Nathan Helm-Burger

AI alignment researcher, ML engineer. Masters in Neuroscience.

I believe that cheap and broadly competent AGI is attainable and will be built soon. This leads me to have timelines of around 2024-2027. Here's an interview I gave recently about my current research agenda. I think the best path forward to alignment is through safe, contained testing on models designed from the ground up for alignability trained on censored data (simulations with no mention of humans or computer technology). I think that current ML mainstream technology is close to a threshold of competence beyond which it will be capable of recursive self-improvement, and I think that this automated process will mine neuroscience for insights, and quickly become far more effective and efficient. I think it would be quite bad for humanity if this happened in an uncontrolled, uncensored, un-sandboxed situation. So I am trying to warn the world about this possibility. 

See my prediction markets here: 

I also think that current AI models pose misuse risks, which may continue to get worse as models get more capable, and that this could potentially result in catastrophic suffering if we fail to regulate this.

I now work for SecureBio on AI-Evals.

relevant quote: 

"There is a powerful effect to making a goal into someone’s full-time job: it becomes their identity. Safety engineering became its own subdiscipline, and these engineers saw it as their professional duty to reduce injury rates. They bristled at the suggestion that accidents were largely unavoidable, coming to suspect the opposite: that almost all accidents were avoidable, given the right tools, environment, and training." 

Wiki Contributions


EY may be too busy to respond, but you can probably feel pretty safe consulting with MIRI employees in general. Perhaps also Conjecture employees, and Redwood Research employees, if you read and agree with their views on safety. That at least gives you a wider net of people to potentially give you feedback.

Some features I'd like:

a 'mark read' button next to posts so I could easily mark as read posts that I've read elsewhere (e.g. ones cross-posted from a blog I follow)

a 'not interested' button which would stop a given post from appearing in my latest or recommended lists. Ideally, this would also update my recommended posts so as to recommend fewer posts like that to me.

a 'read later' button which will put the post into a reading list for me that I can come back to later.

a toggle button for 'show all' / 'show only unread' so that I could easily switch between the two modes.

These features would help me keep my 'front page' feeling cleaner and more focused.

Yeah, I agree that releasing open-weights non-frontier models doesn't seem like a frontier capabilities advance. It does seem potentially like an open-source capabilities advance.

That can be bad in different ways. Let me pose a couple hypotheticals.

  1. What if frontier models were already capable of causing grave harms to the world if used by bad actors, and it is only the fact that they are kept safety-fine-tuned and restricted behind APIs that is preventing this? In such a case, it's a dangerous thing to have open-weight models catching up.

  2. What if there is some threshold beyond which a model would be capable enough of recursive self-improvement with sufficient scaffolding and unwise pressure from an incautious user. Again, the frontier labs might well abstain from this course. Especially if they weren't sure they could trust the new model design created by the current AI. They would likely move slowly and cautiously at least. I would not expect this of the open-source community. They seem focused on pushing the boundaries of agent-scaffolding and incautiously exploring the whatever they can.

So, as we get closer to danger, open-weight models take on more safety significance.

I think people can in theory collectively decide not to build AGI or ASI.

Certainly you as an individual can choose this! Where things get tricky is when asking whether that outcome seems probable, or coming up with a plan to bring that outcome about. Similarly, as a child I wondered, "Why can't people just choose not to have wars, just decide not to kill each other?"

People have selfish desires, and group loyalty instincts, and limited communication and coordination capacity, and the world is arranged in such a way that sometimes this leads to escalating cycles of group conflict that are net bad for everyone involved.

That's the scenario I think we are in with AI development also. Everyone would be safer if we didn't, but getting everyone to agree not to and hold to that agreement even in private seems intractably hard.

I'm not so sure. You might be right, but I suspect that catastrophic forgetting may still be playing an important role in limiting the peak capabilities of an LLM of given size. Would it be possible to continue Llama3 8B's training much much longer and have it eventually outcompete Llama3 405B stopped at its normal training endpoint?

I think probably not? And I suspect that if not, that part (but not all) of the reason would be catastrophic forgetting. Another part would be limited expressivity of smaller models, another thing which the KANs seem to help with.

Wow, this is super fascinating.

A juicy tidbit:

Catastrophic forgetting is a serious problem in current machine learning [24]. When a human masters a task and switches to another task, they do not forget how to perform the first task. Unfortunately, this is not the case for neural networks. When a neural network is trained on task 1 and then shifted to being trained on task 2, the network will soon forget about how to perform task 1. A key difference between artificial neural networks and human brains is that human brains have functionally distinct modules placed locally in space. When a new task is learned, structure re-organization only occurs in local regions responsible for relevant skills [25, 26], leaving other regions intact. Most artificial neural networks, including MLPs, do not have this notion of locality, which is probably the reason for catastrophic forgetting.

Yeah, I was playing around with using a VAE to compress the logits output from a language transformer. I did indeed settle on treating the vocab size (e.g. 100,000) as the 'channels'.

So when trying to work with language data vs image data, an interesting assumption of the ml vision research community clashes with an assumption of the language research community. For a language model, you represent the logits as a tensor with shape [batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size]. For each position in the sequence, there are a variety of likelihood values of possible tokens for that position.

In vision models, the assumption is that the data will be in the form [batch_size, color_channels, pixel_position]. Pixel position can be represented as a 2d tensor or flattened to 1d.

See the difference? Sequence position comes first, pixel position comes second. Why? Because a color channel has a particular meaning, and thus it is intuitive for a researcher working with vision data to think about the 'red channel' as a thing which they might want to separate out to view. What if we thought of 2nd-most-probable tokens the same way? Is it meaningful to read a sequence of all 1st-most-probable tokens, then read a sequence of all 2nd-most-probable tokens? You could compare the semantic meaning, and the vibe, of the two sets. But this distinction doesn't feel as natural for language logits as it does for color channels.

This is something I've been thinking about as well, and I think you do a good job explaining it. There's definitely more to breakdown and analyze within competence and intelligence. Such as simulation being a distinct sort of part of intelligence. A measure of how many moves a player can think ahead in a strategy game like chess or Go. How large of a possibility-tree can they build in the available time? With what rate of errors? How quickly does the probability of error increase as the tree increases in size? How does their performance decrease as the complexity of the variables needed to be tracked for an accurate simulation increase?

As a population of AGI copies, the obvious first step towards 'taking over the world' is to try to improve oneself.

I expect that the described workforce could find improvements within a week of clock time including one or more of:

Improvements to peak intelligence without needing to fully retrain.

Improvements to inference efficiency.

Improvements to ability to cooperate and share knowledge.

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