Imagine the following situation: you have come across numerous references to a paper purporting to show that the chances of successfully treating a disease contracted at age 10 are substantially lower if the disease is detected later: somewhat lower at age 20 to very poor at age 50. Every author draws more or less the same bar chart to depict this situation: the picture below, showing rising mortality from left to right.

Rising mortality, left to right

You search for the original paper, which proves a long quest: the conference publisher have lost some of their archives in several moves, several people citing the paper turn out to no longer have a copy, etc. You finally locate a copy of the paper (let's call it G99) thanks to a helpful friend with great scholarly connections.

And you find out some interesting things.

The most striking is what the author's original chart depicts: the chances of successfully treating the disease detected at age 50 become substantially lower as a function of age when it was contracted; mortality is highest if the disease was contracted at age 10 and lowest if contracted at age 40. The chart showing this is the picture below, showing decreasing mortality from top to bottom, for the same ages on the vertical axis.

Decreasing mortality, top to bottom

Not only is the representation topsy-turvy; the two diagrams can't be about the same thing, since what is constant in the first (age disease detected) is variable in the other, and what is variable in the first (age disease contracted) is constant in the other.

Now, as you research the issue a little more, you find out that authors prior to G99 have often used the first diagram to report their findings; reportedly, several different studies on different populations (dating back to the eighties) have yielded similar results.

But when citing G99, nobody reproduces the actual diagram in G99, they all reproduce the older diagram (or some variant of it).

You are tempted to conclude that the authors citing G99 are citing "from memory"; they are aware of the earlier research, they have a vague recollection that G99 contains results that are not totally at odds with the earlier research. Same difference, they reason, G99 is one more confirmation of the earlier research, which is adequately summarized by the standard diagram.

And then you come across a paper by the same author, but from 10 years earlier. Let's call it G89. There is a strong presumption that the study in G99 is the same that is described in G89, for the following reasons: a) the researcher who wrote G99 was by then already retired from the institution where they obtained their results; b) the G99 "paper" isn't in fact a paper, it's a PowerPoint summarizing previous results obtained by the author.

And in G89, you read the following: "This study didn't accurately record the mortality rates at various ages after contracting the disease, so we will use average rates summarized from several other studies."

So basically everyone who has been citing G99 has been building castles on sand.

Suppose that, far from some exotic disease affecting a few individuals each year, the disease in question was one of the world's major killers (say, tuberculosis, the world's leader in infectious disease mortality), and the reason why everyone is citing either G99 or some of the earlier research is to lend support to the standard strategies for fighting the disease.

When you look at the earlier research, you find nothing to allay your worries: the earlier studies are described only summarily, in broad overview papers or secondary sources; the numbers don't seem to match up, and so on. In effect you are discovering, about thirty years later, that what was taken for granted as a major finding on one of the principal topics of the discipline in fact has "sloppy academic practice" written all over it.

If this story was true, and this was medicine we were talking about, what would you expect (or at least hope for, if you haven't become too cynical), should this story come to light? In a well-functioning discipline, a wave of retractations, public apologies, general embarrassment and a major re-evaluation of public health policies concerning this disease would follow.


The story is substantially true, but the field isn't medicine: it is software engineering.

I have transposed the story to medicine, temporarily, as an act of benign deception, to which I now confess. My intention was to bring out the structure of this story, and if, while thinking it was about health, you felt outraged at this miscarriage of academic process, you should still feel outraged upon learning that it is in fact about software.

The "disease" isn't some exotic oddity, but the software equivalent of tuberculosis - the cost of fixing defects (a.k.a. bugs).

The original claim was that "defects introduced in early phases cost more to fix the later they are detected". The misquoted chart says this instead: "defects detected in the operations phase (once software is in the field) cost more to fix the earlier they were introduced".

Any result concerning the "disease" of software bugs counts as a major result, because it affects very large fractions of the population, and accounts for a major fraction of the total "morbidity" (i.e. lack of quality, project failure) in the population (of software programs).

The earlier article by the same author contained the following confession: "This study didn't accurately record the engineering times to fix the defects, so we will use average times summarized from several other studies to weight the defect origins".

Not only is this one major result suspect, but the same pattern of "citogenesis" turns up investigating several other important claims.


Software engineering is a diseased discipline.



The publication I've labeled "G99" is generally cited as: Robert B. Grady, An Economic Release Decision Model: Insights into Software Project Management, in proceedings of Applications of Software Measurement (1999). The second diagram is from a photograph of a hard copy of the proceedings.

Here is one typical publication citing Grady 1999, from which the first diagram is extracted. You can find many more via a Google search. The "this study didn't accurately record" quote is discussed here, and can be found in "Dissecting Software Failures" by Grady, in the April 1989 issue of the "Hewlett Packard Journal"; you can still find one copy of the original source on the Web, as of early 2013, but link rot is threatening it with extinction.

A more extensive analysis of the "defect cost increase" claim is available in my book-in-progress, "The Leprechauns of Software Engineering".

Here is how the axes were originally labeled; first diagram:

  • vertical: "Relative Cost to Correct a Defect"
  • horizontal: "Development Phase" (values "Requirements", "Design", "Code", "Test", "Operation" from left to right)
  • figure label: "Relative cost to correct a requirement defect depending on when it is discovered"

Second diagram:

  • vertical: "Activity When Defect was Created" (values "Specifications", "Design", "Code", "Test" from top to bottom)
  • horizontal: "Relative cost to fix a defect after release to customers compared to the cost of fixing it shortly after it was created"
  • figure label: "Relative Costs to Fix Defects"
Diseased disciplines: the strange case of the inverted chart
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Reminds me of the bit in "Cargo Cult Science" by Richard Feynman:

Other kinds of errors are more characteristic of poor science. When I was at Cornell, I often talked to the people in the psychology department. One of the students told me she wanted to do an experiment that went something like this--it had been found by others that under certain circumstances, X, rats did something, A. She was curious as to whether, if she changed the circumstances to Y, they would still do A. So her proposal was to do the experiment under circumstances Y and see if they still did A.

I explained to her that it was necessary first to repeat in her laboratory the experiment of the other person--to do it under condition X to see if she could also get result A, and then change to Y and see if A changed. Then she would know that the real difference was the thing she thought she had under control.

She was very delighted with this new idea, and went to her professor. And his reply was, no, you cannot do that, because the experiment has already been done and you would be wasting time. This was in about 1947 or so, and it seems to have been the general policy then to not try to repeat psychological experiments, but only to change the conditions and see what happens.

My father, a respected general surgeon and an acute reader of the medical literature, claimed that almost all the studies on early detection of cancer confuse degree of disease at time of detection with "early detection". That is, a typical study assumes that a small cancer must have been caught early, and thus count it as a win for early detection.

An obvious alternate explanation is that fast-growing malignant cancers are likely to kill you even in the unlikely case that you are able detect them before they are large, whereas slow-growing benign cancers are likely to sit there until you get around to detecting them but are not particularly dangerous in any case. My father's claim was that this explanation accounts for most studies' findings, and makes something of a nonsense of the huge push for early detection.

Interesting. Is he (or anyone else) looking at getting something published that either picks apart the matter or encourages others to?

In trying to think of an easy experiment that might help distinguish, all that's coming to mind is adding a delay to one group and not to another. It seems unlikely this could be done ethically with humans, but animal studies may help shed some light.

As I have understood cancer development; benign tumors are not really cancer. But the rise of malignity is an evolutionary process, initial mutation increase division rate / inhibit apoptosis, additional mutation occur down the line + selection for maligmant cells. So one can still identify an early stage of cancer, not necessarily early in time but early in the evolutionary process. But then is real early detection really what we are interested in? If study X shows that method X is able to detect smaller tumors than presciently used method Y, wouldn't we consider it a superior method since it enables us to discover cancer in an earlier stage of development when it has not metastasized?

This is more common than most people would like to think, I think. I experienced this tracking down sunk cost studies recently - everyone kept citing the same studies or reviews showing sunk cost in real world situations, but when you actually tracked back to the experiments, you saw they weren't all that great even though they had been cited so much.

Did you find more recent replications as well? Or was the scientific community in question content that the old, not-so-good studies had found something real?
I didn't find very many recent replications that supported the standard wisdom, but that may just be because it's easier to find old much-cited material than new contrarian material, by following the citations in the prominent standard papers that I started with.

Well it seems to me that disciplines become diseased when people who demand the answers can't check answers or even make use of the answers.

In case of your software engineering example:

The software development work flow is such that some of the work affects the later work in very clear ways, and the flaws in this type of work end up affecting a growing number of code lines. Obviously, the less work you do that you need to re-do to fix the flaw, the cheaper it is.

That is extremely solid reasoning right here. Very high confidence result, high fidelity too - you know what kind of error will cost more and more to fix later, not just 'earlier error'.

The use of statistics from a huge number of projects to conclude this about a specific project is, however, a case of extremely low grade reasoning, giving a very low fidelity result as well.

In presence of extremely high grade reasoning, why do we need the low fidelity result from extremely low grade reasoning? We don't.

To make an analogy:

The software engineer has no more need for this statistical study than barber has need for the data on correlation of head size and distance between the eyes, and correlation of distance between eyes and ... (read more)

Nicely put, overall. Your points on the demands of "management" echo this other Dijkstra screed. However I have to disagree with your claims of "high grade reasoning" in this particular instance. You say "some of the work affects the later work in very clear ways": what ways? The ways most people in the profession know are less than clear, otherwise we wouldn't see all the arguing back and forth about which language, which OS, which framework best serves the interests of "later work"; or about which technique is best suited to prevent defects, or any of a number of debates that have been ongoing for over four decades. I've been doing this work for over twenty years now, and I still find the determinants of software quality elusive on the scale of whole programs. Sure, for small or "toy" examples you can always show the advantages of this or that technique: unit testing, UML models, static typing, immutability, lazy evaluation, propagation, whatever. (I've perhaps forgotten more of these tricks than some "hotshot" young programmers have ever learned.) But at larger scales of programming efforts these advantages start being swamped by the effects of other forces, that mostly have to do with the social nature of large scale software development.
The most direct and clear way: I made a decision how to divide up functionality between methods in a class. The following code that uses this class will all be directly affected by this decision. If this decision is made poorly, there will be growing extra cost from the difficulty of use of the class, as well as the cost of refactoring will be growing over time. Cause and effect. (We do not need to have an agreement which technique, framework, language, etc is the best and which is the worst to agree that this choice will affect the following code and that amending this decision later on will cost more and more. It is straightforward that choice of the language affects the following code, even if it is not straightforward if its bad or good) Of course at same time there can be early bug in a subroutine that e.g. calculates a sum of values in array, which does not affect other code. But there again, more complicated subroutines (e.g. a sum that makes use of multiple processors) will be able to have errors that stay unnoticed (failing once in a blue moon) while simpler code (straightforward sum loop) won't, so the errors which took a long while to detect would tend to be inside more complicated code which is harder to fix. At same time, I have no idea what would be the average ratio between different errors in a select sample of projects or how the time to detect would correlate with expense. And I do not think I need this data because I do not fall for fallacy of assuming causation from correlation and am aware that later-detected bugs come from more complex code in which fixing bugs is inherently more expensive. You can't infer causation from this correlation. The management falls for this and a bunch of other fallacies and it leads management to believe that this sort of useless trivia is important science which they can use to cut down project costs, just as the idiot barber's manager may think that height to head size correlation (inferred via chain of 2 corr

"Should Computer Scientists Experiment More? 16 excuses to avoid experimentation":

In [15], 400 papers were classified. Only those papers were considered further whose claims required empirical evaluation. For example, papers that proved theorems were excluded, because mathematical theory needs no experiment. In a random sample of all papers ACM published in 1993, the study found that of the papers with claims that would need empirical backup, 40% had none at all. In journals related to software, this fraction was 50%. The same study also analyzed a non-CS journal, Optical Engineering, and found that in this journal, the fraction of papers lacking quantitative evaluation was merely 15%.

The study by Zelkowitz and Wallace [17] found similar results. When applying consistent classification schemes, both studies report between 40% and 50% unvalidated papers in software engineering. Zelkowitz and Wallace also surveyed journals in physics, psychology, and anthropology and again found much smaller percentages of unvalidated papers there than in computer science.

...Here are some examples. For about twenty years, it was thought that meetings were essential for software reviews. H

... (read more)

Is it really valid to conclude that software engineering is diseased based on one propagating mistake? Could you provide other examples of flawed scholarship in the field? (I'm not saying I disagree, but I don't think your argument is particularly convincing.)

Can you comment on Making Software by Andy Oram and Greg Wilson (Eds.)? What do you think of Jorge Aranda and Greg Wilson's blog, It Will Never Work in Theory?

To anyone interested in the subject, I recommend Greg Wilson's talk on the subject, which you can view here.

I'm a regular reader of Jorge and Greg's blog, and even had a very modest contribution there. It's a wonderful effort.

"Making Software" is well worth reading overall, and I applaud the intention, but it's not the Bible. When you read it with a critical mind, you notice that parts of it are horrible, for instance the chapter on "10x software developers".

Reading that chapter was in fact largely responsible for my starting (about a year ago) to really dig into some of the most-cited studies in our field and gradually realizing that it's permeated with poorly supported folklore.

In 2009, Greg Wilson wrote that nearly all of the 10x "studies" would most likely be rejected if submitted to an academic publication. The 10x notion is another example of propagation of extremely unconvincing claims, that nevertheless have had a large influence in shaping the discipline's underlying assumptions.

But Greg had no problem including the 10x chapter which rests mostly on these studies, when he became the editor of "Making Software". As you can see from Greg's frosty tone in that link, we don't see eye to eye on this issue. I'm partially to blame for that, insof... (read more)

Thanks for taking the time to reply thoughtfully. That was some good reading, especially for a non-expert like me. Here are my thoughts after taking the time to read through all of those comment threads and your original blog post. I'll admit that I haven't read the original McConnell chapter yet, so keep that in mind. Also, keep in mind that I'm trying to improve the quality of this discussion, not spark an argument we'll regret. This is a topic dear to my heart and I'm really glad it ended up on LW. Based on Steve McConnell's blog post (and the ensuing comment thread), I think the order-of-magnitude claim is reasonably well-supported -- there are a handful of mediocre studies that triangulate to a reasonable belief in the order-of-magnitude claim. In none of those comment threads are you presenting a solid argument for the claim being not well-supported. Instead, you are mostly putting forth the claim that the citations were sloppy and "unfair." You seem to be somewhat correct -- which Steve acknowledged -- but I think you're overreaching with your conclusions. We could look at your own arguments in the same light. In all those long comment threads, you failed to engage in a useful discussion, relying on argumentative "cover fire" that distracted from the main point of discussion (i.e. instead of burying your claims in citations, you're burying your claims in unrelated claims.) You claim that "The software profession has a problem, widely recognized but which nobody seems willing to do anything about," despite that you acknowledge that Wilson et al are indeed doing quite a bit about it. This looks a lot like narrative/confirmation bias, where you're a detective unearthing a juicy conspiracy. Many of your points are valid, and I'm really, really glad for your more productive contributions to the discussion, but you must admit that you are being stubborn about the McConnell piece, no? Regarding Greg Wilson's frosty tone, I don't think that has anything to do with
I acknowledge the mind-killing potential of the 10x claim, and cannot rule out that I'm the one being mind-killed. This sub-thread is largely about discussions that took place at other times in other venues: I prefer not to reply here, but email me if you're interested in continuing this specific discussion. I disagree, for the most part, with your conclusions.
The productivity of programmers in an institution varies by a factor of infinity. It is hard to ensure that a programmer is in fact doing any useful work, and people in general are clever enough to come up with ways to avoid work while retaining the pay. Consequently there's the people who don't do anything, or do absolute bare minimum which is often counter productive. The very difficulty in measuring productivity inevitably (humans trying to conserve their effort) leads to immense variability in productivity. Resulting in average of say 3 lines of code per day and majority of projects failing. We can all agree that for all but the most analysis & verification - heavy software, 3 lines of code per day per programmer is crap (and this includes lines such as lone "{" ), and there is no counter argument that it in fact works, with the huge (unseen) fraction of projects failing to deliver anything, and having the productivity of 0 lines of code that's of any use. The lines of code are awful metric. They are still good enough to see several orders of magnitude issues.
And also leads to difficulty of talented new people getting started; I read a very interesting experimental economics paper using oDesk on this yesterday:
How about based on the fact that the discipline relies on propagating result rather than reproducing them.
If there is something that your data confirms, you want to reference somebody as a source to be seen fighting this problem.
See the ebook referenced at the end of the post, for starters. Will say more later.

This strikes me as particularly galling because I have in fact repeated this claim to someone new to the field. I think I prefaced it with "studies have conclusively shown...". Of course, it was unreasonable of me to think that what is being touted by so many as well-researched was not, in fact, so.

Mind, it seems to me that defects do follow both patterns: Introducing defects earlier and/or fixing them later should come at a higher dollar cost, that just makes sense. However, it could be the same type of "makes sense" that made Aristotl... (read more)

Mostly the ones that are easy to collect: a classic case of "looking under the lamppost where there is light rather than where you actually lost your keys". Now we're starting to think. Could we (I don't have a prefabricated answer to this one) think of a cheap and easy to run experiment that would help us see more clearly what's going on?
Here's an idea. There are a number of open-source software projects that exist. Many of these are in some sort of version control system which, generally, keeps a number of important records; any change made to the software will include a timestamp, a note by the programmer detailing what was the intention of the change, and a list of changes to the files that resulted from the change. A simple experiment might then be to simply collate data from either one large project, or a number of smaller projects. The cost of fixing a bug can be estimated from the number of lines of code changed to fix the bug; the amount of time since the bug was introduced can be found by looking back through previous versions and comparing timestamps. A scatter plot of time vs. lines-of-code-changed can then be produced, and investigated for trends. Of course, this would require a fair investment of time to do it properly.
And time is money, so that doesn't really fit the "cheap and easy" constraint I specified.
Hmmm. I'd parsed 'cheap and easy' as 'can be done by a university student, on a university student's budget, in furtherance of a degree' - which possibly undervalues time somewhat. At the cost of some amount of accuracy, however, a less time-consuming method might be the following; to automate the query, under the assumption that the bug being repaired was introduced at the earliest time when one of the lines of code modified to fix the bug was last modified (that is, if three lines of code were changed to fix the bug, two of which had last been changed on 24 June and one of which had last been changed on 22 June, then the bug would be assumed to have been introduced on 22 June). Without human inspection of each result, some extra noise will be introduced into the final graph. (A human (or suitable AGI, if you have one available) inspection of a small subset of the results could give an estimate of the noise introduced)
By "cheap and easy" what I mean is "do the very hard work of reasoning out how the world would behave if the hypothesis were true, versus if it were false, and locate the smallest observation that discriminates between these two logically possible worlds". That's hard and time-consuming work (therefore expensive), but the experiment itself is cheap and easy. My intuition (and I could well be Wrong on this) tells me that experiments of the sort you are proposing are sort of the opposite: cheap in the front and expensive in the back. What I'm after is a mullet of an experiment, business in front and party in back. An exploratory experiment might consist of taking notes the next time you yourself fix a bug, and note the answers to a bunch of hard questions: how did I measure the "cost" of this fix? How did I ascertain that this was in fact a "bug" (vs. some other kind of change)? How did I figure out when the bug was introduced? What else was going on at the same time that might make the measurements invalid? Asking these questions, ISTM, is the real work of experimental design to be done here.
Well, for a recent bug; first, some background: * Bug: Given certain input, a general utility function returns erroneous output (NaN) * Detail: It turns out that, due to rounding, the function was taking the arccos of a number fractionally higher than one * Fix: Check for the boundary cojdition; take arccos(1) instead of arccos(1.00000001). Less than a dozen lines of code, and not very complicated lines Then, to answer your questions in order: Once the problem code was identified, the fix was done in a few minutes. Identifying the problem code took a little longer, as the problem was a rare and sporadic one - it happened first during a particularly irritating test case (and then, entirely by coincidence, a second time on a similar test case, which caused some searching in the wrong bit of code at first) A numeric value, displayed to the user, was showing "NaN". The bug was introduced by failing to consider a rare but theoretically possible test case at the time (near the beginning of a long project) that a certain utility function was produced. I could get a time estimate by checking version control to see when the function in question had been first written; but it was some time ago. A more recent change made the bug slightly more likely to crop up (by increasing the potential for rounding errors). The bug may otherwise have gone unnoticed for some time. Of course, that example may well be an outlier. ---------------------------------------- Hmmm. Thinking about this further, I can imagine whole rafts of changes to the specifications which can be made just before final testing at very little cost (e.g. "Can you swap the positions of those two buttons?") Depending on the software development methodology, I can even imagine pretty severe errors creeping into the code early on that are trivial to fix later, once properly identified. The only circumstances I can think of that might change how long a bug takes to fix as a function of how long the developmen
Good stuff! One crucial nitpick: That doesn't tell me why it's a bug. How is 'bug-ness' measured? What's the "objective" procedure to determine whether a change is a bug fix, vs something else (dev gold-plating, change request, optimization, etc)?
NaN is an error code. The display was supposed to show the answer to an arithmetical computation; NaN ("Not a Number") means that, at some point in the calculation, an invalid operation was performed (division by zero, arccos of a number greater than 1, or similar). It is a bug because it does not answer the question that the arithmetical computation was supposed to solve. It merely indicates that, at some point in the code, the computer was told to perform an operation that does not have a defined answer.
That strikes me as a highly specific description of the "bug predicate" - I can see how it applies in this instance, but if you have 1000 bugs to classify, of which this is one, you'll have to write 999 more predicates at this level. It seems to me, too, that we've only moved the question one step back - to why you deem an operation or a displayed result "invalid". (The calculator applet on my computer lets me compute 1/0 giving back the result "ERROR", but since that's been the behavior over several OS versions, I suspect it's not considered a "bug".) Is there a more abstract way of framing the predicate "this behavior is a bug"? (What is "bug" even a property of?)
Ah, I see - you're looking for a general rule, not a specific reason. In that case, the general rule under which this bug falls is the following: For any valid input, the software should not produce an error message. For any invalid input, the software should unambiguously display a clear error message. 'Valid input' is defined as any input for which there is a sensible, correct output value. So, for example, in a calculator application, 1/0 is not valid input because division by zero is undefined. Thus, "ERROR" (or some variant thereof) is a reasonable output. 1/0.2, on the other hand, is a valid operation, with a correct output value of 5. Returning "ERROR" in that case would be a bug. Or, to put it another way; error messages should always have a clear external cause (up to and including hardware failure). It should be obvious that the external cause is a case of using the software incorrectly. An error should never start within the software, but should always be detected by the software and (where possible) unambiguously communicated to the user.
Granting that this definition of what constitutes a "bug" is diagnostic in the case we've been looking at (I'm not quite convinced, but let's move on), will it suffice for the 999 other cases? Roughly how many general rules are we going to need to sort 1000 typical bugs? Can we even tell, in the case we've been discussing, that the above definition applies, just by looking at the source code or revision history of the source code? Or do we need to have a conversation with the developers and possibly other stakeholders for every bug? (I did warn up front that I consider the task of even asking the question properly to be very hard, so I'll make no apologies for the decidedly Socratic turn of this thread.)
No. I have not yet addressed the issues of: * Incorrect output * Program crashes * Irrelevant output * Output that takes too long * Bad user interface I can think, off the top of my head, of six rules that seem to cover most cases (each additional rule addressing one category in the list above). If I think about it for a few minutes longer, I may be able to think of exceptions (and then rules to cover those exceptions); however, I think it very probable that over 990 of those thousand bugs would fall under no more than a dozen similarly broad rules. I also expect the rare bug that is very hard to classify, that is likely to turn up in a random sample of 1000 bugs. Hmmm. That depends. I can, because I know the program, and the test case that triggered the bug. Any developer presented with the snippet of code should recognise its purpose, and that it should be present, though it would not be obvious what valid input, if any, triggers the bug. Someone who is not a developer may need to get a developer to look at the code, then talk to the developer. In this specific case, talking with a stakeholder should not be necessary; an independent developer would be sufficient (there are bugs where talking to a stakeholder would be required to properly identify them as bugs). I don't think that identifying this fix as a bug can be easily automated. If I were to try to automate the task of identifying bugs with a computer, I'd search through the version history for the word "fix". It's not foolproof, but the presence of "fix" in the version history is strong evidence that something was, indeed, fixed. (This fails when the full comment includes the phrase "...still need to fix..."). Annoyingly, it would fail to pick up this particular bug (the version history mentions "adding boundary checks" without once using the word "fix").
That's a useful approximation for finding fixes, and simpler enough compared to a half-dozen rules that I would personally accept the risk of uncertainty (e.g. repeated fixes for the same issues would be counted more than once). As you point out, you have to make it a systematic rule prior to the project, which makes it perhaps less applicable to existing open-source projects. (Many developers diligently mark commits according to their nature, but I don't know what proportion of all open-source devs do, I suspect not enough.) It's too bad we can't do the same to find when bugs were introduced - developers don't generally label as such commits that contain bugs.
If they did, it would make the bugs easier to find. If I had to automate that, I'd consider the lines of code changed by the update. For each line changed, I'd find the last time that that line had been changed; I'd take the earliest of these dates. However, many bugs are fixed not by lines changed, but by lines added. I'm not sure how to date those; the date of the creation of the function containing the new line? The date of the last change to that function? I can imagine situations where either of those could be valid. Again, I would take the earliest applicable date. I should probably also ignore lines that are only comments.
At least one well-known bug I know about consisted of commenting out a single line of code. This one is interesting - it remained undetected for two years, was very cheap to fix (just add the commented out line back in), but had large and hard to estimate indirect costs. Among people who buy into the "rising cost of defects" theory, there's a common mistake: conflating "cost to fix" and "cost of the bug". This is especially apparent in arguments that bugs in the field are "obviously" very costly to fix, because the software has been distributed in many places, etc. That strikes me as a category error. Many bugs are also fixed by adding or changing (or in fact deleting) code elsewhere than the place where the bug was introduced - the well-known game of workarounds.
I take your point. I should only ignore lines that are comments both before and after the change; commenting or uncommenting code can clearly be a bugfix. (Or can introduce a bug, of course). Hmmm. "Cost to fix", to my mind, should include the cost to find the bug and the cost to repair the bug. "Cost of the bug" should include all the knock-on effects of the bug having been active in the field for some time (which could be lost productivity, financial losses, information leakage, and just about anything, depending on the bug). I would assert that this does not fix the bug at all; it simply makes the bug less relevant (hopefully, irrelevant to the end user). If I write a function that's supposed to return a+b, and it instead returns a+b+1, then this can easily be worked around by subtracting one from the return value every time it is used; but the downside is that the function is still returning the wrong value (a trap for any future maintainers) and, moreover, it makes the actual bug even more expensive to fix (since once it is fixed, all the extraneous minus-ones must be tracked down and removed).
A costly, but simple way would be to gather groups of SW engineers and have them work on projects where you intentionally introduce defects at various stages, and measure the costs of fixing them. To be statistically meaningful, this probably means thousands of engineer hours just to that effect. A cheap (but not simple) way would be to go around as many companies as possible and hold the relevant measurements on actual products. This entails a lot of variables, however - engineer groups tend to work in many different ways. This might cause the data to be less than conclusive. In addition, the politics of working with existing companies may also tilt the results of such a research. I can think of simple experiments that are not cheap; and of cheap experiments that are not simple. I'm having difficulty satisfying the conjunction and I suspect one doesn't exist that would give a meaningful answer for high-cost bugs. (Minor edit: Added the missing "hours" word)
It's not that costly if you do with university students: Get two groups of 4 university students. One group is told "test early and often". One group is told "test after the code is integrated". For every bug they fix, measure the effort it is to fix it (by having them "sign a clock" for every task they do). Then, do analysis on when the bug was introduced (this seems easy post-fixing the bug, which is easy if they use something like Trac and SVN). All it takes is a month-long project that a group of 4 software engineering students can do. It seems like any university with a software engineering department can do it for the course-worth of one course. Seems to me it's under $50K to fund?
Yes, it would be nice to have such a study. But it can't really be done the way you envision it. Variance in developer quality is high. Getting a meaningful result would require a lot more than 8 developers. And very few research groups can afford to run an experiment of that size -- particularly since the usual experience in science is that you have to try the study a few times before you have the procedure right.
That would be cheap and simple, but wouldn't give a meaningful answer for high-cost bugs, which don't manifest in such small projects. Furthermore, with only eight people total, individual ability differences would overwhelmingly dominate all the other factors.
By definition, no cheap experiment can give meaningful data about high-cost bugs.
That sounds intuitively appealing, but I'm not quite convinced that it actually follows.
You can try to find people who produce such an experiment as a side-effect, but in that case you don't get to specify parameters (that may lead to a failure to control some variable - or not). Overall cost of experiment for all involved parties will be not too low, though (although marginal cost of the experiment relative to just doing business as usual can be reduced, probably). A "high-cost bug" seems to imply tens of hours spent overall on fixing. Otherwise, it is not clear how to measure the cost - from my experience quite similar bugs can take from 5 minutes to a couple of hours to locate and fix without clear signs of either case. Exploration depends on your shape, after all. On the other hand, it should be a relatively small part of the entire project, otherwise it seems to be not a bug, but the entire project goal (this skews data about both locating the bug and cost of integrating the fix). if 10-20 hours (how could you predict how high-cost will a bug be?) are a small part of a project, you are talking about at least hundreds of man-hours (it is not a good measure of project complexity, but it is an estimate of cost). Now, you need to repeat, you need to try alternative strategies to get more data on early detection and on late detection and so on. It can be that you have access to some resource that you can spend on this (I dunno, a hundred students with a few hours per week for a year dedicated to some programming practice where you have a relative freedom?) but not on anything better; it may be that you can influence set of measurements of some real projects.. But the experiment will only be cheap by making someone else cover the main cost (probably, for a good unrelated reason). Also notice that if you cannot influence how things are done, only how they are measured, you need to specify what is measured much better than the cited papers do. What is the moment of introduction of a bug? What is cost of fixing a bug? Note that fixing a high-cost bug
A high-cost bug can also be one that reduces the benefit of having the program by a large amount. For instance, suppose the "program" is a profitable web service that makes $200/hour of revenue when it is up, and costs $100/hour to operate (in hosting fees, ISP fees, sysadmin time, etc.), thus turning a tidy profit of $100/hour. When the service is down, it still costs $100/hour but makes no revenue. Bug A is a crashing bug that causes data corruption that takes time to recover; it strikes once, and causes the service to be down for 24 hours, which time is spent fixing it. This has the revenue impact of $200 · 24 = $4800. Bug B is a small algorithmic inefficiency; fixing it takes an eight-hour code audit, and causes the operational cost of the service to come down from $100/hour to $99/hour. This has the revenue impact of $1 · 24 · 365 = $8760/year. Bug C is a user interface design flaw that makes the service unusable to the 5% of the population who are colorblind. It takes five minutes of CSS editing to fix. Colorblind people spend as much money as everyone else, if they can; so fixing it increases the service's revenue by 4.8% to $209.50/hour. This has the revenue impact of $9.50 · 24 · 365 = $83,220/year. Which bug is the highest-cost? Seems clear to me.
The definition of cost you use (damage-if-unfixed-by-release) is distinct from all the previous definitions of cost (cost-to-fix-when-found). Neither is easy to measure. Actual cited articles discuss the latter definition. I asked to include the original description of the values plotted in the article, but this it not there yet. Of course, existence of the high-cost bug in your definition implies that the project is not just a cheap experiment. Futhermore, following your example makes the claim the article contests as plausible story without facts behind it the matter of simple arithmetics (the longer the bug lives, the higher is time multiplier of its value). On the other hand, given that many bugs become irrelevant because of some upgrade/rewrite before they are found, it is even harder to estimate the number of bugs, let alone cost of each one. Also, how an inefficiency affects operating costs can be difficult enough to estimate that nobody knows whether it is better to fix a cost-increaser or add a new feature to increase revenue.
Is that a request addressed to me? :) If so, all I can say is that what is being measured is very rarely operationalized in the cited articles: for instance, the Brady 1999 "paper" isn't really a paper in the usual sense, it's a PowerPoint, with absolutely no accompanying text. The Brady 1989 article I quote even states that these costs weren't accurately measured. The older literature, such as Boehm's 1976 article "Software Engineering", does talk about cost to fix, not total cost of the consequences. He doesn't say what he means by "fixing". Other papers mention "development cost required to detect and resolve a software bug" or "cost of reworking errors in programs" - those point more strongly to excluding the economic consequences other than programmer labor.
Of course. My point is that you focused a bit too much on misciting instead of going for quick kill and saying that they measure something underspecified. Also, if you think that their main transgression is citing things wrong, exact labels from the graphs you show seem to be a natural thing to include. I don't expect you to tell us what they measured - I expect you to quote them precisely on that.
The main issue is that people just aren't paying attention. My focus on citation stems from observing that a pair of parentheses, a name and a year seem to function, for a large number of people in my field, as a powerful narcotic suspending their critical reason. If this is a tu quoque argument, it is spectacularly mis-aimed.
The distinction I made is about the level of suspension. It looks like people suspend their reasoning about statements having a well-defined meaning, not just reasoning about the mere truth of facts presented. I find the former way worse than the latter. It is not about you, sorry for stating it slightly wrong. I thought about unfortunate implications but found no good way to evade them. I needed to contrast "copy" and "explain". I had no intention to say you were being hypocritical, but discussion started to depend on some highly relevant (from my point of view) objectively short piece of data that you had but did not include. I actually was wrong about one of my assumptions about original labels...
No offence taken. As to your other question: I suspect that the first author to mis-cite Grady was Karl Wiegers in his requirements book (from 2003 or 2004), he's also the author of the Serena paper listed above. A very nice person, by the way - he kindly sent me an electronic copy of the Grady presentation. At least he's read it. I'm pretty damn sure that secondary citations afterwards are from people who haven't.
Well, if he has read the Grady paper and cited it wrong, most likely that he has got his nice graph from somewhere... I wonder who and why published this graph for the first time. About references - well, what discipline is not diseased like that? We are talking about something that people (rightly or wrongly) equate with common sense in the field. People want to cite some widely accepted statement, which agrees with their perceived experience. And the deadline is nigh. If they find an article with such a result, they are happy. If they find a couple of articles referencing this result, they steal the citation. After all, who cares what to cite, everybody knows this, right? I am not sure that even in maths the situation is significantly better. There are fresher results where you understand how to find a paper to reference, there are older results that can be found in university textbooks, and there is middle ground where you either find something that looks like a good enough reference or have to include a sketch if the proof. (I have done the latter for some relatively simple result in a maths article).
Or to put that another way, there can't be any low-hanging fruit, otherwise someone would have plucked it already.
We know that late detection is sometimes much more expensive, simply because depending on the domain, some bugs can do harm (letting bad data into the database, making your customers' credit card numbers accessible to the Russian Mafia, delivering a satellite to the bottom of the Atlantic instead of into orbit) much more expensive than the cost of fixing the code itself. So it's clear that on average, cost does increase with time of detection. But are those high-profile disasters part of a smooth graph, or is it a step function where the cost of fixing the code typically doesn't increase very much, but once bugs slip past final QA all the way into production, there is suddenly the opportunity for expensive harm to be done? In my experience, the truth is closer to the latter than the former, so that instead of constantly pushing for everything to be done as early as possible, we would be better off focusing our efforts on e.g. better automatic verification to make sure potentially costly bugs are caught no later than final QA. But obviously there is no easy way to measure this, particularly since the profile varies greatly across domains.
The real problem with these graphs is not that they were cited wrong. After all, it does look like both are taken from different data sets, however they were collected, and support the same conclusion. The true problem is that it is hard to say what do they measure at all. If this true problem didn't exist, and these graphs measured something that can be measured, I'd bet that these graphs not being refuted would actually mean that they are both showing true sign of correlation. The reason is quite simple: every possible metric gets collected for a stupid presentation from time to time. If the correlation was falsifiable and wrong, we would likely see falsifications on TheDailyWTF forum as an anecdots.
I don't understand why you think the graphs are not measuring a quantifiable metric, nor why it would not be falsifiable. Especially if the ratios are as dramatic as often depicted, I can think of a lot of things that would falsify it. I also don't find it difficult to say what they measure: The cost of fixing a bug depending on which stage it was introduced in (one graph) or which stage it was fixed in (other graph). Both things seem pretty straightforward to me, even if "stages" of development can sometimes be a little fuzzy. I agree with your point that falsifications should have been forthcoming by now, but then again, I don't know that anyone is actually collecting this sort of metrics - so anecdotal evidence might be all people have to go on, and we know how unreliable that is.
There are things that could falsify it dramatically, most probably. Apparently they are not true facts. I specifically said "falsifiable and wrong" - in the parts where this correlation is falsifiable, it is not wrong for majority of the projects. About dramatic ratio: you cannot falsify a single data point. It simply happenned like this - or so the story goes. There are so many things that will be different in another experiment that can change (although not reverse) the ratio without disproving the general strong correlation... Actually, we do not even know what are axis labels. I guess they are fungible enough. Saying that cost of fixing is something straightforward seems to be too optimistic. Estimating true cost of the entire project is not always simple when you have more than one project at once and some people are involved with both. What do you call cost of fixing a bug? Any metrics that contains "cost" in the name get requested by some manager from time to time somewhere in the world. How it is calculated is another question. Actually, this is the question that actually matters.

You're ascribing diseases to an entity that does not exist.

Software engineering is not a discipline, at least not like physics or even computer science. Most software engineers, out there writing software, do not attend conferences. They do not write papers. They do not read journal articles. Their information comes from management practices, consulting, and the occasional architect, and a whole heapin' helpin' of tribal wisdom - like the statistic you show. At NASA on the Shuttle software, we were told this statistic regularly, to justify all the process ... (read more)

Can you suggest examples, in mechanical engineering, of "tribal wisdom" claims that persist as a result of poor academic practice? (Or perhaps I am misunderstanding your analogy.)
I think that's a relevant question, because it might help prove my point, but it's not strictly necessary for it - and I'm also not a mechanical engineer, so I don't have any. I can try asking some of my friends who are about it, though. Let me rephrase. You're judging software engineering as a discipline because it has some tribal wisdom that may not be correct. It hasn't been retracted, or refuted, and merely perpetuates itself. I agree with you that this is bad. My point is that you're judging it as an academic discipline, and it's not. Academic disciplines (like computer science) have journals that a significant portion of the field will read. They have conferences, and even their own semi-feudal hierarchies sometimes. There are communication channels and methods to arrive at a consensus that allows for knowledge to be discovered, disseminated, and confirmed. Software engineering has none of those things. Most software is written behind closed doors in corporations and is never seen except by those who created it. Corporations, for the most part, do not like sharing data on how things were produced, and most failed projects fail silently (to the outside world, anyway). Corporations do not publish a paper saying "We spent 3 years with 10 software engineers attempting to create this product. We failed, and here is our hypothesis why." Is this a bad thing? Oh, absolutely. The field would be far better and more mature if it wasn't. But it's a structural problem. To put it another way, it isn't a disease; it's genetics. Understanding why is the important part.
Wait, what are the ACM, the IEEE, the SEI and their journals; or the ICSE conference (International Conference on Software Engineering) that has been running since 1975? And some major corporations have been publishing in these venues about their successes and (maybe some) failures. I was agreeing with you (or at least not sure enough to disagree) when you said "most software engineers don't go to conferences", but "there are no conferences" is definitely inaccurate.
The ICSE conference has attendance figures listed here: In 2008, they had 827 attendees. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that in 2008 there were 1.3 million software engineers employed in the United States alone. There are plenty of conferences, even non-academic ones, relating to computer science and software engineering, such as GDC, the Game Development Conference. However, very few focus on the methodology of software engineering, unless they're for a specific methodology, such as conferences for Agile or XP. I subscribe to a few ACM journals; out of the 11 other software engineers in my office, none of the rest do. We build software for airplanes, so plenty more subscribe to the likes of Aviation Week, but none about software engineering. The plural of anecdote is not data, but it's illustrative all the same. Edit: I decided to add some clarification. I agree with you on your observations about software engineering as a field, including the problems that exist. My main point is, I'd expect them to exist in any field as broad and non-academic as software engineering, and I also don't see any way to fix it, or the situation to otherwise become better. That's why I disagree with the "diseased" adjective.

Your core claim is very nearly conventional wisdom in some quarters. You might want to articulate some remedies.

A few thoughts --

One metric for disease you didn't mention is the gap between research and practice. My impression is that in graphics, systems, networking and some other healthy parts of the CS academy, there's an intensive flow of ideas back and forth between researchers and practitioners. That's much rarer in software engineering. There are fewer start-ups by SE researchers. There are few academic ideas and artifacts that have become widely ... (read more)

Yes to all of that, especially the research-practice gap. For instance around things like "test-driven development" the flow seems to be going in the "wrong" direction, by which I mean not the expected one. The academics seem to be playing catch-up to "prove" whether or not it works, which is largely irrelevant to most people who've chosen to either use TDD or to not use it. One way to get both qualitative and quantitative evidence of the phenomenon is to look at the proceedings of the ICSE conference, taken as a historical whole (rather than one particular year, article or topic). There was a keynote speech by Ghezzi which examined some numbers, for instance it is tending to become more and more an academic conference, from beginnings more balanced between industry and academia. Interestingly, the "peaks" of interest from ICSE in things that were more industry-relevant (design patterns and Agile) seem to correspond closely to peaks of industry involvement in the committee, which suggest that the academic-heavy trend is also a trend toward less relevance (at least on the part of this particular conference). It's also instructive to look at the "most influential" papers from ICSE, from the point of view of "how have these papers changed the way software engineers actually work on an everyday basis". There is one that seems good from that point of view, the one on Statemate, but use of Statemate (a commercial tool) is AFAICT restricted to a subset of industries (such as auto or aerospace). And of course the Royce paper on waterfall, which isn't really from 1987, it was reprinted that year at Boehm's urging. On the other hand, something like refactoring? That's an industry thing, and largely ignored by ICSE until 1999, seven years after being first formally described in Bill Opdyke's PhD thesis. Or design patterns - presented at OOPSLA in 1987, book published in 1994, discovered by ICSE in 1996. Would like to hear more about that, in private if you are being inte

Discussed in this oft-quoted (here, anyway) talk.

A number of these phenomena have been bundled under the name "Software Engineering". As economics is known as "The Miserable Science", software engineering should be known as "The Doomed Discipline", doomed because it cannot even approach its goal since its goal is self-contradictory. Software engineering, of course, presents itself as another worthy cause, but that is eyewash: if you carefully read its literature and analyse what its devotees actually do, you will discover th

... (read more)
Yup. Dijkstra was one of the early champions of Software Engineering; he is said to have almost single-handedly coined the phrase "Software Crisis" which was one of the rhetorical underpinnings of the discipline. His vision of it was as a branch of applied mathematics. However, realizing the Software Engineering vision in practice turned out to require some compromises, for instance in order to get money from funding authorities to establish a Software Engineering Institute. The cumulative effect of these compromises was, as Dijkstra later described, to turn away almost completely from the "applied mathematics" vision of Software Engineering, and to remake it into a sort of Taylorist conception of software development, with notions of "factories" and "productivity" and "reliability" taking center stage. "Reliability" in particular must have been a heartache to Dijkstra: if software was mathematical, it could not break or wear out or fall apart, and the whole notion of "defects" imported from manufacturing had absolutely no place in thinking about how to write correct software. (See this paper by Priestley for interesting discussion of this dichotomy.) Dijkstra lost, and his ideas today have little real influence on the discipline, even though he is given lip service as one of its heroes. For my part, I don't necessarily think Dijkstra was "right". His ideas deserve careful consideration, but it's far from clear to me that software development is best seen entirely or even primarily as a branch of applied mathematics. But maybe that's only because my own mathematical ability is deficient. :)
One of the problem is that Software Engineering is very broad. Some parts of it (making a btree library, a neural network, finding the shortest path in a graph, ...) are very "mathy" and Dijkstra conception holds fully on them. Those parts are mostly done mathematically, with proofs on both the way the algorithm works and its complexity (worst-case, average-case, CPU and memory). Some other parts, like building a UI, are much harder (not totally impossible, but significantly harder) to address in a "mathy" way, and much easier to address in a "taylorist" way. The other issue is about the way the software will be used. If you're making embedded software for a plane, a failure can mean hundred of deaths, so you can afford spending more time doing it a more rigorous (mathematical) way. When you're doing something not so critical, but with a final customer switching his mind every two days and asking a new feature for yesterday, you end up being much less rigorous, because the goal is no longer "to be perfect" but "to be made fast and still be good enough". Like in industry, if you're making a critical part of plane, you won't necessary use the same process than if you're making cheap $10 watches. And yes, it's quite sad to have to do cheap $10 watches, at least personally, I hate being forced to write "quick and dirty" code, but in the world as it now, the one who pays decide, not the one who codes...
The distinction I find useful is between "computer science", perhaps better called "the study of the characteristics and limitations of algorithmic computations"; and "software engineering", which is supposed to be "the systematic application of science, mathematics, technology and engineering principles to the analysis, development and maintenance of software systems, with the aim of transforming software development from an ad hoc craft to a repeatable, quantifiable and manageable process" (according to one definition from a university). The former strikes me as a healthy discipline, the latter much less so. Well, assume that's the goal. When people take decisions which result in both "slow" and "not good enough", we would say that they are irrational. In practice, "quick and dirty" code often results in being actually "slow and dirty". The methods we now use to build software are by and large quite irrational. The aim of "software engineering" could be better described as "instrumentally rational approaches to creating software in the pursuit of a variety of (arbitrary, i.e. not necessarily epistemically rational) goals". The problem, then, is that software engineering has failed to offer approaches that are instrumentally rational in that sense: it gives advice that doesn't work, based on opinion that turns out not to be backed by good empirical evidence but on academic politics and ideology.
Software engineering is about as sensible a phrase - and as sensible a discipline - as "fiction engineering". Writing a program is far more like making a work of art than making most other "manufactured" products, and hiring a team of programmers to write a large program is like hiring a team of writers to write a novel the length of the collected works of Stephen King and finish in four years. Both work about as well as you'd expect. (I've done coding and I've done fiction writing, and the mental effort they require of me feels exactly the same.) (The only example of successful "writing by committee" that I can think of is television series - they almost always have writing teams, rather than relying on individuals. I suspect that "software engineering" could probably learn a lot from the people who manage people who write TV scripts.) See also: The Source Code is the Design
The relevant question is the extent to which the other kinds of engineering have similar character.
I suspect that many other forms of engineering aren't nearly as problematic as software engineering. For example, the Waterfall model, when applied to other engineering disciplines, often produces useable results. The big problem with software design is that, as in fiction writing, requirements are usually ill-defined. You usually don't find out that the bridge that you're halfway done building was in the wrong place, or suddenly needs to be modified to carry a train instead of carrying cars, but in software development, requirements change all the time.
Being able to actually move the bridge when you're half-way done probably has something to do with it...
That's probably true. Another issue is that software products are extremely diverse compared to the products of other types of industries. GM has been making automobiles for over one hundred years, and that's all it makes. It doesn't have the challenge of needing to make cars one year, jet airplanes the following year, and toasters the year after that. A company like Microsoft, however, makes many different types of software which have about as much in common with each other as a dishwasher has in common with a jet airplane. As the joke goes, if cars were developed like software, we'd all be driving 25 dollar vehicles that got 1000 miles per gallon... and they would crash twice a day.
There is a very healthy (and mathematical) subdiscipline of software engineering, applied programming languages. My favorite software-engineering paper, Type-Based Access Control in Data-Centric Systems, comes with a verified proof that, in the system it presents, data-access violations (i.e.: privacy bugs) are impossible. This is my own research area ( ), but my belief that this was a healthy part of a diseased discipline is a large part of the reason I accepted the position.
I happen to know something about this case, and I don't think it's quite as you describe it. Most of the research in this area describes itself as "algorithm engineering." While papers do typically prove correctness, they don't provide strong theoretical time and space bounds. Instead, they simply report performance numbers (often compared against a more standard algorithm, or against previous results). And the numbers are based on real-world graphs (e.g. the highway network for North America). In one paper I read, there was actually a chart of various tweaks to algorithm parameters and how many seconds or milliseconds each one took (on a particular test case). This is probably the best of both worlds, but of course, it is only applicable in cases where algorithms are the hard part. In most cases, the hard part might be called "customer engineering" -- trying to figure out what your customer really needs against what they claim to need, and how to deliver enough of it to them at a price you and they can afford.

While the example given is not the main point of the article, I'd still like to share a bit of actual data. Especially since I'm kind of annoyed at having spouted this rule as gospel without having a source, before.

A study done at IBM shows a defect fixed during the coding stage costs about 25$ to fix (basically in engineer hours used to find and fix it).

This cost quadruples to 100$ during the build phase; presumably because this can bottleneck a lot of other people trying to submit their code, if you happen to break the build.

The cost quadruples again for... (read more)

Very cool analysis, and I think especially relevant to LW.

I'd love to see more articles like this, forming a series. Programming and software design is a good testing ground for rationality. It's about mathematically simple enough to be subject to precise analysis, but its rough human side makes it really tricky to determine exactly what sort of analyses to do, and what changes in behavior the results should inspire.

Thanks! This work owes a substantial debt to LW, and this post (and possible subsequent ones) are my small way of trying to repay that debt. So far, though, I've mostly been blogging about this on G+, because I'm not quite sure how to address the particular audience that LW consists of - but then I also don't know exactly how to present LW-type ideas to the community I'm most strongly identified with. I'd appreciate any advice on bridging that gap.

There is a similar story in The trouble with Physics. I think it was about whether there had been proven to be no infinities in a class of string theory, where the articles cited only proved there weren't any in the low order terms.

As an aside it is an interesting book on how a subject can be dominated by a beguiling theory that isn't easily testable, due to funding and other social issues. Worth reading if we want to avoid the same issues in existential risk reduction research.

The particular anecdote is very interesting. But you then conclude, "Software engineering is a diseased discipline." This conclusion should be removed from this post, as it is not warranted by the contents.

It doesn't really read as an inference made from the data in the post itself; it's a conclusion of the author's book-in-progress, which presumably has the warranting that you're looking for.
The conclusion doesn't directly follow from this one anecdote, but from the observation that the anecdote is typical - something like it is repeated over and over in the literature, with respect to many different claims.

I see that you have a book about this, but if this error is egregious enough, why not submit papers to that effect? Surely one can only demonstrate that Software Engineering is diseased is if, once the community have read your claims, they refuse to react?

You don't call a person diseased because they fail to respond to a cure: you call them diseased because they show certain symptoms. This disease is widespread in the community, and has even been shown to cross the layman-scientist barrier.
Fair point, but I feel like you've dodged the substance of my post. Why have you chosen to not submit a paper on this subject so that the community's mind can be changed (assuming you have/are not).

What makes you think I haven't?

As far as "official" academic publishing is concerned, I've been in touch with the editors of IEEE Software's "Voice of Evidence" column for about a year now, though on an earlier topic - the so-called "10x programmers" studies. The response was positive - i.e. "yes, we're interested in publishing this". So far, however, we haven't managed to hash out a publication schedule.

You've said so yourself, I'm making these observations publicly - though on a self-published basis as far as the book is concerned. I'm not sure what more would be accomplished by submitting a publication - but I'm certainly not opposed to that.

It's a lot more difficult, as has been noted previously on Less Wrong, to publish "negative" results in academic fora than to publish "positive" ones - one of the failures of science-in-general, not unique to software engineering.

Then any objection withdrawn!
I commend you for pushing this, and Software is a decently high-impact venue.
Um. It might have been intentional, in which case disregard this, but Unfortunate Implication warning: laymen have brains too.

the two diagrams can't be about the same thing, since what is constant in the first (age disease detected) is variable in the other, and what is variable in the first (age disease contracted) is variable in the other.

Final 'variable' ought to read 'constant'.

This section,

what would you expect, should this story come to light? In a well-functioning discipline, a wave of retractations, public apologies, general embarrassment and a major re-evaluation of public health policies

is weak because many are cynical about medicine being able to do this (see I... (read more)

Ick. Thanks! I may mull over your points for a day or so before actually making any changes, but those are excellent points, and just the kind of feedback I was hoping for telling this story here. Much appreciated!
Please do! Thank you. I have to remind myself sometimes that despite all my support-the-fellow-tribe-member-in-all-things instincts, feedback and critique is actually useful to people!
Well, you somewhat shift the impact. The result can hit stronger in the less sensitive point. As I see it, the point is not "We are doing something wrong and innocent programs are dying!", more like "When we write programs, we'd better first acknowledge that we have no idea what we are doing and then try to get this idea". Your statement can be read as if people know what they want to acomplish and then fail to accomplish it. This view is too optimistic, I think it is a good idea to remove such a misreading.

Your "investigating" link is broken.

Fixed, thanks.
It's still broken - it leads to "".

I see that the there is a problem, but it seems that both charts support the same conclusion: the longer problem goes undetected, the more problems it brings.

Are there any methodological recommendations which are supported by one chart, but not the other?

As Software Engineering is too far from being a science anyway, correct sign of correlation seems to be everything that matters, because exact numbers can always be fine-tuned given the lack of controlled experiments.

Yes, there's a sort of vague consistency between the charts. That's precisely where the problem is: people already believe that "the longer a bug is undetected, the harder it is to fix" and therefore they do not look closely at the studies anymore. In this situation, the studies themselves become suspect: this much carelessness should lead you (or at least, it leads me) to doubt the original data; and in fact the original data appears to be suspect. Yes, that's where I end up. :)
Of course, by 1989 both experience and multiple cause-and-effect explanations told people this is the case. And the two graphs are actually different data sets with the same conclusion, so it looks like people just took whatever graph they found quickly. Comparing early quickly-found bugs and late quicky-found bugs is still impossible with this quality of data, but it is for the better. The real problem is not citing graph correctly - it is about what affects both bug severity and bug detection. Like having any semblance of order in the team. Are there people that claim this is about true science and not set of best practices? Maybe they are the real problem for now...
Typical quote: "Software engineering is defined as the systematic application of science, mathematics, technology and engineering principles to the analysis, development and maintenance of software systems, with the aim of transforming software development from an ad hoc craft to a repeatable, quantifiable and manageable process." And the publications certainly dress up software engineering in the rhetoric of science: the style of citation where you say something and then add "(Grady 1999)" as if that was supposed to be authoritative. It will be impossible to make progress in this field (and I think this has implications for AI and even FAI) until such confusions are cleared away.
"Early bugs are cheap, late bugs are expensive" suggests that you start with quick and dirty coding and gradually add quality checks (automatic/manual testing, code reviews, up to formal proofs). "Long-undetected bugs are expensive" suggests that it's best to be disciplined all the time.
Nope, it doesn't follow from any of the graphs. Early-found bugs are cheap. Early-appeared bugs are dear. Quickly-found bugs are cheap, long-standing bugs are dear. One claim is: If you find the problem at moment "50",you get high mortality if the problem started at moment "10" and low mortality if the problem started at moment "40". Other claim is: If the problem appeared at moment "10" you get higher treatment success if it is detected at moment "20" than if it was detected at moment "50". So, there is Contraction and Detection, and the higher D-C, the more trouble you get. It is common sense now, and of course if you vary one of C and D, you get different signs of correlation between D-C and variable.
Actually, it is plausible-sounding, but I can assure you that in 5 minutes of thinking about it you can find at least one excellent alternative explanation for the observed association. To me these claims are the equivalent of "we use only 10% of our brains", they have a vague plausibility which explains that so many people have accepted them uncritically, but they don't stand up to closer examination; unfortunately the damage has been done and you have to do a lot of work to persuade people to let go of the mistaken beliefs they have accepted, and that they now think are "scientific" or "proven by research".
There I cited one such reason without thinking 5 minutes Actually, the same bug being found earlier rather than later will probably be cheaper to fix, the question about measure of that cheapness (and whether the difference always covers the cost of finding it earlier) is impossible to answer with current level of actual expense we as society are prepared to spend.

Anyone want to come up with a theory about why not bothering to get things right was optimal in the ancestral environment?

Because you couldn't. In the ancestral environment, there weren't any scientific journals where you could look up the original research. The only sources of knowledge were what you personally saw and what somebody told you. In the latter case, the informant could be bullshitting, but saying so might make enemies, so the optimal strategy would be to profess belief in what people told you unless they were already declared enemies, but base your actions primarily on your own experience; which is roughly what people actually do.

In the ancestral environment you likely live more-or-less the same way your parents/elders did, so any advise they gave you was likely to have been verified for generations and hence good.
A believer in ev-psych would say something like "humans evolved language to manipulate each other, not to find truth".
Isn't sloppy science just a special case of the effect Eliezer described here?

Strictly speaking these are bar charts rather than histograms, aren't they?

Good catch, thanks. Edited title and text to fix.

Does anyone have any good resources for further reading on the claim that the phenomenon that this post describes also applies to second-hand smoke research? I've read several loosely collected pieces like that link which give partially anecdotal and partially convincing accounts. I more or less feel inconclusive about it and wondered whether there's a more cogent summary of that issue which states useful facts.

Well, one comment I would make as a practising software engineer is that this truism, that bugs introduced earlier in the software development process are more expensive to fix, is not all that relevant to modern software engineering. Because at the time this truism first became generally accepted, the prevalent "software development process" was generally some variant of the "waterfall" method, which is so discredited that... just don't get me started:)

Nowadays, everyone who is actually succeeding in shipping working code on time is do... (read more)

Since I think more people should know about this, I have made a question on Stackoverflow about it:

Could you add the true axis labels to your post?

Done! They are in the supplementary material at the bottom.
Thanks. It looks like my conjectures about them was mostly correct, but of course I was wrong about "Operation" being included as a phase on one of them and relative cost being "comparative to hypothetical early discovery". By the way, do you know what is the original source of the reversed graph? Because it may be that we need to separate misattribution and sloppiness of both original graphs anyway...

Interesting read to begin with. Nice anology. I do support the thought that claims made (in any field) should have data to back it up.

I do think at this point that , even though there is no 'hard scientific data' to claim it; Don't we have enough experience to know that once software is in operation, when bugs are found they cost more the fix than initially?

(Bugs are also in my opinion features that do not meet the expectations)

Even though the chart may be taken out of context, and a bit taken too far I don't think it belongs to the infamous quotes like &... (read more)

ISTM that you're making a great argument that the defects claim is in the same category as the "10% of the brain" category. Let me explain. To a layman, not well versed in neuroanatomy, the 10% thing has surface plausibility because of association between brain size and intelligence (smaller brained animals are dumber, in general), and because of the observed fact that some humans are massively smarter than others (e.g. Einstein, the paradigmatic case). Therefore, someone with the same size brain who's only "normal" in IQ compared to Einstein must not be using all of that grey matter. Of course, as soon as you learn more of what we actually know about how the brain works, for instance the results on modularity, the way simulated neural networks perform their functions, and so on - then the claim loses its plausibility, as you start asking which 90% we're supposed not to be using, and so on. Similarly, someone with a poor understanding of "defects" assumes that they are essentially physical in nature: they are like a crack in cement, and software seems like layer upon layer of cement, so that if you need to reach back to repair a crack after it's been laid over, that's obviously harder to fix. But software defects are nothing like defects in physical materials. The layers of which software is built are all equally accessible, and software doesn't crack or wear out. The problem is a lot more like writing a novel in which a heroine is dark-haired, complete with lots of subtle allusions or maybe puns referencing that hair color, and then deciding that she is blonde after all. As you observe, the cost of fixing a defect is not a single category, but in fact decomposes in many costs which have fuzzy boundaries: * the cost of observing the erroneous behaviour in the first place (i.e. testing, whether a tester does it or a user) * the cost of locating the mistake in the code * the cost of devising an appropriate modification * the cost of changing the rest of the
I don't think this is quite true. For instance, a few years ago, I traced a bug in my application down to an issue in how the Java Virtual Machine does JIT compiling, which caused subtle differences in a numerical algorithm between when the application started up, and when it had warmed up enough that certain functions were JIT compiled. Almost certainly, the correct fix would have been to correct the JVM so that the results were exactly the same in all cases. But, of course, the JVM was nowhere near as "accessible" as the library containing the bug -- almost everyone relies on a prebuilt version of the JVM, and it is rather difficult to build. Also, it's written in a different and less friendly language: C++. Of course, this assumes that we are using a free/open source JVM (as it happens, we are); the situation would be even worse if we had to rely on a proprietary VM. And it assumes that all of our users would have been willing to use a custom JVM until a fixed version of the mainline JVM were released. Another possibility would have been to add a compile-time option to the library containing that algorithm, so that that particular function would either always be JIT-compiled, or would never be. That's pretty straightforward -- as it happens, a different division of my company employs some of that library's authors. But the authors didn't consider it a worthwhile thing to do. So now we could maintain a fork of the library forever, or we could fix the bug somewhere else. Again, of course, this relied on the library being open; with a typical proprietary library, there would have been no recourse. Needless to say, the top layer, the application, was the easiest thing to change, and so that's what changed. Neither lower-level would have negatively impacted other library users (well, maybe turning off JIT on this function might have, but turning it always-on wouldn't). So I do think there is, in some sense, a difference in accessibility between layers which is not
Good observations - but note that these criteria for "accessible" (and the consequences you discuss) are socio-political in nature, rather than physical: the JVM is the result of someone else's analysis, design, programming, testing etc. - and your decision to use it is not part of the software life-cycle depicted in the diagram. A theory which attempted to account for such differences would find its ontology invaded with notions of copyright, software licensing, organizational divisions and the like - the SDLC would no longer be sufficient.
Some of them are socio-political, but I think others are intellectual. That is, I understand the internals of my program well, the library somewhat, and the JVM barely at all. And this would probably be close to accurate even if I had written the whole stack myself, since I would have written the JVM the longest time ago, the library more recently, and the program last. Buildings are built of stuff; programs are built of thoughts. That some information is more accessible because you have used it more recently is a fact about the brain rather than about software. But brains (and organizations) are all we have to build software with. So I think any methodology that does not account for these things must be incomplete.
There you have, in a nutshell, the problem with software engineering as a formal discipline: its stubborn refusal to admit the above, in the face of determined pushes to do so from the likes of Bill Curtis (who's been refused a Wikipedia entry because he's less notable than any number of porn stars) or Jerry Weinberg.
Dijkstra's view was that the limitations of the human mind are precisely the reason that software must be treated as mathematics and developed with mathematical rigour.
Note that this is the exact opposite of using the native architecture.
That depends on where the mathematics is done. Dijkstra's and Hoare's vision of programmers proving their own code correct with pencil and paper is unworkable. People cannot reliably do any sort of formal manipulation on paper, not even something as simple as making an exact copy of a document. The method can be exhibited on paper for toy examples, but everything works for toy examples. So what to do? Compare the method of writing machine code by developing a method of translating a higher-level language into machine code. This can be exhibited on paper for toy examples, but of course that is only for didactic purposes, and one writes a compiling program to actually do that work in production. This reduces the work of writing programs in machine code to the task of writing just one program in machine code, the compiler, and by bootstrapping techniques that can be reduced even further. The amount of mathematics carried out on the human side of the interface is greatly reduced. Similarly, proving things about programs has to be done automatically, or there's no point. We have to prove things about programs, because computing hardware and software is mathematics, whether we wish it to be or not. Software engineering is precisely the problem of how human beings, who cannot reliably do mathematics, can reliably instruct a mathematical machine to do what we want it to with mathematical reliability. I don't have any solutions, it just seems to me that this is how to describe the problem. How do we interface thought-stuff with machine-stuff?
Wow. An actual exception to "The compiler is never wrong!"
In this case, it's not clear that the compiler was really wrong. The results of a floating point calculation differed by a tiny amount, and it's possible that either was acceptable (I don't know how strict Java is about its floating point rules). The problem was that I was using the result as a hash key. But later, I was able to make the JVM reliably dump core (in different memory locations each time). Unfortunately, it was only under extremely heavy load, and I was never able to build a reduced test case.
Compilers do get things wrong. You may be interested in John Regehr's blog; he's essentially throwing cleverly-chosen "random" input at C compilers ("fuzz-testing"). The results are similar to those for other programs that have never been fuzzed, i.e. embarrassing.
And yet, in practice, when something is wrong with your code, it's always your own fault.
Well, your prior should be pretty high that it's your fault, unless you also wrote the compiler :) If you can do experiments to prove that there's a compiler bug, you learn something. If you jump straight to the compiler bug explanation instead of looking for the bug in your own code, you are resisting education, and the probability that all you are doing is delaying the lesson is the probability that the compiler is working correctly. This should be >>50% of the time or you need a better compiler!
The difference here is not so much in where you guess the bug is, as in whether you do the experiment. A very effective experiment is to take your program and chop out everything irrelevant until you have a short piece of code which demonstrates the bug. At this point, if it is a compiler bug, you have dense information to hand the compiler author; if it isn't a compiler bug, you're in a much better position to understand what's wrong with your code. However, one is often reluctant to apply this technique until one suspects a compiler bug, because it seems like a lot of work. And it is — but often less work than continuing to examine the bug with less radical tools, given that you're in the position where the notion of compiler bugs crosses your mind.
This is the second time in this thread that the analogy of software design as fiction writing has appeared, and I really quite like it. If it's not already popular, maybe it should be.
In my experience most user requirements documents are works of fantasy. It's our job as programmers to drag the genre closer to science fiction. Software testing is more like gritty hard-boiled detective fiction.
It's at least somewhat popular. I know that Paul Graham has often drawn comparisons between the two ideas.
You make me curious about your book, perhaps I'll read it. Thanks for the extensive answer. Could'nt agree more with what you're saying. I can see why this 'cost of change curve' actually might not exist at all. Made me wonder, I recently found a graph by Sommerville telling the exact story about these cost of change. I wonder what its source is for that graph .. ;)
I'm interested in your source for that graph. Googling a bit for stuff by Sommerville, I come across a pie chart for "distribution of maintenance effort" which has all the hallmarks of a software engineering meme: old study, derived from a survey (such self-reports are often unreliable owing to selection bias and measurement bias), but still held to be current and generally applicable and cited in many books even though more recent research casts doubt on it. Here's a neat quote from the linked paper (LST is the old study): I love it that 10% of managers can provide a survey response based on "no data". :)
I've read the paper you refer to, very interesting data indeed. The quote is one of five possible explenations of why the results differ so much, but it certainly is a good possibility. This post sparked my interest/doubt knob for now. I will question more 'facts' in the SE world from now on. About sommerville: Sommerville website: The book I refer to: You can download presentations of his chapters here: I have based my findings on the presentations now, since I haven't got the book nearby. You can look them up yourself (download the chapters from the above link). Chapter 7 says: Chapter 21, refers to Software Maintanance, claiming (might need to verify this as well? ;)) : Because I don't have the book nearby I cannot tell for certain where it was stated. But I was pretty certain it was stated in that book.
Far more than 10% of managers do that routinely. The interesting thing is that as many as 10% admitted it.

I think the appropriate way to study that system is a two-dimensional distribution (bug made,bug detected)->cost Using that (together with the frequency of the individual bins), it is possible to generate both graphs out of the same source. I know that this is more work to do ;).

See this paper (PDF), page 54, for one study that did this type of analysis, the only such that I'm currently aware of. If you're interested, you might want to graph the numerical results found there: you'll find that they totally fail to match up with the standard exponential curve. And, again, it's worth thinking about this for a moment to think about the processes that generate the data: you generally don't know that a bug has been introduced at the moment it's introduced (otherwise you'd fix it straightaway), so there is a lot of opportunity for measurement bias there. Similarly you don't always know how much a bug has cost, because there are many activities that make up the economic cost of defects: lost customers, support calls, figuring out the bug, figuring out the fix, changing the code, documenting things, training developers to avoid the bug in future... Which of these you coun't and don't count is rarely reported in the literature. It's not even clear that you can always tell unambiguously what counts as a "bug". The language in the industry is woefully imprecise.
Thanks for the link. The table shows another problem: Bugs introduced in different phases are different. How do you compare "1 bug" in the preliminary design with "1 bug" of the style "if(a=b)"? Plotting a column as graph can be interesting (which was done in the original paper?), plotting a row looks nearly pointless.
You don't know that a bug has been introduced when it was introduced, but once you fix it you can trace back to see when it was introduced.
And one thing that bugs me about these "studies" is precisely that they are all too vague as to exactly how (or even whether) they did this. It's difficult enough tracing faults back to the source code responsible for them: as every programmer knows, a fault may have multiple "sufficient causes", several places in the code that you could change to fix the behavior. It's not always the case that the line of code you change to fix the problematic behavior is the same line of code that introduced a defect. There is often a "bubble under the wallpaper" effect, a conservation of total bugginess, such that a "fix" in one place causes some other functional behavior to break. It's even more difficult to trace a defect in code back to a design decision or a design document: the causal pathways pass through one or more human brains (unless you're using code generation from design documents, in which case the latter count as high-level "code" in my view). Human brains are notoriously non-auditable, they are both extremely tolerant of ambiguity and extremely vulnerable to it, a mixture which causes no end of frustration in software development. The same arguments apply to "bugs in requirements", in spades. What exactly does a bug in requirements consist of, and is it even the same beast as a bug in the code? Requirements document have no behavior - there is no way to "test" them, and in one sense requirements are always correct. How could they be incorrect - if we define "requirements" as "whatever the actual code is going to be judged against"? If we don't define them that way, what is it that serves as a reference against which the requirements document will be judged correct or not, and why don't we call that the requirements? Any study of these phenomena needs to put forth what assumptions it operates under, and I have yet to see one empirical study which even attempted such a discussion.
You can often trace back to see when it was introduced prior to fixing it but after identifying the symptom. That's actually a useful debugging tactic.

Is there anything in software engineering that you rate positively, or would if anyone was doing it? Saying "this is bad" is easy, but what would be better (beyond merely saying "don't do these bad things")? Some have tried, notably Dijkstra (who you mention in a comment), and the whole functional programming tradition comes out of that, but why is it still notable and difficult to make a verifiably correct C compiler, and what would have to happen to make such a thing the obvious, no-brainer thing to do?

Some authors have bravely tried to address what I identify as the key issue, which was briefly discussed: acknowledging that software is thought-stuff and that knowledge about the human mind is hugely relevant. Then there's the entire topic of "Agile" which is (as of today) even more lacking than software engineering, when considered as a discipline, but which I believe has the potential to get out of the rut where software engineering is stuck, because it's less committed to its current institutions and ideologies, and more committed to getting results. I think it's difficult to make a correct C compiler because C is more or less assembler in fancy clothes, and as such it's a language burdened with a lot of contigent history of human decisions about processor architectures. It's easier to make a Lisp interpreter, except that because of this contingent history you can't have Lisp all the way down, and at some point it becomes hard to make a verifiably correct whatever-it-is that connects the neatly mathematical and elegant formulation to the next layer of implementation down. This is speculation, but making a "fresh start" from the level of logic gates on up might be the only way to no longer have this problem.