What kind of events does your group usually run? What does it usually do?

We hold meetups/discussions at L'Esplanade Tranquille during the summer months and the Ye Olde Pub Bar & Grill during the winter months, where we discuss a wide range of topics of interest. We also occasionally meet to play board games.


How frequently does your group organize events or meet?

We usually meet biweekly on Saturdays at 1PM. All meetups are announced on the Montréal Lesswrong page, the ACX Montreal mailing list, and the Montreal Rationalists Discord. Join those to never miss an event!


Who would be a good fit for your group?

Anyone who likes to discuss a wide range of lesswrong/ACX-y topics, but really anyone is welcome.


Should they have any particular skills or have done some specific background reading?

When we have a discussion topic, we often suggest some light and optional background reading to get everyone up to speed before the discussion. But other than that, not at all. The only skill you need is to be a decent person :)

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