Going through expiring predictions reminded me. Just as we did for 2010 and 2011, it's time for LessWrong to make its beliefs pay rent and give hostages to fortune in making predictions for events in 2012 and beyond.
Suggested topics include: Methods of Rationality updates (eg. "will there be any?"), economic benchmarks (price of gold has been an educational one for me this past year), medical advances (but be careful not to be too optimistic!), personal precommitments (signing up for cryonics?), being curmudgeonly about self-improvement, making daring predictions about the future of AGI, and so on.
As before, please be fairly specific. I intend to put most predictions on PredictionBook.com and it'd be nice if they weren't too hard to judge in the future.
(If you want advice on making good predictions, I've tried to write up a few useful heuristics I've learned. So far in the judging process, I've done pretty well this year, although I'm a little annoyed I got a Yemen prediction right but for the wrong reasons.)
I predict that in 2012:
The Republicans will nominate someone for President whose voting record has been to increase spending (that is, someone other than Ron Paul and Gary Johnson). As a result, the "Tea Party" vote will split itself between the Republican and Libertarian nominees, and President Obama will be reelected.
Congress will remain split close to 50-50 -- close enough that neither party will have a veto- or filibuster-proof majority in both houses. However, the most extreme members of both parties will be successfully defeated by targeted campaigns, thus toning down some of the rhetoric if not the feelings that underlie it.
The Euro will fall apart, but the EU as a whole will not.
Banks in both Europe and America will continue to successfully resist demands that their balance sheets reflect the worthlessness of large parts of their asset totals (mortgages here, government bonds in EU countries), because that would force governments to shut them down as insolvent and pay out huge amounts in insurance claims.
As a corollary, foreclosure activity will continue to be very slow, and government will continue to grant various kinds of relief to homeowners trying to forestall it. Result: there will be few or no housing starts in the US, and in fact, we will probably see a new federal program to buy up and demolish many of the "surplus" houses the banks are now holding.
The Supreme Court will uphold ObamaCare. Meanwhile, Congress will pass a half-baked "repeal" bill which leaves intact enough of the unsustainable parts of ObamaCare (especially the requirement that insurers accept anyone, regardless of pre-existing conditions) that the private health-insurance industry will be entirely or mostly destroyed.
There will be a major war, starting in the Middle East. Israel will lose (75%). China will probably join in on the radical-Muslim side. Iran will try to use its nukes but they will be duds. Israel will not use theirs. The US will send aid but will not directly engage Israel's enemies. Japan will join in on Israel's side after the radicals sink oil tankers on the way to Japan. The Russians will sit this one out. Turkey may or may not take part, but if they do it will be against Israel.
Others already pointed out that the level of detail of some of these predictions is way too high, but I don't think anyone linked to Eliezer's "Burdensome Details", which you should read if you haven't already.