The host has requested RSVPs for this event

[Make sure to read this for details if you haven't come since we started meeting at Rocky Hill Cohousing.]

We're the regular Northampton area meetup for ACX readers and (as far as I know) the only rationalist or EA community gathering in the Pioneer Valley so far.

We started as part of the 2018 ACX Meetups Everywhere event, and have been holding meetups with varying degrees of regularity ever since. At most meetups we get about 4-7 people out of a rotation of 15-20, with a nice mix of regular faces, people who only drop in once in a while, and occasionally total newcomers. As with most places, Meetups Everywhere events like this one tend to run on the high end for attendance, especially newcomers. In the last Meetups Everywhere event this Spring, we got 8 folks.

There's no "format" or suggested readings. Although it's not rare for us to touch on ACX articles and related topics, the conversation varies wildly, and you are welcome even if you're the most occasional ACX reader (or just interested in rationalism in general, or even just related topics like EA).

Please join us for rationalist discussion, drinks and snacks at:

September 28, 2024

Rocky Hill Cohousing, Common House
100 Black Birch Trail, Northampton, MA 01062

(For those unfamiliar, Florence is a village inside of Northampton. Some maps services show the address as in Florence, some in Northampton.)

Please park along the righthand side of Black Birch Trail where the sign says "Event Parking." Overflow parking is available in the resident lots to the right or left of the stop sign. Disabled parking is available right in front of the Common House.

We currently communicate via an email list; feel free to email me at to get on the list. Just let me know if you'd like to be a CC or a BCC.

Look forward to meeting you!


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