1 min read


The host has requested RSVPs for this event
11 Going0 Maybe2 Can't Go
John C
Chris B
Alex Caswen

Hello Everyone,

The April meetup, which will also be the ACX Spring Meetups Everywhere event, will be on Thursday April 18th at 7:00 PM.  

LocationIrrational Brewing

We will have an ACX sign so you can easily find our table.

Please do your best to RSVP by the morning of the event; we will order food for everyone, and this will let us know how much to order. If you can not RSVP for whatever reason, though, that's fine too.

In case you have specific dietary restrictions (vegetarian options will be available) or otherwise don't want to share the food we provide, the venue has some minimal food choices, but is totally okay with bringing in food from outside - there are many good restaurants nearby.

Discussion Topic: Best of Rationality

Instead of having a set topic this month, let's talk about your favorite ACX (or ACX/rationality-adjacent) articles. Or, alternatively, any articles that you have been thinking about recently.

You don' need to prepare anything, but feel free to reply in the comments if you have anything interesting you've been reading that you would like to share.


None in particular! However, here are a couple interesting reads,

Tyler Cowen on misinformation as a demand problem - an interesting take on why generative AI might not fuel misinformation

Some data on India's phenomenal poverty reduction

Why is it so hard to build an airport?


See you there! 

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