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1 Going2 Maybe3 Can't Go
Andrew West
Lauri Elias
Triinu Remmel
Richard Annilo
Mart Roben
Sille-Liis Männik

This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Tallinn, Estonia.

Location: St. Vitus, Tallinn. I don't know if anyone will turn up, but I'll be wearing a suit, a beard, and a book. – 9GF6CPRH+MQ


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Hey, all. I can't join you today, because I've picked up some nasty nose bug. :(

I'm very disappointed. I was really looking forward to this meetup - took notes on all the questions I wanted to ask etc.

I need you to have such a great time tonight that the next meetup will be in like a few weeks or so...

Ah, I'm glad you found the new one, I managed to lose my notes of who to contact in the intervening six months.

A reminder for tomorrow.  I don't think we'll exactly be taking over the whole place, but I'll write a sign on a piece of paper.  I remain a man with a suit, a beard, a book, and probably a beer.  

Please feel free to bring any like-minded friends.  

And if anyone is on the fence, I believe I can get reimbursed for food, and St Vitus are decent in a gastro-pub kind of way.

I shall have to move this to St Vitus, as Tops have decided to not open on Mondays any more.  I will mail the coordinator and ask her to edit the event.


We might have to be more specific. Suit + beard + book pretty much matches any patron of Tops at any random time. :D

What kind of book will it be? The Scout Mindset? From AI to Zombies? HP and the Methods of Rationality?

If you can tell me where to get a hardback copy of HPMOR, that is what I shall be bringing.  I DO have a copy of Inadequate Equilibria, come to think of it...

I'll make a sign or something/be more specific when we know how many people might come.

Wow, I didn't even know Inadequate Equilibria existed. Reading list expanded. Participating in this meetup is already paying off.

No ideas on the whereabouts of any physical HPMORs though. I guess a sign will have to suffice. :)