Whpearson recently mentioned that people in some other online communities frequently ask "what are you working on?". I personally love asking and answering this question. I made sure to ask it at the Seattle meetup. However, I don't often see it asked here in the comments, so I will ask it:
What are you working on?
Here are some guidelines
- Focus on projects that you have recently made progress on, not projects that you're thinking about doing but haven't started, those are for a different thread.
- Why this project and not others? Mention reasons why you're doing the project and/or why others should contribute to your project (if applicable).
- Talk about your goals for the project.
- Any kind of project is fair game: personal improvement, research project, art project, whatever.
- Link to your work if it's linkable
I'm working on making music that doesn't suck. Bleepy electropop, to be precise. Using LMMS, a cheap'n'cheerful open source clone of FruityLoops. I've been an avid record nerd for nearly thirty years now, it's time I saw what I could do.
Current state: First demo. Something almost done. A minor diversion. I'm getting to know the capabilities and limitations of LMMS and Audacity (which is basically the four-track we all wanted twenty years ago as a computer program). I'm accumulating a huge pile of fragments, which need putting together into actual pieces. I'm still looking for the sounds I'm after and learning more about sound and how to make what I want - a goal in mind. I'm learning how to do a mix on crappy speakers.
Hard parts: I have no musicianly ability whatsoever. My girlfriend (who is one of these people who can pick up pretty much any instrument and get something usable out of it) insists I learn a few chords on guitar. Also, for a writer, I'm finding it ridiculously difficult to come up with lyrics that I don't instantly think are awful.
Goals: Make something I think is good and other people think is good.
Why: because I feel like it and it amuses me.
Value to humanity: utterly minimal. Value to me: keeps me amused and out of trouble.
I didn't think much of the salmon or hammers tracks, but Opus I had an interesting sort of melody going on; if there were a full-length version of that (rather than 20 seconds), I think I'd enjoy it quite a bit.