Jonathan Claybrough

Software engineer transitioned into AI safety, teaching and strategy. Particularly interested in psychology, game theory, system design, economics.

Wiki Contributions


Might be good to have a dialogue format with other people who agree/disagree to flesh out scenarios and countermeasures

Hi, I'm currently evaluating the cost effectiveness of various projects and would be interested in knowing, if you're willing to disclose, approximately how much this program costs MATS in total? By this I mean the summer cohort, includings ops before and after necessary for it to happen, but not counting the extension. 

"It's true that we don't want women to be driven off by a bunch of awkward men asking them out, but if we make everyone read a document that says 'Don't ask a woman out the first time you meet her', then we'll immediately give the impression that we have a problem with men awkwardly asking women out too much — which will put women off anyway."

This seems a weak response to me, at best only defensible considering yourself to be on the margin and without thought for longterm growth and your ability to clarify intentions (you have more than 3 words when interacting with people irl). 

To be clear explicitly writing "don't ask women out the first time you meet her" would be terrible writing and if that's the best writing members of that group can do for guidelines, then maybe nothing is better than that. Still, it reeks of "we've tried for 30 seconds and are all out of ideas" energy. 

A guidelines document can give high level guidance to the vibe you want (eg. truth seeking, not too much aggressiveness, giving space when people feel uncomfortable, communicating around norms explicitly), all in the positive way (eg. you say what you want, not what you don't want), and can refer to sub-documents to give examples and be quite concrete if you have socially impaired people around that need to learn this explicitly. 

Note Existential is a term of art different from Extinction. 

The Precipice cites Bostrome and defines it such:
"An existential catastrophe is the destruction of humanity’s longterm potential. 
An existential risk is a risk that threatens the destruction of humanity’s longterm potential."

Disempowerment is generally considered an existential risk in the literature. 

I participated in the previous edition of AISC and found it very valuable to my involvement in AI Safety. I acquired knowledge (on standards and the standards process), got experience, contacts. I appreciate how much coordination AISC enables, with groups forming, which enable many to have their first hands on experience and step up their involvement. 

Thanks, and thank you for this post in the first place!

Jonathan Claybrough

Actually no, I think the project lead here is which I guess sounds a bit like me, but isn't me ^^

Would be up for this project. As is, I downvoted Trevor's post for how rambly and repetitive it is. There's a nugget of idea, that AI can be used for psychological/information warfare that I was interested in learning about, but the post doesn't seem to have much substantive argument to it, so I'd be interested in someone both doing an incredibly shorter version which argued for its case with some sources. 

It's a nice pic and moment, I very much like this comic and the original scene. It might be exaggerating a trait (here by having the girl be particularly young) for comedic effect but the Hogfather seems right. 
I think I was around 9 when I got my first sword, around 10 for a sharp knife. I have a scar in my left palm from stabbing myself with that sharp knife as a child while whittling wood for a bow. It hurt for a bit, and I learned to whittle away from me or do so more carefully. I'm pretty sure my life is better for it and (from having this nice story attached to it) I like the scar. 

This story still presents the endless conundrum between avoiding hurt and letting people learn and gain skills.
Assuming the world was mostly the same as nowadays, by the time your children are parenting, would they have the skills to notice sharp corners if they never experienced them ? 

I think my intuitive approach here would be to put some not too soft padding (which is effectively close to what you did, it's still an unpleasant experience hitting against that even with the cloth). 

What's missing is how to teach against existential risks. There's an extent to which actually bleeding profusely from a sharp corner can help learn walking carefully, anticipating dangers, and that these skills do generalize to many situations and allows one to live a long fruitful life. (This last sentence does not pertain to the actual age of your children and doesn't address ideal ages at which you can actually learn the correct and generalizable thing). If you have control on the future, remove all the sharp edges forever. 
If you don't, you remove the hard edges when they're young, instore them again when they can/should learn to recognize what typically are hard edges and must be accounted for. 

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