me get coherent answers out of these theories, and I'm not sure what it would look like in practice to try to use them to guide our actions.