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Thanks for the feedback :)

"It doesn't look that big, though I'm including starting steps of longer term tasks. Hmm, this doesn't feel that bad, thought maybe that's the endorphins from deciding to test this talking. "

What do you mean by including starting steps? 


I want to praise your clear and practical exercises, which quite literally ask me to solve problems I know have been bothering me and haven't done anything about. I also want to praise you on the common real life personal examples. They help me feel and connect to the ideas and solutions as I see a little bit of myself in the examples.

Something I'd like to criticize you about is the lack an "Epistemic status" header for your blog posts. I like when people do it. Another criticism is the insufficient (for me) reassurance that complicated techniques (like focusing) can't be mastered in a single blog post. I know this seems obvious in retrospect, but I felt bad about it in the real time.

Thank you!