Interested in donating to existential risk reduction efforts? Would you like to exchange career information with like-minded others? Then you should consider the Existential Risk Reduction Career Network! ("X Risk Network" for those short on time.) From the front page of the website:

"This network is for anyone interested in donating substantial amounts (relative to income) to non-profit organizations focused on the reduction of existential risk, such as SIAIFHI, and the Lifeboat Foundation. [...] We are a community of people assisting each other to increase our resources available for contribution. Members discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different careers, network, share advice on job applications and career advancement, assist others with finding interviews, and occasionally look for qualified individuals to hire from within the network."

For more details, including on the process of requesting invitations, head on over to the front page at

Keep in mind that the network is for students as well, not just those currently on the job market. The network also has discussion of long term job strategy, school admissions, and intern possibilities.

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People keep mentioning Lifeboat Foundation on lists of x-risk nonprofits, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything useful. If it's indeed as worthless as it appears, it would be a good idea to avoid mentioning it on such lists. If it's not worthless, what does it do except for collecting lists of people on its endless "boards" and lists of things those people publish?

That's a good point, thanks. Even if they do some good by prestige, I don't know of anyone who suggests donating to them. I'll update the front page.

According to their website, they seem to be collecting money to build a NanoShield™. What, are you connected to the insidious anti-NanoShield™ lobby?

They seem to be trying to increase the prestige of x-risk reduction.

I'm unsure how to evaluate them relative to other groups that are doing direct work on x-risk. If I recall correctly, some people I respect are on some of their "boards," though I'm also unsure what to conclude from that.

They seem to be trying to increase the prestige of x-risk reduction.

What does that mean, specifically? As thomblake points out, some of the things they've associated with themselves are simultaneously ridiculous and useless, not prestigious. (They might appeal to fuzzy feelings of some people associated with futurism, in the manner of curing rare diseases in (fictional) kittens, and this way draw some funding their way.)

some people I respect are on some of their "boards," though I'm also unsure what to conclude from that

This seems to be the main source of power for this organisation: they invite people to their "boards", which has no apparent cost to neither those people nor the organization, and association with those people then draws both donations and further people for the "boards".

how long should it take for someone to reply after you send in a message requesting an invite?