
Wiki Contributions


Reading the comments here, I think I may halve my estimate of self-install time.

I've wanted to install a bidet for 8+ years. However, I've always had higher-priority projects.

Costs that deter me:

  • What for you is a 20-minute project will be 4-8 hours for me because it involves plumbing (and I want it to not leak). The fastest plumbing project I've ever had (cleaning the p-trap beneath the bathroom sink) took 1.5 hours.
  • Hiring a contractor will be $100 because I live in a high-rent area, and they need to cover the expense of coming out. It will take me 1 hour to choose, schedule, and oversee a contractor.
  • I don't know how to choose a bidet. It'll take me 2-4 hours to research them.

The benefits are lower for me than for you:

  • I estimate it will save six rolls of toilet paper per year. That comes to about $20. If I value my hours at $50, hiring a contractor is $150, choosing a bidet is $100, and the bidet itself is at least $35. The sum is $285, a 14-year pay-off time.
  • I mainly want the bidet for comfort and because it will make me cleaner. Comfort and hygiene are lower-priority items for me. $20/year of extra comfort drops the pay-off time to 7 years.

BTW: Aella, a rationalist-adjacent Twitter user, mentioned that she uses a bidet.

Hint for those who want to read the text at the link: go to the bottom and click "view source" to get something that is not an SVG.

The best explanation I have found to explain this discrepancy is that ... RLACE ... finds ... a direction where there is a clear separation,

You could test this explanation using a support vector machine - it finds the direction that gives the maximum separation.

(This is a drive-by comment. I'm trying to reduce my external obligations, so I probably won't be responding.)

A lot of the steps in your chain are tenuous. For example, if I were making replicators, I'd ensure they were faithful replicators (not that hard from an engineering standpoint). Making faithful replicators negates step 3.

(Note: I won't respond to anything you write here. I have too many things to respond to right now. But I saw the negative vote total and no comments, a situation I'd find frustrating if I were in it, so I wanted to give you some idea of what someone might disagree with/consider sloppy/wish they hadn't spent their time reading.)

Feature request: some way to keep score. (Maybe a scoring mode that makes the black box an outline on hover and then clicking right=unscored, left-right=correct, and left-left-right=incorrect - or maybe a mouse-out could be unscored and left = incorrect and right = correct).

I haven't finished reading this; I read the first few paragraphs and scanned the rest of the article to see if it would be worth reading. But I want to point out that starting with Harsanyi's Utilitarianism Theorem (a.k.a. Harsanyi's Impartial Observer Theorem) implies that you assume "independence of irrelevant alternatives" because the theorem assumes that its agents obey [1] the Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem. The fourth axiom of this theorem (as listed in Wikipedia) is the "independence of irrelevant alternatives.". Since from the previous article,

The Nash Bargaining Solution is the only one that fulfills the usual three desiderata, and the axiom of Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives.

I am not surprised that this results in the Nash Bargaining solution as the solution to Bargaining Games. The last article also points out that the independence of irrelevant alternatives is not an obvious axiom, so I do not find that the Nash Bargaining solution to be more plausible because it is a generalization of the CoCo Equilibria.[2]

  1. From the abstract here: ['  s_'Utilitarian_Theorem'_and_Utilitarianism] and the introduction to Generalized UtilitarianismandHarsanyi's Impartial Observer Theorem ↩︎

  2. This is a bit inconsistent on my part because I usually make formal decisions according to Rule Utilitarianism, and most forms of utilitarianism assume Von Neumann–Morgenstern expected utility. However, in my defense, I'm not firmly attached to Rule Utilitarianism; it is just the current best I've found. ↩︎

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