There are various people who feel that Lesswrong degraded in the last year. In the same timeframe more and more discussions moved into the open thread model and open threads became weekly instead of monthly.
I suggest to counteract that trend by opening all discussions per default on Discussion instead of opening them in weekly open threads. Having the topics in discussion makes it easy to browse the list of topics and choose the headline that are of interest, even if the thread got opened two weeks ago.
It's more like the quality of posts will regress when the high quality community has largely shot it's wad, and is satisfied with their answers. When newbies come, they'll get pooh poohed by their elders, and often be intimidated. A newbie discussion starts, but an old timer will chime in with the "solution" and talk will peter out.
The culture of peers figuring it out dies, to be replaced by cranky old smarty pants who squash the kind of flailing about they used to do as "useless noise".
Having "Joined in Year XXXX" classes, each with their own forum, would be a way to segregate freshly minted eager beavers from cranky old codgers who have heard it all a thousand times before. Everybody wins. A class of Johnny Come Latelies might even come up with new ideas to challenge the geezer consensus.
(speaking as someone who has read through literally every post in Main since the start of LW a couple of times; I haven't attempted all of Discussion, probably should)
The interesting thing is that LW started with al... (read more)