As some of you may know, SIAI is in the process of moving our Visiting Fellows Program to a larger and more permanent location in Berkeley.  Nothing is final yet but, however things turn out, November will be the last month we spend at 3755 Benton street.  In honor of the house's proud history, we'll be throwing one final Less Wrong meetup this Saturday, the 13th of November, starting at 6pm.  Come meet the SingInst staff, the visiting fellows and your fellow Less Wrong readers for one final party in Santa Clara!

As usual, food and drink shall be provided.

Please RSVP at the page if you plan to attend.

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Looking for a ride in from the city (San Francisco), if you could help me out, it would be appreciated :) Email is kittentech at

Is anyone from Berkeley (or people going who would pass through berkeley) going, from whom I could get a ride?

Upvoted for successfully leaving SC!


What part of Berkeley are you moving to? (If you can say – just curious)