Daniel Birnbaum

Wiki Contributions


Hate to be that guy but was he cryopreserved?

I think this has the potential to be a great thing to make note of. I would consider adding weird rituals and communal synchronization into the mix (in form of song or dance). I don't think the synchrony stuff has to be crazy (a mere songs in front a camp fire feels like a religious experience to many). Although it does sound very weird (and very well may be), I find it not merely coincidental that this a strong part of what makes religions' communities survive and thrive. I do see potential downsides 1) in how weird it would be to the outside (making the rat culture even more insular) and 2) actually getting people to participate in those activities seriously without belief in something beyond mere instrumental utility. 

Thank you for your help! I was already in the Discord and have been in contact (and am a part of) the EA group here.