Nate Showell

Wiki Contributions


AI safety research is speeding up capabilities. I hope this is somewhat obvious to most.

This contradicts the Bitter Lesson, though. Current AI safety research doesn't contribute to increased scaling, either through hardware advances or through algorithmic increases in efficiency. To the extent that it increases the usability of AI for mundane tasks, current safety research does so in a way that doesn't involve making models larger. Fears of capabilities externalities from alignment research are unfounded as long as the scaling hypothesis continues to hold.

The lack of leaks could just mean that there's nothing interesting to leak. Maybe William and others left OpenAI over run-of-the-mill office politics and there's nothing exceptional going on related to AI.

The concept of "the meaning of life" still seems like a category error to me. It's an attempt to apply a system of categorization used for tools, one in which they are categorized by the purpose for which they are used, to something that isn't a tool: a human life. It's a holdover from theistic worldviews in which God created humans for some unknown purpose.


The lesson I draw instead from the knowledge-uploading thought experiment -- where having knowledge instantly zapped into your head seems less worthwhile acquiring it more slowly yourself -- is that to some extent, human values simply are masochistic. Hedonic maximization is not what most people want, even with all else being equal. This goes beyond simply valuing the pride of accomplishing difficult tasks, as such as the sense of accomplishment one would get from studying on one's own, above other forms of pleasure. In the setting of this thought experiment, if you wanted the sense of accomplishment, you could get that zapped into your brain too, but much like getting knowledge zapped into your brain instead of studying yourself, automatically getting a sense of accomplishment would be of lesser value. The suffering of studying for yourself is part of what makes us evaluate it as worthwhile.

Spoilers for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:


Father is a good example of a character whose central flaw is his lack of green. Father was originally created as a fragment of Truth, but he never tries to understand the implications of that origin. Instead, he only ever sees God as something to be conquered, the holder of a power he can usurp. While the Elric brothers gain some understanding of "all is one, one is all" during their survival training, Father never does -- he never stops seeing himself as a fragile cloud of gas inside a flask, obsessively needing to erect a dichotomy between controller and controlled. Not once in the series does he express anything resembling awe. When Father finally does encounter God beyond the Doorway of Truth, he doesn't recognize what he's seeing. The Elric brothers have artistic expressions of wonderment toward God inscribed on their Doorways of Truth, but Father's Doorway of Truth is blank.

Father's lack of green also extends to how he sees humans. It never seems to occur to Father that the taboo against human transmutation is anything more than an arbitrary rule. To him, humans are only ever tools or inconveniences, not people to appreciate for their own sake or look to for guidance. Joy-in-the-Other is what Father most deeply desires, but he doesn't recognize this need.

Mostly the first reason. The "made of atoms that can be used for something else" piece of the standard AI x-risk argument also applies to suffering conscious beings, so an AI would be unlikely to keep them around if the standard AI x-risk argument ends up being true.

It's worth noting that no reference to preferences has yet been made. That's interesting because it suggests that there are both 0P-preferences and 1P-preferences. That intuitively makes sense, since I do care about both the actual state of the world, and what kind of experiences I'm having.

Believing in 0P-preferences seems to be a map-territory confusion, an instance of the Tyranny of the Intentional Object. The robot can't observe the grid in a way that isn't mediated by its sensors. There's no way for 0P-statements to enter into the robot's decision loop, and accordingly act as something the robot can have preferences over, except by routing through 1P-statements. Instead of directly having a 0P-preference for "a square of the grid is red," the robot would have to have a 1P-preference for "I believe that a square of the grid is red." 

What's your model of inflation in an AI takeoff scenario? I don't know enough about macroeconomics to have a good model of what AI takeoff would do to inflation, but it seems like it would do something.

You're underestimating how hard it is to fire people from government jobs, especially when those jobs are unionized. And even if there are strong economic incentives to replace teachers with AI, that still doesn't address the ease of circumvention. There's no surer way to make teenagers interested in a topic than to tell them that learning about it is forbidden.

All official teaching materials would be generated by a similar process. At about the same time, the teaching profession as we know it today ceases to exist. "Teachers" become merely administrators of the teaching system. No original documents from before AI are permitted for children to access in school.

This sequence of steps looks implausible to me. Teachers would have a vested interest in preventing it, since their jobs would be on the line. A requirement for all teaching materials to be AI-generated would also be trivially easy to circumvent, either by teachers or by the students themselves. Any administrator who tried to do these things would simply have their orders ignored, and the Streisand Effect would lead to a surge of interest in pre-AI documents among both teachers and students.

Why do you ordinarily not allow discussion of Buddhism on your posts?


Also, if anyone reading this does a naturalist study on a concept from Buddhist philosophy, I'd like to hear how it goes.

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